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June 27, 2013 08:18PM
Just for the record.

The "Improvers" have ruined just about everything that ever existed. This menace of UPDATES has gotten completely out of control. It nags you to death ... and when you don't YIELD it simply takes over your computer and changes whatever it wants to do. When you FINALLY get to use the machine you paid for again ... it wants you to SET UP you NEW this or that. No choices.

They have completely gone over the cliff. It's a shame. It's ruined the experience.

Not that anybody cares ... but this consumer is disgusted.

June 28, 2013 10:26AM
I feel your pain Gary !! I run a machine that processes structural shapes . Beams,channel angle and a lot of the programming that we use comes from the BiM (building in models ). and there is about 6 transfers from the detail ng department till it comes to the tiny little wires to the shop. each one of the programs have to work with each other a type of conversion until I download into the machine I operate .You wanna talk about updates

June 30, 2013 05:46AM
It's madness Kurt.

I have two nagging me as I work. They want to update daily - something - anything. Anything that works now - they want to update.

July 13, 2013 08:58PM

I think it will only get worse! Contant updates on iphone, software on computer. I realize that bugs need to be fixed, but sometimes get so many from one program it makes you wonder!

Seems lately that unless you are running newer Windows 7 and up, the XP is sure slowing down. Might only be my computer, but weird how it affects both my laptop and desktop. At work the desktop runs fast easier with 7.

But technology is coming to the point where we cannot do without in many areas. You can use some to your advantage and others are over used.

Reminds me of this saying from Einstein.


See this a lot, both young and old.

July 14, 2013 04:17AM
Hi Pedro,
Doesn't matter what you are running - they plaque you for updates. And then, plague to you "set up" the updates they force fed. And - read any of the pre-checked boxes ... and they will tell you that "in order to help you - or some crap - they will send SOME SITES you visit back to Mother to check out. The whole thing is a crock to data mine. Go to a site on changing the tire on wheelbarrows ... and tonight you will be getting stuff claiming Ebay has the cheapest air to put into your wheelbarrow tires.
Kelly is running Windows 8 - hates it. I've used it some - hate it. It's a lame attempt to "Look Apple". You bounce everything off the side rails to make stuff appear. There isn't even a POWER BUTTON!!! You have to bounce up a menu and Choose one The whole experience is so lousy compared to 10-15 years ago. And you are hunted down like an escaped convict - 24/7.
Other then THAT - it's all cherries! haahah
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