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Re: A Long Range Session (Corsair .308) part 1 of 4

A Long Range Session (Corsair .308) part 1 of 4
July 17, 2011 06:37AM
For a while now, i've been wanting to sight my big bores (especially the Corsair) in at 100 yards. I've also wanted to do a couple of long range videos with not only my big bores but also with a couple of my small bores just to show some of the REACH and ACCURACY that the modern day airgun is capable of. So this weekend i figured, "WHY NOT, NOW IS AS GOOD A TIME AS ANY TO GET STARTED". Since the forecast called for a calm morning but rising winds in the late morning to afternoon, i would start with the big bores. The Corsair is up first in this 4 part series.

While the morning started off as planned, throughout the shoot, i had encountered a POI shift that for some strange reason i did not catch while out in the field. During the shooting/filming, the POI had shifted upwards all of a sudden and the gun would not group as tight as it had been previously doing. I was later (at home) to find out the CLAMP on the rear scope ring had come out of the dovetail somehow and that would later explain why my POI shifted upwards during certain parts of the shoot. After tightening down the scope ring when i got home, i also installed another scope that i had lying around just to take "a broken scope" out of the equation the next time i go shooting.

The Session: As stated in the video, long range to ME with an airgun is anything from 75 yards to infinity. And infinity is a word that can be determined by the shooter. My max range is 200 yards as i can easily accomplish this range with my scope settings and mil-dots but reaching out further like 250-300 or even 400 yards usually requires too much scope adjustment than i'd be willing to play with. I like to be able to use the cross hairs for one distance (100 yards) then follow the mil-dots for the extended ranges (125 up to 200 yards) without having to adjust my scope turrets up and down. So, in this video, my ranges are from 91 yards out to 200 yards. As i started the sight in, i decided to do 2 shots per fill then top off and make the necessary elevation adjustments. REMEMBER, BIG BORE AIR GUNS ARE NOT DESIGNED TO GIVE MAXIMUM SHOTS PER FILL BUT TO GIVE MAXIMUM POWER FOR THE FIRST SHOT OR TWO. I was quite surprised to see that at 100 yards, i was putting both bullets in the same hole. Needless to say, its very satisfying to see your first shot land on the paper then your second shot makes the 1st hole just a tad larger...lol. Here are a few pics of me moving the POI into position to start shooting the "REACTIVE" targets:

First 2 shots on paper were the 155 gr Flat Points that i cast

2nd, i make a little elevation adjustment and shoot the 148.5 gr HP's. These are among my favorite bullets in this gun and what i shoot the most

3rd, i top off to 3700 psi by accident but i shoot for a group anyways. My guns sweet spot is 3500-3600 psi. 3-148.5 gr HP's

Purpose of MY long range shooting sessions: Removing "TAKING GAME at extended ranges" out of the equation, the purpose is to show what the modern day airgun is capable of accuracy and power wise. Airguns, in the eyes of many shooters/consumers are still considered not very powerful and are often sneered at by the unknowing and while they are certainly NOT powder burners many of them can and will completely pass through WALLS, FENCES, GARAGE DOORS, CAR DOORS, ANIMALS, 2 x 4's, 4 x 4's, smash heavy cinder blocks, shoot out to 600+ yards, and the list goes on and on. The plate that i'm shooting at in the video is 1/8" thick stainless steel and the Corsair still manages to FOLD it at 50 yards and crater it at 100-200 yards using soft lead bullets. So much so that after ever session, i have to bang out the craters with my 8lb sledge hammer using a lot of force. Those dents do not come out easy but the Corsair sure puts them in easily...lol. At 100+ yards, upon impact, the bullets TOTALLY explode and you can only find lead shards near the target.

I love long range shooting and i love it even more with airguns. Despite having scope ring issues during filming, i was still very impressed with the gun as that session proves what i've thought all along. With good ammo and a good gun, a some practice (lol...i still need some), accurate long range shooting with an airgun is very possible and fun. Enjoy the video:


STAY TUNED for 3 more sessions!!!
Session 2: Long range with the Jack Haley 457
Session 3: Long range with the Theoben Rapid 25
Session 4: Long range session with either my 20 cal Logun Solo or the Crosmods Disco .22
Re: A Long Range Session (Corsair .308) part 1 of 4
July 17, 2011 02:25PM

You are going to get a TV show if you keep this up! Very nice video. In fact, you have too much content there for a 30 minute show with commercials. smiling smiley

That was some really fine shooting. Especially during the sight-in. Repeated hole in hole at 100 yards is a big deal, you have certainly found the balance point for two sweet shots.

Have you figured out how the scope ring base came loose? Maybe just not quite tight enough when installed? The good thing is the front ring held the windage just fine after the rear base popped up. That means the bases are on an accurate line, aligned with the bore and the scoped isn't getting tweaked when everything is tight.
Re: A Long Range Session (Corsair .308) part 1 of 4
July 18, 2011 01:30AM
Hello Cedric,

Amazing video and production work. Jerry is correct ... you have a better Cable TV show than I watch. You need to throw a fit once in a while though ... hahah. Maybe work in some stressful menace that's gonna eat us if you can't pull it off! excited hahah.

Hey - I'm amazed you could hit a boulder if your rear scope mount jumped it's dovetail! That's pretty serious in the aiming dept. Just in the case it's too obvious ... to be obvious ... some scope mount claws are very blunt. Might be that they are not suited to the cut of your dovetails. Just a thought.

Great work. Great shooting.

Re: A Long Range Session (Corsair .308) part 1 of 4
July 19, 2011 03:18AM
Jerry and GB. 1st, thank you guys for watching and thanx for your continued support.

GB you got it. These particular rings have a pretty blunt CLAW. I could have sworn i tightened them very well last time but??????? When i got home i looked at the scope ring clamps and i could visibly see the REAR clamp was not flush in the tiny little dovetails like the front ring was. I removed the top of the scope rings and removed the scope then placed my left thumb inside the rings "SADDLE" and pushed down steadily with my thumb as i loosend the 2 clamp screws...i could then hear and feel the scope ring clamp snap down inside the dovetail. I also think the dovetails are super tight on this gun. Not very much room in there. Now wonder everybody likes WEAVER bases more than dovetails......HINT HINT HINT GB.....lol
Re: A Long Range Session (Corsair .308) part 1 of 4
July 19, 2011 04:15AM
Well, Cedric ...

I'll be glad to make that right. I must have cut those dovetails too shallow. Must be the pain ... Ohhhwwwlll.

Oh ... wait ... look and see if you can find "Barnes" written on those dovetails anyplace ... whistling heheh.

You need to get some rings that use a steel claw. Those are usually sharp and thin. Actually, they are usually on cheap rings too. Many of the aluminum rings are blunt as your big toe.

Green bowing
Re: A Long Range Session (Corsair .308) part 1 of 4
July 21, 2011 06:56AM
LOL....GB, if i didn't know any better, i would swear there is a HINT in your comment somewhere (Oh ... wait ... look and see if you can find "Barnes" written on those dovetails anyplace ... whistling heheh.

I wonder every so much what you could mean.......lol. Thats ok, one day, A GB gun will be mine.
Anonymous User
Re: A Long Range Session (Corsair .308) part 1 of 4
July 24, 2011 03:49AM
Great video Cedric, man you put some effort into that. Like Gary said, your making productions man. I'm going back now to look at the rest.
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