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"Fixing Inlaid Mosaic"Green bowing

"Fixing Inlaid Mosaic"Green bowing
September 06, 2017 07:07PM

Materials are not "required" to cooperate with Artists. In that triangle piece, during grinding; TWO odd anomalies showed up in the fine web pattern within the blue matrix. They were what I call "hot spots". They grab your eye and prompt questions.


Here is my reaction to matters like these. I have always been committed to keeping the Logo of BARNES as a very special thing.

You will note that these Mosaic panels don't just pop apart. And this stone is a bear to remove, once inlaid.


But, this wasn't my first rodeo. I kept at it until it was correct. New piece inlaid and ground into place.

Hope you enjoyed seeing thevwork.


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/07/2017 12:36AM by barnespneumatic.
Re: "Fixing Inlaid Mosaic"Green bowing
September 07, 2017 10:42AM
Hey Gary,
Look at it this way: it gives you something to do while 'we' are surfing Irma. I don't think we will be bored.
Praying for you and me and everyone else in the path. Keep your head down and your hat on.
Re: "Fixing Inlaid Mosaic"Green bowing
September 07, 2017 01:58PM
Stay safe Jeff,
You know where we are if you need to bug out.
Sorry you have another thing to deal with.
God help us All
Re: "Fixing Inlaid Mosaic"Green bowing
September 08, 2017 09:22AM
That's a real drag finding that inclusion after all that labor . You did a fine job replacing it but you know you could have punched a hole smack dab in the middle of it and stick an emerald or ruby in there . I notice how nice the curved radius corners look at the transition from mammoth, to matrix, to bolster ! Gosh I hate doing that kinda small work. It just never works out for me . You make it look easy but i know it's not .
Thanks for sharing

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