Re: A BUNCH of Pictures!
October 12, 2017 07:18PM
Hello Jeff,

Thank you.
And I'm sorry to hear you have been down. First - to hear a friend hurts. I continue to wish you the best. Second, because I know what comes with long time pain/ailments. It allows people the permission they need, to simply dismiss you. All those memes you see about how you need to cut out the dead wood and the needy people ... or the ones that bring you down ..... I'd say about 80% of people think that's a great idea. Yep. Just keep the fun ones. Keep the ones who are permanently at the start of a laugh. The downers had a chance to be happy .... heck .... they probably screwed it up themselves.

Hey .... do you all know that Jeff has been in Law Enforcement his whole working life. What a thankless job that is. I'll take my hat off to ya Jeff. Let me buy you a cup of tea. Just go into any restaurant and tell them to put it on my tab. They all know me. Haha.

I know what life can become Jeff. I always suggest that people never allow themselves to be in an accident. Never get sick. If you do get sick ... make it a dramatic trendy version with visible braces, and then arrange a speedy heroic recovery. Immediately climb a Mountain afterwards! For goodness sake, don't contract a lingering invisible condition. Those don't count!

And remember, according to the latest scientific surveys; when serious trouble finds you, 50% of the people will give you up to six weeks to rectify it. After that, they are done with you. Another 35% will say ... "Ah geez, better you than me - that's tough - but .... nothing I can do about it." We are up to 85% now. 15% left. These are the key. Of these, 10% will sincerely care and go out of their way to help you. Those are also the only people who speak to you ... other than Cashiers, UPS Drivers, etc. Those who knew you before, are panicked that you may want "to talk!" But the 10% will speak - they may even share an enjoyable story with you! Very valuable. Now; the last 5%, upon hearing that your life has been turned upside down, will snort and say; "Good, I never liked the guy anyway." So: you really value the 10%, but you pretty much hurt all the time, and you just never have enough time to show the 10% how much you appreciate them. And, you really try not to have your most painful days overlap with the 5%.

"Life, According to Barnes." You learn it by living it. Doubt it if you wish. If you care to confirm .... just ask Jeff. I never told him I was gonna say any of this, but; ask Jeff.

Thanks for reading Jeff. Thanks for all the years of friendship too,

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/12/2017 07:31PM by barnespneumatic.
Re: A BUNCH of Pictures!
October 14, 2017 02:20PM
Thank you Gary.
Sorry to bring it to the site as you are correct in what you say.
Thank goodness for the UPS man smiling smiley
Re: A BUNCH of Pictures!
October 14, 2017 06:27PM
Hi Jeff.

Want to be clear. I didn't move the discussion over here because of anything you said. But because of my long comment. I feel strongly about all I said. I could write a book on the psychology of people's interactions, once one of them BECOMES disabled. That's THE issue. When someone meets you AFTER you have experienced a life changing event - it's fine. They are pretty normal in their interactions. Maybe even kind to you. HOWEVER; If they knew you BEFORE .... then they "expect" you to be the way you WERE. There are all the "you said", and the "but you used to". They won't adjust. Seems like they feel you only DID IT to get out of responsibility.

It's really hard to deal with.

I bring everything to the forum. I live here.

Thanks Jeff
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