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Airgun Completed & Fishing

Airgun Completed & Fishing
July 06, 2012 06:02PM

I finished my airguns as far as I will for summer. Time to relax and shoot. Went to my brother-in- law's this past Saturday and let my nephews shoot the homemade and my Airforce. They enjoyed it a lot.


After 2 years of not having gone fishing I finally went to my parents trailer at the lake. They have had it for 5 years and thought it was about time to see it. Took my wife, sister in law and her son. He is 9, and caught the first Northern Pike at 29.5", my dad followed with a 34" Pike. I had lots of strikes, and then felt like I snagged weeds. I reeled in the line and felt some tugging. Then saw this nice huge Pike. Finally got it into the net. Measured and weight it, 38.5" and 14 lbs! My biggest ever. Was lots of fun, time to get back into fishing. Hope to get my air rifles up there next time, sounds like the owner does gopher shooting so hope to havea go at it.

Was the only fish for me, dad caught 4 and nephew 6 in total.


Have a good week.

Re: Airgun Completed & Fishing
July 06, 2012 09:27PM
Looks great Pedro. Hope you enjoy it. Looks like a handy design. Well done.

Not a bad fish either!!! Wow. fish

Sitting out in the woods on my tractor. Ahhh ... Contentment. Haha

Re: Airgun Completed & Fishing
July 07, 2012 06:14PM
Hi Gary,

Speaking of contentment. Wife got into Pinterest. Lots of artsy, decorative, girly stuff. You can get it as an app on your iphone. Basically like google images. Anyway, some nice pics on it and found this posted.
Been thinking of it a lot last few days.


Most of us make more money in 1 day working than the average person in India working a whole month ($75 USD monthly). Granted our cost of living is higher, but we have a lot of disposable income if we are careful with our money.

Being content is one of the hardest things in todays society. All comes down to balance. Its nice to have new things, but when it comes down to it, what are you willing to sacrifice for it. Working lots of hours to pay off debts for "we need it now" stuff or being patient and saving.

I look at my own life and admit I am not as careful sometimes as I should. Tools are my weakness at times. But since married almost 5 years ago, we haven't bought any new furniture, no new cars as from our "youthful" days, we are paying off consumer debts. Almost done and good thing, our cars are getting old. One just blew a head gasket and the other is becoming money pit. Recently put in $800, $300 was for nothing because the air conditioning broke down again.

I had a friend tell me yesterday, he "fired his suppliers". He appraises houses for a living. There is such a large demand for that service, he was working 100 + hours weekly. His health, family and church are all suffering and he is only 30 years old. He realized that he can work 40 hour weeks and rely on God to provide. Not to be be worried about having loads of money saved for the future. He seems much happier lately and not as frequently "sick" .

Sorry a little off topic, just thought I would share it what has been on my mind last few days.

Enjoy your weekend,

Re: Airgun Completed & Fishing
July 06, 2012 11:27PM
That is one great lookin piece of craftsmanship Pedro i especially like the choice of horizontal wood grain on the pistol grip. It makes it look like its goin fast!!! (stream lined) Is that all your own design? it looks very futuristic but traditional if thats possible. The bolt looks very large in the breach bet you can stuff a big hunk o lead in there yeha keep up a good work and the fish wow looks like a whopper . In Michigan here there is a refuge where we just had a large fire( Seney ) where they let you catch and keep all northern pike cause of the baby ducks they consume anyways good job keep on plinkin or kersplating which ever the case may be

Re: Airgun Completed & Fishing
July 07, 2012 09:21AM
A nicely executed project there, what caliber is it? Not a bad looking fish either, there's some pretty big teeth on a pike that big!
Re: Airgun Completed & Fishing
July 07, 2012 05:11PM

Outstanding work on the gun. Refresh my memory; what caliber?

Nice fish, I could make a weeks worth of dinner out of it.woodsman


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/07/2012 05:13PM by Bigbore.
Re: Airgun Completed & Fishing
July 07, 2012 05:28PM
Added more details following your message.

Fillets were huge and thick on the Northern Pike. I had wanted to put it back in the water but the fish wouldn't revive. Locals said that the big fish rarely come to if out of the water for a bit, had only been about 5 minutes, most are good for 20 min. The three fish we caught that morning have provided a lot of fillets so will be BBQ and frying for awhile smiling smiley

Re: Airgun Completed & Fishing
July 07, 2012 05:23PM
The basic design is based on Mr. Buckley's reservoir design in his last book.


What I did was took his design and modified a lot of it to incorporate the look of a Crosman CP Sport pistol.


Combining the two and working through a few concepts until I myself was pleased with the design.

Barrell is .22 Caliber, German made, from Mac1 Airguns. Tank is JDS Airman 3000psi with a 1400 PSI regulator. Been averaging 720-730 FPS with Crosman .22 Hollowpoints. Not sure if I open up the airways if I can get more velocity from 1400 psi, but for targets and gopher shooting easily has enough power. I did build two rifles and waiting for funds to purchase one more airtank with a 2800 psi regulator to determine the final power this design can achieve.

Still need to sand and polish the aluminum once more. Thought I would use it all summer first, see how it performs and worry about detailing it after. Nephews really enjoyed shooting it and seems to be fairly accurate even for a 9 year olds.




I let nephews shoot for awhile and I did the last target. Didn't measure the feet or yards, estimating about 70-80 feet.
Was hoping to go target shooting today, but have a terrible headache.

Enjoy your weekend and to quote Crosman "Take it outside"!

Re: Airgun Completed & Fishing
July 07, 2012 08:30PM
Cool!cool smiley
Re: Airgun Completed & Fishing
July 10, 2012 11:42PM
Wonderful work there Pedrog! So nice to see the kids enjoying it. That has to give you a warm fuzzy feeling!
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