american made
October 26, 2011 05:48PM
well, my walmart coffee maker just craped out so out of curiosity i checked briefly online to see if any machines were made in the good ol US. a brief search revealed to me that no such makers exist. not really trying to start a rant but would like to know what products... off the top of your head are still made here, other than air rifles. with the economy the way it is i'd like to do my part and support the local guy but not those mega national conglomerates. i've searched for lists of such companies but i'm not too sure of the source.
Re: american made
October 27, 2011 02:53PM
I'd love to make you a coffee maker, Steve ... but I'm just booked up. grinning smiley

Briefly, here's my understanding of the reasons so few things are made here:

1). Permits.
2). Liscensing.
3). Environmental Impact studies.
4). Law suits against right to work states.
5). Collective bargining agreements which companies could not meet.
6). Funding of those union pensions which proved unsustainable.
7). Corporate taxes far higher than most industrial countries.
8). Inspections and oversight.

Just to name a few. If you get through all that ... you get to compete against countries which do not have to meet those terms ... use cheap labor ... and even subsidize their industries in order to capture greater world market share.

Good luck.

Therefore; American companies find help setting up shop elsewhere, and then import their cheap product to a willing buyer (who cannot afford the required price the above limitations impose).

That's why you can buy a Walmart coffee maker three times a week, if needed, and never miss the cost. If you find the build quality you like - and it's American made ... you will have to finance it.

You asked. grinning smiley

Re: american made
October 27, 2011 03:27PM
man... did i. thanks for the summation Gary. I guess this country is truly doomed. when everyone has there hand out .. the 100k a year pension .. some bureacrat's 150k salary.... on and on. when your freed up... how much for a coffee maker with on/off? no timer neededsmiling smiley We need some more cottage industry!
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