Being Sick - old wifves tale
February 06, 2015 01:38AM
So having been sick for a week again I decided to see a doctor. Doctor checked for strep throat and it came back negative. He asked what I wanted to do, asked him what he meant. He asked if I you wanted antibodies? I told him my understanding was that it wasn't a good idea to go on antibodies once again as I was 4 weeks early. He agreed that it lowers your immune system. Doc said best thing to do is suffer through it! Wonder why he offered to provide meds in the first place if he knew it wasn't a good idea???

Wednesday a guy at work told of a home remedy for flu. Peel an onion and cut it in half. Story goes back to 1919 when a doctor discovered it from a farming family who rarely had the flu. Story easily found on Internet. I googled it and some claim it works and doctors say it doesn't. I tried it and as far as I am concerned it stunk up the house with no healing affect. I think eating an onion would have more health benefits then leaving it out to "absorb" the flu as the tale goes.

Interestly the practice of cutting onions goes back to 1500's. Anyone else ever hear of this?

Sinuses going crazy tonight. Hope it's a sign the flu is leaving smiling smiley

Thanks for reading.

Re: Being Sick - old wifves tale
February 06, 2015 05:40AM
Hi Pedro,

Sorry you are feeling lousy. It is a bummer. You can catch up on reading and napping though. As you get older - a nap will become a nice luxury. haha.

If I were to guess ... I'd say the Onion had to do with the Placebo Effect. Getting the mind on something else. Performing some sort of ritual. Generating a mild sense of expectation.

I have one for you. Based upon my considerable experience, I give this one an 87.5% chance of completely curing you. Obtain a sheet of paper - white, 8 1/2 by 11", and a Black Ultra Fine Sharpie. The paper must be exactly this size, you may have to cut it from a larger sheet. The Sharpie must be black Permanent Ink. Place the sheet of paper on a flat surface, so that sunlight shines thru a window onto the paper, at precisely 3 PM. Once each day, for four days ... draw a straight vertical line, exactly 3 cm long. Draw these side by side. On day five, draw a diagonal line - across the other four lines - from top right to bottom left. Repeat this entire procedure 2 times. Once complete, if you have properly performed the tasks, you will be cured. bowing -- Far East

God Bless,
Re: Being Sick - old wifves tale
February 06, 2015 02:20PM
Thanks I may just try the white sheet and drawing lines. I have seen that trick in movies, typically jail cells!!

I don't want to get to give strokes, want to be at get to two lol

Thanks for the reply!
Re: Being Sick - old wifves tale
April 11, 2015 01:35AM
A doctor I know would give this a 95% chance for cure if completed as described. Its almost guaranteed!

Re: Being Sick - old wifves tale
April 12, 2015 10:39PM
Really Scott?

Amazing ... An 8 1/2% increase over my estimate! It's the 3pm alignment of the Sun, isn't it? I've always suspected so ...

Re: Being Sick - old wifves tale
February 21, 2015 02:08PM
I somehow missed this post, hilarious! Thanks for the pick me up.
Re: Being Sick - old wifves tale
February 22, 2015 02:47AM

Did you follow the instructions? Did you feel better at the end of the treatment?

grinning smiley

Hope you are feeling well now.

Sal .... now you are wise to this ancient cure! Use it carefully. It's powerful medicine!

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