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Survival ... So far

Survival ... So far
February 28, 2012 11:32PM
I've completed the high work on the roof. All the slate has now been coated with a viscous black fibered asphalt paint. Man, it sticks! Hot lacquer thinner will just barely cut it. I also coated one turret roof. I had to cut thru the back side of the front turret in order to safely access the front 1/3 of the roof square footage. I then popped back in thru the cut out plug, and sealed the roof turret access as I came back in. The surgery is not visible from the ground at any angle or exposure.

More later. I've survived so far. Seriously look forward to getting back in the shop!! winking smiley

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/29/2012 02:12AM by barnespneumatic.
Re: Survival ... So far
February 29, 2012 02:36AM
Why'd you coat the slate Gary?

Well, since you asked ... Slate is a sort of natural laminated product. All laminated products are ultimately vulnerable at the end grain. As slate ages, it wants to delaminate around the perimeter of the tile. This shows as a frosting around the edges of most slates. Slate also becomes more brittle with time, so you can't walk on it. And, some of the nails begin to fail. SO ....

A coating like this, first seals the edges and surfaces against moisture wicking in. It also renews a uniform matte black color, which will blend repair areas too. And; the fiber content, while not really obvious; will tend to knit each tile to it's neighbors ... above and side to side. This tends to make the roof surface into a single sheet covering.

When I had the last contractor here, and we were discussing options, he was using numbers. He mentioned $2,500 for coating less than I ultimately did. He didn't want to be "held to" these numbers - (which means he wanted to be able to go up!

And then, he NEVER called back at all ... Which means he didn't even want to do it for $2,500.00. I suspect he'd have wanted a bit more in his real bid, AND I'm sure he'd have wanted another $500 min. to do the turret roof too. So; even with materials, I'm sure I'm conserative in saying I saved $3,000.00 for two days work for one old guy. And, they didn't even want the job for that. That's what you face to hire out repair work around here.

I really hope this contractor dude has to drive by my house every day and wonder who I found to do the job, and so quickly! Haha. ;$)


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/29/2012 02:47AM by barnespneumatic.
Re: Survival ... So far
February 29, 2012 05:22AM

Didn't make the cut on one of those remodeling shows? Man, I would have watched! You were probably too nice during the screening. Hire some neigborhood teenagers to act as your kids and yell at them next time.Get crackin'

Re: Survival ... So far
February 29, 2012 04:10PM
You can only yell at kids like that AFTER you have a TV show. Otherwise inmate
Re: Survival ... So far
February 29, 2012 04:52PM
, so there you go ,,,, the better spin on this reads
cheapest contractor did best job.
now wait for everyone else to want the same job done too. better still you have peace of mind knowing the jobs done exactly the way you wanted it done.
so its win win win.
Re: Survival ... So far
February 29, 2012 06:04PM
Win win only if it makes some random insurance inspector happy. Well, I know "happy" is not possible, I know they are paid to shoot down. I'll go for a D- if they'll let me live.
target plane

Thanks Tom. It's a real roof. We will see if it fits any

Re: Survival ... So far
February 29, 2012 08:32PM
Sure hope so! (Jim, we need a fingers crossed smiley!)
Anonymous User
Re: Survival ... So far
March 01, 2012 01:04AM
New roof and 3,000 dollars of tree work, and they still wanted to cancel my coverage.
Re: Survival ... So far
March 01, 2012 02:52AM
What did you do then?
Re: Survival ... So far
March 01, 2012 07:15PM
drag him up on the roof ,,, and show him.
Re: Survival ... So far
March 02, 2012 01:46AM
Working my way thru the list. thumbs up. Making progress.

Thanks for checking in. I'll be back soon.

Anonymous User
Re: Survival ... So far
March 02, 2012 09:19PM
They sent their inspector and he passed it. Huge oak tree in back yard had limb,s over house.
Re: Survival ... So far
March 02, 2012 09:53PM

In the midst of plastering today, my laptop has returned. I'm now relearning small bits and pcs. I once knew about computers, and their general usage.

I lost a bunch of stuff ... but still hope my on-line back-up has it off site. We shall see. Of course, I'm a babe in the woods about how to recover that. I'm in process.

There is some small hope regarding the house/insurance debacle. Nuf said ... it's all we have. However; please note I am still working thru the endless mess ... doing the list of work ... making the phone calls ... sending off the mails and texts ... and processing the entire mess. The shop calls to me ... but, alas ... I am adrift upon the sea of Insurance Hell.

Still relatively sane. Still recall much about airguns. Your projects are safe. One day, the universe will allow me back.

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