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Pic - Outrider 50 .... 99%

Pic - Outrider 50 .... 99%
March 14, 2015 11:33PM

Nearly there on this Outrider. thumbs up

I decided to race the Sun - 6:15 PM and Sun setting.

As you note; the cocking Slot is missing, thus; the hammer stud too. The brass name place is missing. The Stock Mount Stud is not in. Etc. After you feel that the gun is finished, there are still a nearly endless list of this and that before it is simply DONE.

May be midnight before its done. But, I know everybody wants to see it. There has been truckloads of work done on the other 5. I've chosen which portions seem wise to show. What I have time to show. Chosen which procedures would benefit me to do in batches. So; I know this rifle has seemed to take forever. Take however long you feel it's been, and multiply that by 10X for me. However; when this is done (like the hundreds of others completed) it will "Stay Done". thumbs up

Hope you enjoy seeing this fine rifle. This one is for Gary L. He has already sent his case here for shipping.

Thank you, sincerely; for reading. take a bow

Re: Pic - Outrider 50 .... 99%
March 14, 2015 11:42PM
BTW, the balance on this design is perfect.

If you palm the rifle right in front of the guard, it's perfect. That's where your hand falls to carry the gun - as when walking. It lays in your hand perfectly. Feels solid, not heavy. (I don't know).

Really a fine design. I'm very pleased with it. And, you realize this entire program was developed here at BPS. even though the shops are far, far from being finished. I developed the 50 caliber Barnes Barrel - along with its Projectiles. Designed the Outrider. Made all specific tooling. Prototyped the design. Have now made the first rifle from the total package of tooling.

A serious effort.

Re: Pic - Outrider 50 .... 99%
March 15, 2015 12:47AM
Simply gorgeous. Thanks for posting. I'm pretty sure that the owner of this beauty is already proud.Please keep up with the good work.
Re: Pic - Outrider 50 .... 99%
March 15, 2015 04:10AM
Rifle looks great! I hope Gary L. Can sleep nights as he waits for his rifle! smiling smiley

You have been working some incredible hours on these rifles. From previous posts sounds like you are doing fairly well with your physical health. Hope the aches and pains are minimal.

Thanks for sharing!

Re: Pic - Outrider 50 .... 99%
March 15, 2015 04:37AM
Hi Pedro,

I had a large bank of bloodwork recently. Also had a rework of meds. A few days ago, I got the results. They were good. And, the Doc commented that I'm actually in good health. So; I'm grateful. It's much better to feel like crap in good health, then to feel like crap and be seriously ill. thumbs up

Thanks for caring.

Re: Pic - Outrider 50 .... 99%
March 15, 2015 07:44AM

Don't you feel so much better when a Doctor tells you what great shape you are in?

Re: Pic - Outrider 50 .... 99%
March 15, 2015 02:04PM
Looking great Gary. I think I can feel the anticipation force growing stronger!
Re: Pic - Outrider 50 .... 99%
March 15, 2015 07:45PM

Yeah .... I've sort of .... sensed .... that Force too! Lots of Anticipation going around. Haha. laughing

How ya been? Shooting any new art Pcs. recently? I was thinking of maybe a Mona Lisa in 32 Cal. .....

thumbs up

Re: Pic - Outrider 50 .... 99%
March 15, 2015 09:13PM
Re: Pic - Outrider 50 .... 99%
March 15, 2015 10:50PM

Always thought you milled out the cocking slots, but then again, the stock is already shaped and finished. Clamping it rigidly in a steel vice at this point is probably contraindicated. winking smiley
Re: Pic - Outrider 50 .... 99%
March 16, 2015 05:41AM
Just noticed this Sean.

Often do mill them. This stock moved ahead. Got rounded early. Besides - I want very precise placement of the stock slot.

And, you might think this is ineffecient. What you see here took me five minutes and is 85% complete. Ill finish it with air tools. I know that nobody believes me, but the stock is 5-10% of the work on a rifle. Doesn't mean the stock only takes a few min. But tries to show what I've never been able to break thru with. The Steel is the Art Form. It's Truely 95% of the value. The part that requires the experience. Bummer huh. Haha. LOL!

Of course, you have to know how to make the right chisel, and sharpen it way beyond razor sharp. And, if you slip, you could ruin the stock. Of course - same with the milling machine. Same all along the road with the steel parts. Same as I ruined that breech slide stop the other day. "Click". Nothing on earth would get it out of there. Done. You get numb to the risk of ruining parts. You just work. Wow ... Whattaguy! Hahaha. take a bow


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/16/2015 05:47AM by barnespneumatic.
Re: Pic - Outrider 50 .... 99%
March 16, 2015 03:15PM

Didnt want you to think I left it that way. winking smiley

thumbs up

Re: Pic - Outrider 50 .... 99%
March 16, 2015 05:51PM
I suspected the finished product might have been somewhat more...refined...than that first pic. winking smiley And I'd never underestimate what a chisel and a file can do in the right hands.

All those fancy shotguns and double rifles that you see selling for five or six figures have wood stocks fitted by hand, the old fashioned way. If a gunsmith from the 1840's walked into a time machine and came out in the modern Holland & Holland or Purdey shop, they could undoubtedly put him right to work fitting actions today. That part hasn't changed at all, it's skilled hand work with chisels and files.

There's also an entire category of replica "Khyber Pass guns" that were (and probably still are) entirely hand-made by gunsmith in that region, from Enfield copies to AKs, many virtually indistinguishable from the real thing. Made from hunks of railroad track, scrap car parts, etc. in dirt-floored cottage shops, typicall with nothing but basic hand tools. Some are just as good as the originals, others might blow up in your face if you use regular full-pressure ammunition, the ultimate "buyer beware".
Re: Pic - Outrider 50 .... 99%
March 15, 2015 11:37PM
Didn't shoot any masterpieces today but did try some .250 ball from ballistic products. Can't claim good results. I'll have to site in with some Hornady ball and try again.
Re: Pic - Outrider 50 .... 99%
March 16, 2015 01:59AM
Hi Jerry,

If your 25 has power adjust ... try turning it way down. Can help. You can overdrive ball from our pellet barrels - which tend to be of faster pitch then a strict "Ball" Barrel would be.

Glad you are shooting.

I can give you the name of a great "Casting Service" if you want to try slugs. heheheh.


Re: Pic - Outrider 50 .... 99%
March 16, 2015 10:11PM
Hi Gary,

You should be proud of me; first thing I did after the first couple bad shots, was turn the power down to where I thought it was for the woods walk. More to do... Slugs you say? laughing
Re: Pic - Outrider 50 .... 99%
March 16, 2015 05:01PM
Man oh man Gary , you make it look so easy .
Thank for sharing
Re: Pic - Outrider 50 .... 99%
March 16, 2015 08:11PM

Hi Kurt,

Just got my box of Engraved Brass Name Tags too!



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