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Re: This week

This week
February 18, 2012 12:33AM
Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos

The house is a maze of small architectural details. This small BP out is a bathroom, behind and above the basement enterance ramp. It needed a new roof and paint. As usual, half of the work is getting set up to do the work.

Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos

I put a durable sheet aluminum roof skin on it (later painted with a tuff black surface).

Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos

I did a bunch of electrical wiring. Receptacles, switches, installed lighting fixtures, etc.

Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos

Scraped, repaired rot, caulked, and painted exterior of the room. Took the scaffolding down and put it away.

So far ... So tired. winking smiley

Re: This week
February 18, 2012 01:21AM
Looking good!
Re: This week
February 19, 2012 03:42AM
Thanks Jerry.
And then I lost most of today to killer headaches. Bummer. Should not have driven those nails with my forehead! brick wall
Re: This week
February 20, 2012 04:56AM
Sounds like one of those projects that give the home handiman great joy...when they're done.grinning smiley

Re: This week
February 20, 2012 01:53PM
Hi Sean
Yes, joy all over the place.
Trying to do some things which "home inspectors" will go ballistic over. You know, with Holmes on Holmes on TV, the new "acceptable" is nothing less than hyper perfection. My home should really be razed and a new one CNC milled from billet stainless steel.
Joyful chat with insurance agent this am. He says everything is computer generated. If you don't fit the boxes, you are out. You can't talk to anyone. They no longer understand or have any ability to reason. You fit the template, or walk.
Re: This week
February 20, 2012 05:36PM
It's the new world order.
Re: This week
February 20, 2012 10:51PM

Wow no wiggle room at all? Cannot get one of the boxes to go pear shaped?

Kieth you are right and the new world order scares me.

Re: This week
February 21, 2012 12:04AM
Still working on it. So far, everyone has just delighted in being completely detached and unconcerned. On the other hand, Kelly and I are not enjoying the game. No good news yet

Now, tomorrow, I begin another series of epidural injections.

Sat there having a pity party a while ago. Draped in my chair feeling like a sack of crap. One eye on a DVRd copy of American Pickers with Kelly. When ... Blink. That was it. Off. Evidently the cable box fried. No light. No reset. No signal. ..... Whatever.

So .....Green bowing
Re: This week
February 21, 2012 12:36AM
Yea, Its kind of like my new dental Insurance, since they did not insure me 21 years ago when I had a tooth pulled and and a partial installed they won't cover any dental work to replace it ! I think Insurance is pretty much just a scam to collect money and not pay out anything ! Hope your injections go well.

Bob G
Re: This week
February 21, 2012 01:27AM
Hi Bob,
Yeah, I've gotten a real good look at the underbelly in the last few weeks.
Love the part after they tell you that you can pound sand, they speed read thru the "thank you for calling SKRU Insurance. Is there anything else I can help you with today?".
Thanks for the well wish.
So far, I'm just dump enough to keep getting up again, so guess we will find a way.
thumbs up
Re: This week
February 21, 2012 06:20AM
I suspect that it's all related to the robot revolution all the geeks keep talking about. Turns out it already came and went and we missed the whole thing. When the robots packed up they left the computers in charge of the whole thing, turns out there's no actual humans running anything at all.

Think about it...when was the last time you called a big company on the phone and you know for sure you spoke to an actual person? It's all "push one for this, and push 2 for that" until you either give up from frustration or die of old age. Go to the bank lately, or was it an ATM machine? Renew your car registration via the internet did you? When was the last time you talked to a bureaucrat that didn't have a computer on his desk telling him what to do?

Do I have a point here or what?winking smiley
Re: This week
February 21, 2012 04:48PM
good grief , thats not at all handy , as you say the job these days seems to be getting at the job , love the spires though.
Re: This week
February 21, 2012 07:52PM
You know Gary, my wife would LOVE to see your house, but I don't dare show it to her. She's all gaga about the Victorian look, what with all the gingerbread details and intricate roof spires and dormers and such. It would be a disaster up here, all those valleys and junctions in the roof would collect snow like nobodies business, and the driving rain and saltwater fog would rot the trimwork faster than you could keep it up. But given the choice, she'd pick one that looked like that any day of the week. Funny how that goes, since she'd never be the one up on a rickety ladder shovelling out the rotting leaves and heat-gunning off a hundred years of old paint when things need fixing.

Myself, I'm lately a big fan of stone-simple rooflines with no gullies or intersections, preferably in low-maintenance raised-seam steel, with the fewest possible number of roof penetrations all up along the ridgeline where the creeping glacier of compacted snow/ice can't shear it off flush. I've also come to the realization that you need to keep in mind that when snow falls two stories off a roof it's gonna stay where it hits, since it packs into a concrete like mass that can't be touched by normal humans with snow shovels.

Goes without saying that in practice it usually lands right in front of the door, or where you want to park the car...of course...why me
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