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DON’T READ THIS .... The Reader

DON’T READ THIS .... The Reader
June 01, 2019 03:06PM
unless you can stand some insight into what is happening at Barnes Pneumatic daily. You don’t owe me a read. However; these are 100% honestly things I’m told I need to address. Now, the words may go to the “nut” of a five paragraph communication ... but these are what is met. Many present an end question of “how?” That’s left to me to figure out daily. I’m not being silly. I’ve had a series of these arise lately. They always do when you are feeling your worst and working your hardest.

1. Make God heal you, so you can be like when I met you

2. Make your Doctors heal you, so you can be the Gary I insist that you be

3. Make your business more successful, so you can satisfy me

4. Make yourself immune to pain, so you can work harder

5. Don’t make allow yourself to get hurt when in severe pain, be careful now; but keep working

6. Don’t allow a heckler to effect your concentration and get you hurt

7. Don’t allow a Migraine to effect your mood and get you hurt

8. Be fun, but not so fun that everyone thinks you are all better now

9. Sound truely sick, but in a fun way

10. Don’t worry about your taxes

11. Sleep well, in spite of everything, and everyone

12. Be creative ... quickly

13. Make enough money now, (while in severe pain), to support today AND catch up on yesterday (when you got behind due to less pain).

14. Make people happy, who have someone egging them on to be mad.

15. Ask for empathy from people who only want to recite the passage of time

16. Maintain Faith, when chronic pain throws broken bottles in your path

17. Show your friends appreciation, when you need 60 hour days

18. Convince people that being here “IS” being available

19. Convince people that posting 13,075 posts “IS” updating them

20. Ask people to read between the lines a little bit (i.e. - if I’ve been doing this, I haven’t been doing that)

21. Generate a little appreciation that I continue to press forward.

22. Have people realize that my wife is living thru my hell and trying to support me. Please don’t make her job worse

23. Have people realize that haunting me is just spraying everyone with hatred

24. Asking people to thank God for their blessings, and keep “me” in perspective. Even though I’m an easy target

25. Ask people who SHARE those people who do amazing things “in spite of disabilities”, to realize that I am one

26. Realize that if I become a bitter old man who’s mad at God and the world, it won’t make me a better, faster, friend

When I started using my skills to make things people said they would enjoy, I didn’t plan the current freeze frame. I’ve adapted to every wet slimy fish I’ve been slapped in the face with. I’d just ask that you take half a step back, let the man breathe, be a friend if you can, and not ruin what’s left for everyone.

Thank you
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