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Re: Beginner Rifles

Beginner Rifles
February 12, 2009 05:09AM
How about a starter list in $100 stages of rifles for plinking, rodent control, and serious hunters... I've got an old crossman pump and your all making me want to upgrade
Re: Beginner Rifles
February 12, 2009 10:07PM
The Benjamin Discovery is a great starter PCP. It is inexpensive, accurate enough and has lot's of mods available already if you like to tinker.
Re: Beginner Rifles
February 13, 2009 02:29AM
I've had pretty good luck with one of the Baikal air pistols, the IZH-46. I bought one of them when they first came out. Back then they were less than $100, but they're about triple that now and still a bargain. It's pretty low powered, but it's also more accurate than I'll ever be able to hold and built like it'll last forever, all metal and hardwood. They make an inexpensive rifle that's supposed to be a good shooter, but I haven't tried it myself.

The only other air gun I own is a used Beeman R-7. They run about $300 new these days but you can also find them used for less. They're light, easy to cock, and have a wonderful trigger. No speed demon by todays standards, but fine for short range target work and they don't weight a ton.
Re: Beginner Rifles
February 13, 2009 02:57AM
I've looked at these. Would indeed make a nice starter rifle...

Re: Beginner Rifles
February 14, 2009 04:16PM
As an adult, maybe 25-30 years ago, I bought a Crossman ... is it a 1377? Under lever pump pneumatic pistol in .177. Great little gun. Still have it though it needs work. I just saw them in a catalog I got from Midway www.midwayusa.com

Yeah - just looked it up in their #32 catalog. Page 286. 1377 Air Pistol for $58.99 Ya can't beat that. Mine was accurate even with the crappy crimped up daisy pellets. I'm sure there's something a ton better to shoot in them now.

Get 'cha one. Afix a carbine stock to it if you want a rifle.

Re: Beginner Rifles
February 16, 2009 08:37PM
13xx series is excellent intor to airgunning. Variable power, easy to shoot,pellets everywhaere, and better pellets thru theamil.

Also, easy to mod and maintain. Open ended, although once you start.......
Re: Beginner Rifles
February 16, 2009 09:45PM
That's right ...

A reservoir here, a barrel there .... look what happened to me! eye popping smiley

Re: Beginner Rifles
February 16, 2009 10:39PM
Creeping Airgunism...... No known cure except to shoot, mod and join some forums.....

Repeat as necessary
Re: Beginner Rifles
February 17, 2009 02:55AM
What's a 13 xx ? The idea of the pistol and add on stock sounds like a good 1st time modification.. Difficulty on a 1-10 ?
Re: Beginner Rifles
February 17, 2009 01:06PM
He means the 13 Series guns. The one I mentioned was the 1377, I guess there are others.

The grips are held on with machine screws. If I wanted to make a carbine out of this long barrel pistol, I'd make a read stock that replaced the grips and extended rearward (held on where the orig. grips were mounted). Not real hard if you have woodworking skills and tools.

Re: Beginner Rifles
February 17, 2009 03:11PM
The 13xx and 22xx family share a lot of parts. All are easily modified. Crosman makes a shoulder stock (check their website....www.crosman.com) and check it out.

The 1377, and 2289 are pump guns, and you can control the amount of power/velocity the gun produces. the 2289 is out of the box a carbine, and the 1377 is a pistol ( a long one...).

Depending on how fast you get addicted,er, how much you wnat to get involved in it, and your skill with tools, the 13xx and 22xx guns are as open ended as you can get. trigger work is usually the first thing folks work on, and depending what your shooting needs are, you can make the gun into whatever you want.

2250 is CO2, so you may have temp issues with it (like here in Montana, where its cold 13 months of the year.... Ive all but stopped shooting mine due to just that). OTOH, its way cool and fun to just load a pellet and pull the trigger. But again, the triggers are the same, the grip frames are the same, the barrels and breechs are interchangeable (you can make a.177 into a .22 and vis a verce).

Best part is they are built like tanks, parts are cheap, mod info (mild to total whack job ) is a few mouse clicks away.
Re: Beginner Rifles
February 24, 2009 04:18AM
Picked my 1st 1377 $30.00 at a pawn shop today to start playing with. Any other good places to find them cheap ? Places to find manuals or fix it books ?
Re: Beginner Rifles
February 24, 2009 02:36PM
go here:


read read read read follow the links read some more

Oh, and dont blame me if your late for work tomorrowlaughing again
Re: Beginner Rifles
February 24, 2009 09:08PM
Not long ago picked up a BSA Meteor smiling smiley
Tiny little thing bless it. Pretty beat up, so its gonna need a fair amount of work....
Shooting about 7 fpe at the mo' excited Think I can get her back up to 10 odd again replacing like for like. Gut the lot out, see what can be salvaged.
Re: Beginner Rifles
February 25, 2009 03:59PM
he's addicted already.....
Re: Beginner Rifles
February 26, 2009 12:01AM
What do I tell the wife the new sound comming from the basement is ???
Re: Beginner Rifles
February 26, 2009 05:01PM
Nail gun.... pneumatic stapler......

The green forum also has plans, directions. links for, um devices that will keep her from hearing it.....

All legal stuff apllies, yer on yer own etc if you go that route.....cooler

Oh, even if you manage to reduce muzzle blast you will still have some impact noise at the target.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/26/2009 05:03PM by dan_house.
Re: Beginner Rifles
February 27, 2009 04:04AM
Oh ya I think she did have a chair to reuhpolster on THE LIST..... Might just take me a whileknucklehead and alota tacks.
Thanks for the info on manuals, got what I needed at Crossman.

Drats, just got bifocals and haven't shot anthing in years.... any tricks I can try on the 1377?
Re: Beginner Rifles
February 27, 2009 02:34PM
Point and shoot. Take pics and post.

winking smiley

Re: Beginner Rifles
February 27, 2009 04:29PM
Gunker Wrote:

> Drats, just got bifocals and haven't shot anthing
> in years.... any tricks I can try on the 1377?

you figure that out,let me know......

Still working on that myself.. one thing that has helped me is I have "progressive power" bifocals. I have learned where on the lens the "correct" power is, but I still suck. At least I can see the sights.....and the target
endless mods
February 27, 2009 05:48PM
I took a look at one of the forums about modding the Crossman 13xx series, and wow! There's no end to the stuff that people have done to one, all kinds of mods and upgrades. Some of them are getting to the "Washingtons axe" stage though...

You know..."we've replaced the head twice and the handle three times, but it's still the authentic Washingtons axe".
Re: Beginner Rifles
February 27, 2009 06:36PM
The trouble with crosman mods are this: simplicity. So you mod the snot out of it, get comfortable with what your doing, learn a great deal about pneumatics, ballisitics and then, the crosmans dont kut it anymore. You need MORE

So then you move on to chinese springers..... and repeat the cycle......

or maybe thats just me.....LOL!
Re: Beginner Rifles
February 27, 2009 07:43PM
....and then, when you're an expert on CO2 and springers, you get a PCP. And all the kit.... Now I've got a case full of spring guns I never shoot. Fotunately, I've got a lead pot handy to feed the Barnes guns that are always set-up and ready to blast away!
Re: Beginner Rifles
February 27, 2009 09:31PM
yea, I know... thats coming... soon. I'm debating on whether to get a crosman discovery now, or wiating till the marauder comes out.

The Disco has a kit, rifle, pump and some other stuff, just under $400. The marauder will be 499 just for the rifle, but (and these are 2 big butts... apologies to sir mix-a-lot) its a repeater, and its shrouded.....

Disco? a few web clicks away.... Marauder is supposed to be available in Late spring early summer.....
Re: Beginner Rifles
February 27, 2009 10:20PM
I bought a Disco for my son Timmy and I'm glad I did. He's had a lot of fun with that gun and I've been filled with joy observing him. I know that at the Cup 'o Joe shoot, he shot that Disco twice for every other round fired! If he missed one of the short targets, he just reloaded and tried again. No blame, no frustration and no excuses. He had my pony tank on his belt and he would just refill as required and keep on shooting. The gun doesn't take much air to operate and even a small tank can keep it going for hours.

That said, for an adult who might be a little more demanding as far as accuracy goes...I would recommend buying the gun from one of the guys that offers a tune/verification before shipment. I think Mac1 is doing this still. You won't have a Barnes at the end of the day but you will have a good trainer and a gun that handles light duty tasks well.
Re: Beginner Rifles
February 27, 2009 10:27PM
Jerry thanx for the heads up.

I have two other reason for the Disco now.... no bear trap assembly to complicate building a stock for it... and its sonic signature can be easily reduced.

I'll check MAC1s webiste and see what he's got.....
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