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Re: A long walk

A long walk
February 21, 2012 04:30AM
That's what I'd really enjoy. Especially if it were a quiet area.

Listen; I know it's a bummer when I'm not all up and chirpy. Showing interesting things and moving the ledger along. I also know that you probably think you've never heard of anyone having soooo much trouble with nearly everything. I'm sure more then a few have wondered if it's made up. Am I just a drama queen. Is it an act. Or, mote charitably, am I just such a poor planner that my life is just a mess.

Well, what if:

What if I honestly don't know why so very much crap shows up to drag down my days. In spite of it all, I fight like heck, and get a good bit done. But what could I get done if 80% of my brain were not fighting absolutely endless BS. Right now, I've got an absurd catch 22 insurance issue that's compounded weekly. I know some have to think that I'm just unable to follow thru a simple process. Let me assure you, I'm not bad at that. And my wife is even better at it. What I'm caught in is a crazy change in the insurance industry. I've heard it from several disconnected sources. Even the contractor I met with last Friday, told me obese the THIRD person THIS WEEK to tell him they had the same insurance issue they were saddled with.

Quite a few of you have expressed your hope it's now solved. Sorry, it's still getting worse. Enough details on that

Now, I've done pretty well with health issues these last four months. The stress isn't helping now. I'll live, but I've had some killer headaches. I start my injections again tomorrow. A set of the long needles into the spinal cavity. I'd appreciate a prayer for good results. I'm used to it now, but there are risks, and I just don't have good luck. I'll also be starting to track down the cause of my
Lessening strength in my left arm. Could be related to the surgery of about nine or ten years ago when they did the double fusion in my neck. I'm really not looking forward to getting back into that. Hope these injections help with the left leg/ foot issues. Etc, etc. It's not gonna all get better. We just try to drag it out as long as possible.

I honestly don't know if I was born under a bad star or some such stuff that I've never believed in. I do know that a dozen huge things have applied to me that don't usually hit others. But then, there are some biggies I've missed, and have to call those misses blessings. So; since there is no complaint department, or judge Nancy for a quick verdict ... I have to play these cards. Thing I hate though is this; whenever one of these pianos fall from the sky .... There's just never someone there with a good solution. There will be someone to ask "what serving gonna do?" And then, "what are you gonna do if that doesn't work?". And, when I say "I don't honestly know", it's because I honestly don't know.

I was on a good roll with work. Had to quit. The layer of unseen all powerful sheep herders that control our lives decreed I stop and present myself for scolding. Did I owe them money? No. Was I not in compliance of anything I signed up for? No. Bad credit? No. Late bills?
No. Crimes? No. Unpaid tickets? No. Terriost? No. My crime? Older house. So now, we go back to the womb... and I have to prove compliance with every little pinheaded change that has taken place in the industry ... In the 32 years since I last took out insurance. The same 32 years I've been paying them. So, now you must meet the template. Pass the inspections. Satisfy those who have no clue or reason.

And, that's a couple of the things. Should I have somebody in my company to be responsible for some of this. Sure, but there is no money for that. I'm not a company, I'm an artist. The world says you play big or stay home. Sit in that chair and do what you are told, or we will force you out. They really don't care if my skills are used or not. And, in all the years I've been using those skills, I've never been able to grow it beyond this. You need that promoter. That break. Whatever that is. You do inspired work and have buyers for all you make ... and there are simply not enough hours in a lifetime to do it all yourself.

Then we've entered this world where they design you back to stupid every year. Learn all you want, I guarantee that enough stuff will change around you each year, that you will have to stop and apply serious effort to relearning how to just tread water. Learn all you want about your computer, next one will be different. New virus will arrive. Learn to FAX, then learn to scan. Tell me you don't use three different remotes to watch a movie. And you can't remember which adjusts vol. Tell me you work on your car unless it's a hotrod. If you have a hotrod, tell me you ever drive it. Tell me you can do what you want to on your own property. You have your will in order. You use the same Drs. Office you did five years ago. Your favorite restaurant still the same? Our simple diner just fired our friend manager, and all the staff are clinically depressed with the mandated changes. Even before the shake up, theyd change the menu every two months. Absolutely nothing is stable in this society anymore, and it takes more and more time and effort to tread water each year.

All has an effect on what I'm able to produce. I didn't change. I fell apart a bit, but everything has changed around me. There is seven lanes of traffic at the Walmart intersection in Westminster. It takes forever to get across town. Local postoffice sent back my tag application because the MVA didn't use both my street and box number. Yard trailer tag ran out. Two rookie cops did a swat team number on me, in five lanes of traffic ... On a bridge ... At rush hour. For a trailer tag STICKER!! Those few blocks are just the killing fields for the new batch of rookie state troopers at the barrack. There is always someone stopped. City needs the money. Nothing is fun anymore. Really time to go.

I know, it's not airguns. But ... It is. It is entirely airguns. You see, I can't isolate myself from any of this stuff. They won't even let you stay home and sell someone mail order anymore. Nine agencies want a piece of you, before you wake up. I don't even answer the phone at home. Hate the things. But in dragged into something that simply must be dealt with at least once or twice a day. That's with Kelly doing a magnificent job of dealing with stuff. The fools will not even talk to my wife about simple things. There will be some joke of a policy where they gave to talk to me. And they hang up and sell my information.

Yeah, injections tomorrow. Then, when I'm supposed to be resting afterwards, I can fight on with the insurance nightmare. Of, and the .... Nevermind.

So, I'm good. How about you?

winking smiley
Re: A long walk
February 21, 2012 05:52AM
Sorry to hear the life is stacking up against you again. Why is it that when things stack up that way, they never cancel each other out? Riddle for the ages, I suppose. Hope they hit the right spot when they go at you with the needles this time.
Re: A long walk
February 21, 2012 03:31PM
Hi Sean
Had the injections this am. Went ok. Thanks
It's about $900/mo for my health ins., and I walk in this morning and they want $856.17 to get me in the door. thumbs up
They were worried about my blood pressure being high.

Yeah, I'll work on that winking smiley
Re: A long walk
February 21, 2012 04:41PM
wow ,,, thats some line up ,,,, if you had a duck . it would drown.
thoughts are with you.
Re: A long walk
February 21, 2012 06:59PM
What this? This is nothing. winking smiley.

Supposed to be sitting around with my feet up. Have spent the day running papers. On the phone. On the phone again. Then, on the phone after that. Kevin Bacon all over again. You make three or four completely different calls, to different places, and you will end up the same place.

Whatever. Now we wait.

Did some lathe boring and threading for a while.
Re: A long walk
February 21, 2012 07:19PM
Oh thanks Tom, remind me of little Quack Quack. Gosh, I loved that duck ...

winking smiley
Re: A long walk
February 22, 2012 12:50AM
Hi Gary,
Glad the injections went well. I know the total result may not be realized for a while yet. Don't be surprised if the low back injection actually gives you some relief with the neck as well. When you feel better, don't drop the oral meds too quickly or you won't feel well.

See if the contractor you mentioned will give you the names of, or give your name to the others with the same insurance problem. Perhaps one of them have come up with a solution. If not, the three of you should contact your states insurance commissioner to see if they can help you reach a solution with the insurance company. The commissioner's office may have some ideas as well. You can't be the only three persons in MD with an older house needing insurance. If that fails your congressman has an ombudsman role that has been helpful when a medical insurance issue has needed resolving.

Re: A long walk
February 22, 2012 01:08PM
Thank you Kent.
All good advice. I appreciate it. thumbs up
Re: A long walk
February 22, 2012 03:54PM
Gee Gary, at least something is going right if the injections are working! Hope you can tackle those other issues bit by bit. Insurance is a big issue over here, as you can imagine. It's hard to believe that yesterday it was exactly a year since our city fell over. Our house has been repaired/painted, but our office building, though condemned, remains standing. They were about to strip it out and demolish it so we could get on with a re-build, when some bright spark said "Wait, there's asbestos in the stippled ceilings!". we laughed politely and said "Don't be silly, we had that tested when we bought the building 7 years ago, and it was clear." But no, a further test showed that we were duped back then (or the the
testing lab was incompetent) and we therefore faced a $45,000 bill to have the asbestos removed prior to demolition. Enter Mother Nature, who gave us 2 more huge quakes on 23 December, resulting in engineers saying no-one may enter that building, it is now unsafe. So now we face a bill of several hundred thousand dollars to complete a "dirty" demolition, where the demolition has to be closely supervised and all of the spoil has to go to a special dump to be buried. While we are insured, all of this comes off the top of any possible re-build, so we are effectively funding it. Next, there is doubt about getting insurance on any re-build, and that doubt is compounded every time we get another big event like December 23.
Happy days!
Re: A long walk
February 22, 2012 07:33PM
Asbestos...the wonder material of the ages. First it was a wonder how wonderful it was so they used it on everything. Next, they began to wonder why all the asbestos workers were getting lung cancer. Then the lawyers, wondering at the giant bags of cash showering down on them (and trickling down on their clients). Then, we began to wonder just how we're gonna get rid of it. Next, we wonder who is gonna pay for all of this.

Myself, now I'm wondering what it is that we're using NOW that's gonna be the new asbestos. Lead solder in copper water pipes? Latex paint full of bisphenals and additives? Drywall with fire retardents in the paper facing? Radon from granite tile and countertops? Who knows what's next.

So Neil, do you think they'll let you do a Chernobyl and just bury the whole thing in a mass of concrete?
Re: A long walk
February 22, 2012 07:22PM
Yeah, it is a sad state of affairs when things that have always been OK and have lasted many years are now suddenly deemed "dangerous" or " not up to code" or whatever....usually by pinheads who couldn't build a Pinewood Derby racer !

"regulations" are all the rage now - mostly because they can be applied rapidly and without thought, and because it's hard to figure out who's accountable for what!!!

Hand in there Gary and I hope you feel better
Re: A long walk
February 22, 2012 07:55PM
Hi guys.
If you were at my house now, you'd see a couple of turret roof sections to the Magic Kingdom roofline here. Loved the detail when I bought the place (@ 24) when I was still part squirrel. Still like the look, as do most people with an eye to style, beyond the basic box format. However; the squirrel has gone out of me, and nobody has picked up the torch.
I get a 100% "disbelief stare" rate when I tell people I can't get anybody to work on my roof. They simply don't believe it, because every diner menu placemat has an advertisement printed on it for a roofer. Call those, and you are lucky to even get an answering machine. IF they call back, most will disqualify themselves because they dont want to really repair anything, work on anything old, no high work, nothing you need. They want to air nail some new shingles over a rancher roof. Half a day and out.
Well, that helpful contractor that did actually show up the other day .... said he'd call Monday with estimates and options. You will note that this is Wednesday. No call back. Guess someone higher up than his VP status got his mind right.
Oh, that turret roof? I'm writing this from inside that turret roof. TeePee shaped hidden room I accesses by cutting a hatch thru my third floor bedroom wall. It's very cozy in here. I like it. winking smiley
Re: A long walk
February 24, 2012 10:28PM
Are we going to have to talk you down from the TeePee? LOL!
Re: A long walk
February 25, 2012 01:14AM
No, I got hungry ... winking smiley
Re: A long walk
February 25, 2012 02:52AM
I'd bet anything that the roofing companies can't get and/or afford the insurance required to get on top of your house.

We've had insurances issues here following Katrina as well. Businesses can adjust for higher fixed costs, but no one is willing to roll the dice on rebuilding when the insurance is escalating without restraint and may not be available at any cost. The whole coast has now empty lots with for sale signs. The only building getting done is self-insured ie Walmart.

Re: A long walk
February 25, 2012 05:43PM
Different agencies making endless rules, regulations, assessing risks. Everything yielding a net result where absolutely nothing can get done because it doesn't comply with all others.

The only one stressed though, is the one guy that could work if the rest were not dedicating the resources of the entire bureaucratic nightmare to stop him.

This is total maddness. Contractors sitting without new homes to build, and nobody can work. Nobody will even give me a bid. Maddness.

You know, people don't believe the stories until THEY are the on in the cracks. Talked to a guy who was telling me why he was not driving big rigs now. His company kept him until he was a year older then he could go get fresh insurance. He could have driven until heceas 200 with the existing company so long as hebpassed the tests. But, when that company folded, he had to try to start fresh. No deal. This Catch 22 crap is everywhere. And, you spend all your time and money fighting unseen creeps in cubicles. What do you get? A stupid memorized slogan to call back if they can help you with ANYTHING ELSE!
Re: A long walk
February 25, 2012 08:16AM
ask anne , frankly ,,,,, what she did with her diarys.
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