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Barnes Challenge Coins! FOR SALE - (and order) bullhorn

Barnes Challenge Coins! FOR SALE - (and order) bullhorn
April 15, 2016 11:20PM
Barnes Challenge Coins are Struck from Solid Copper. Please remove any "How It's Made" episodes on Coins with machines running like fast machine guns. My coins are Hand Crafted using Machines, Dies, Presses, Tooling which I made Myself. I hand engraved the Reverse Dies. There are about 7-9 major steps in minting the Coin, including knowing when and how to anneal the material.

I've studied the net. Anything similar to these are smaller for more money.

The Smaller Molon Labe Coin is $35. Bright or Antiqued.

The Larger Coins are $50.


I will take orders for these. I will add new Icons regularly. Please Collect Some, and share them.


I add these "Antiqued Versions". Same price for now.


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/18/2016 03:22AM by barnespneumatic.
Re: Barnes Challenge Coins! FOR SALE - (and order) bullhorn
April 15, 2016 11:35PM
As you can understand, I'm not specifying "an individual" coin. You will recieve a nearly identical coin to these representative coins. I make each one at a time. If you want the large Pirate Skeleton Coin, for instance; you can drop a marker here - or PM my account here.

I'm sure everyone knows I've been casting about for unique things to generate some "Coin" while I work on other matters. I really like this. Remember the Copper Cuffs are still Alive. Remember the Bright Aluminum Jewelry. We are trying to get you to think of me when family special events and Holidays come up. Maybe collect a few fun things - "just because". Perhaps - "Support Old Artists" as a special interest group project. Just say'n whistling


We made an effort to keep it simple, so we will absorb the postage.

The coins are made from .093" or 3/32" solid stock. They make a "real" serious coin. This isn't just a sheet foil coin. The Copper is new material. It will oxidize and achieve the typical brown iridescent patina, unless rubbed or polished regularly. If you just want a "Worry Coin" in your pocket, or a Coin to "Flip" with your Purple Fur Fedora, these are Purrrrfect!!!


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/16/2016 01:06AM by barnespneumatic.
Re: Barnes Challenge Coins! FOR SALE - (and order) bullhorn
April 16, 2016 02:35PM
Ok I'm going to go out in different direction here . I would like the BPS with ship on it but..... I don't want it for myself . I want you to send it to Julio from me . I enjoy Julio posts and meeting him & talking at the skeeter shoot . I chose the ship coin because he lives near/ on the water . There is however one stipulation . I know what a great person he is and he will want to reciprocate but he / you can not send me a coin from him .

Ps . I will put the funds in the mail the week of 4/18/16 !take a bow

Re: Barnes Challenge Coins! FOR SALE - (and order) bullhorn
April 20, 2016 11:40AM
Hello Kurt,

Thanks for the Challenge Coin. The one with the ship is the one that I like the most. Thanks again for this detail. I do appreciate your friendship and really hope to see you again in the near future at the next BPS Shoot.


Re: Barnes Challenge Coins! FOR SALE - (and order) bullhorn
April 20, 2016 01:09PM
Re: Barnes Challenge Coins! FOR SALE - (and order) bullhorn
April 20, 2016 03:12PM
Hello julio
Your very welcome . The ship coin is my favorite too ! There is a boat load of detail in that coin too . I thought ( don't tell Gary ) if the pirate coin was soldered on the back of the ship coin it would be way cool . But he's way to busy for all that .

I hope to see you at the next shoot , if we're both able to make it .

Your friend

Re: Barnes Challenge Coins! FOR SALE - (and order) bullhorn
April 23, 2016 03:35AM
Bringing Forward
Re: Barnes Challenge Coins! FOR SALE - (and order) bullhorn
April 16, 2016 06:03PM
Since we've seen testimony on the other thread noting that challenge coins can and are awarded for laudable achievement, I'll purchase the ~35mm Molon Labe coin, to be awarded and sent off to Jerrys son Tim, of Surefire Casting fame. He's put in the time and effort to learn the secrets of making and selling some excellent quality cast slugs, a service that I really appreciated even if he's moved on to other things. And as with Kurt, "no tag-backs".

P.S. Kurt, I'd have tagged you, but Gary hasn't made one with a snow shovel on it yet. grinning smiley

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/16/2016 06:07PM by rotorhead.
Re: Barnes Challenge Coins! FOR SALE - (and order) bullhorn
April 16, 2016 06:28PM
Very commendable, Sean. Thank you. We will do it.

Goodie Goodie, they will bring a smile. Excellent!

Re: Barnes Challenge Coins! FOR SALE - (and order) bullhorn
April 16, 2016 08:08PM
Way Cool, Gary !!

I'll take one of the Molon Labe and one of the pirate ship ones !!!

Just let me know when I need to send the $ and how (?paypal - I forget...because I'm old)
Re: Barnes Challenge Coins! FOR SALE - (and order) bullhorn
April 16, 2016 10:17PM
Thanks Joebill,

I made these today, in the cracks between. I'm lovin' it!

Thank you for getting a couple.

I can make any of them in the Copper or Antique.

None are "Polished". They are "As Struck". Great Crisp detail.


Any pay method is fine. We do take Pay Pal, if you'd like. We also recently got the "Cube" for Credit Cards ... But we're not quite ready yet. Check is good. We just do NOT ACCEPT Barnes Coins.

Re: Barnes Challenge Coins! FOR SALE - (and order) bullhorn
April 16, 2016 10:36PM
Haha - you mean these coins are not legal tender????more innocent

I like the antique patina a lot - I'll take my 2 done that way, thanks

what is your Paypal address?
Re: Barnes Challenge Coins! FOR SALE - (and order) bullhorn
April 16, 2016 11:57PM
I'll confirm and PM you Bill.

I don't spend money - just try to make it. Can't recall the darned code .....

Thanks. Glad you like them. (Treasure Chest Extra).

Re: Barnes Challenge Coins! FOR SALE - (and order) bullhorn
April 19, 2016 12:33AM
Hmmm...now that I look at it more closely, one of the skeleton pirates might not have his boot properly buckled. Might be a tripping hazard, they'll report you to OSHA since his work environment isn't safe enough. winking smiley
Re: Barnes Challenge Coins! FOR SALE - (and order) bullhorn
April 16, 2016 11:43PM
Sean thanks for thinking of me .No shoveing here yay ! It's 74 deg and beautiful here . The TV says 3 days in a row of 70+ and I hear mosquito planes flying over head . You know it's summer when you hear the planes . I still have a little flood water in my property and they come so close you hear the pellets hitting my roof .

I can't believe the detail on the pirate ship ! Even 2 flags on top stand out .

Thanks for sharing

Re: Barnes Challenge Coins! FOR SALE - (and order) bullhorn
April 16, 2016 11:53PM

You noticed the flags. You note anything there that I've done correctly and a rookie might easily mess up?

Re: Barnes Challenge Coins! FOR SALE - (and order) bullhorn
April 19, 2016 01:34PM
Hey - nobody answered my challenge regarding the flags atop the masts. No comments? What - are Ye a bunch of land lubbers??? AHRRRrrrrrrrrr.....
Re: Barnes Challenge Coins! FOR SALE - (and order) bullhorn
April 19, 2016 01:45PM
The flags and sails are in correct direction for the ship to go forwards with the prevailing winds . I don't see any Jolly Roger though ! Haha

Re: Barnes Challenge Coins! FOR SALE - (and order) bullhorn
April 19, 2016 02:17PM
Hi Kurt!

Excellent!!!! We have a winner!!!

90%+ of Artists would draw the flags trailing off to the rear of the ship. As if the flags were on a Motorcycle going down the road.

However!! These ships are being "driven by" the wind. The wind blows, fills the sails, and the ship moves "in the direction of" the wind. The flags are thus blown, by the wind, in the same direction. It actually looks backwards, partly because you have seen it wrong, on so many paintings. thumbs up. (A bit of Artist trivia there). wink

Re: Barnes Challenge Coins! FOR SALE - (and order) bullhorn
April 19, 2016 10:47PM
Up here the tide ranges quite a bit, 15-20 feet per day difference between high and low, more in the spring tides. It's pretty common in the smaller fishing communities to have a "grid" attached to the dock, where they've got timbers that can support a heavy boat set just above the median tide range. You pull your boat in at high tide and tie it up to the vertical pilings so it won't fall over when the water goes out. Most guys have to slosh around setting cribbage and chocks, unless their hull is meant to set upright when it goes dry. The guys with shallower draft can get a few extra hours if they bolt extra blocks to the grid at the low tide before they want to work on their boat, but it gets pretty busy as fishing season approaches. It's cheaper than having your boat hauled out onto the dry, but you'd better have things sealed up when the water comes back!
Re: Barnes Challenge Coins! FOR SALE - (and order) bullhorn
April 19, 2016 10:00AM
I'm no stranger to the tall ships . They are fascinating to me ALL the craftsmanship . There is a tall ship festival of sorts in Baycity a town near me . HMS Bounty used to be docked and regularly offered tours . It was a repro of course but ... I believe it sank during hurricane Sandy !I think you can even apply to work ( for free ) and I mean work on one and go out to sea . I think them old wooden ships are a full time job keeping up . A younger man would enjoy it I believe .

I've often thought about a light house tender job . Being from Michigan we have hundreds of lighthouses that offer people to work for the summer . I imagine a lot of scraping paint and grass cutting . On my honeymoon my wife and I toured lighthouses and had good times . The one I remember best was a bed and breakfast but all origional except for light was electric now instead of oil . To get the flashing action there was a lens hooked to a chain weighted pull system similar to a cuckoo clock. The lens would spin around the flame creating a flash effect .There was a slot in every floor all the way down to the basement to house the super long chains and weight . The tender had to keep oil / kerosene lamp lite and wind the lens mechanism . And oh YA keep a path shoveled from tower to house to oil storage thru the long Lake Superior winters ..
What a job !


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/19/2016 10:16AM by kurt wag.
Re: Barnes Challenge Coins! FOR SALE - (and order) bullhorn
April 19, 2016 02:02PM
Hi Kurt!

Lighthouse Keeper huh? Bet ya wouldn't have too many Jehovah's Witnesses dropping by. Hummmm

Then again, when the cable goes out, and your net is down, might be a while til you get a repairman. Oh no!!! No Rendezvous Forum!!!! Horrors!!!! excited

You really have to have your head on tight to spend THAT much time alone. Course, guess you can bring along you light house little lady. Somebody has to remind you to change your socks ...

The buildings are quite interesting. It is amazing that they built wooden ones. I'd think they'd all be masonry, but I guess getting enough materials on site would be difficult. Mixing enough mortar to build a lighthouse would take a busy crew.

Those huge glass lenses are amazing too.

One of the "Seven Wonders of the World" is a bigger than life lighthouse that existed ..... ah ..... I forget. Not at Rhodes too, was it? Joebill??? Anyway, was to have had inclined spiral ramp inside, to allow donkeys to pack wood for the firelight at the top. Now THAT'S a lighthouse!!!!

Thanks Kurt.

Oh - tall ships. Amazing pieces of work. What amazing projects to build something like that. And, the maintenance was amazing. They'd know where tides rose and fell to large differences. They'd beach the ships. Prop the sides as the tide receded. Let the ship high and dry on the sand. Then they had X number of hours to to their repair before the tide floated the ship again. AND, they hoped like heck, that no "unfriendly" appeared on the horizon while their ship was beached and totally helpless!

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