Gary is in the HOUSE!!!
February 29, 2012 09:42PM
Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos

Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos

Back in from the Turret. Insulation repositioned on turret floor. Stud replaced. Wiring replaced. Insulation replaced. Wallboard replaced. Ready for tape mesh and plaster.

Also had a lovely time at the Estate property this morning. It's been endlessly vandalized. By now, the doors have been kicked in so none of the locks work. Many of the windows have been busted out. All of the copper baseboard has been stripped by Junkers to sell the copper. Wiring has been cut out. The roof hatch has been taken off, and actually carted away ... and thus the attic exposed to the weather. The Realtors have been on my case about it. I'm the Court Appointed Personal Representative you see.

Guess what, we couldn't secure any handyman with any sence, to fix the hatch. I know, I can't believe it either! Haha. They gave bids as if we were restoring the Capital Rotundra.

Hard rain this morning. The old guy with a section of plywood, a covering of ripstop tarp, some screws and wire. An actual staircase up to the hatch. I had to take care of it. I'd offered $300 to a handyman. No deal. Took me ten minutes actual work on site.

Of course, seeing the vandalized mess, chancing running into some drugged out squatter, and getting soaked .... Priceless.

And... To finish off the day ... Kelly is coming down with the flu.

All is nearly perfect here. How about you?

AND ... a spider evidently came in while the wall was open. He just decented like Tom Cruise .,. And hung in my face here ... Eye to eye. Honest. Hahaha

You can't make this stuff up ...,
dig it

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/29/2012 09:46PM by barnespneumatic.
Re: Gary is in the HOUSE!!!
February 29, 2012 10:35PM
laughingDid the spider have any theme music playing? Really, it's not dramatic at all without a good score.
Anonymous User
Re: Gary is in the HOUSE!!!
March 01, 2012 01:02AM
Be careful young man,,,,
Re: Gary is in the HOUSE!!!
March 01, 2012 02:55AM
Thanks Don
Always thorough. Best way I know of being careful. thumbs up
Re: Gary is in the HOUSE!!!
March 01, 2012 07:21PM
the world is going mad ,,, im sure of it.
people just dont want to do anything ,and ,,, even worse they dont have to.
i think im turning into my grandad , he used to say these things , and now its my turn.
too many get by with doing nothing , im thinking work is old fashioned ,,, there for
by default , im oldfashioned.
Re: Gary is in the HOUSE!!!
March 02, 2012 02:24PM

Let me try to cheer you up.

I woke up and can't move my right arm.I bought a chuck for my mini mill rotary table. Clearly pictured as front mount. It arrives and is only back mount. Fighting with Goodyear for 2 weeks now about work they did to my truck. Jr has unpaid tolls in 2 counties and they want to suspend my D.L. Yada-yada-yada.

Say, can you recommend a good prune juice? Even more coffee

Re: Gary is in the HOUSE!!!
March 02, 2012 05:00PM
Well Gary, it is obvious that you missed your calling....all these years of making guns, but what you really wanted to be was a Maintenance Man!!knucklehead
Re: Gary is in the HOUSE!!!
March 02, 2012 08:41PM
Hi Neil,

Actually, I've only been a maintenance man in order to buy the rights to work in the shop. Quite an arrangement.

I've had people explain, for decades, that if i'd just hire out this stuff ... then I could easily pay for it by doing my shop work. Hahahahahhahahhhahah .... no ... wait ...... hahhaahhahahahahah ........ laughing ..... a_cry.jpg

I guess I'm making some progress. I'm very, very ready to go back to the shop. ;?)

Re: Gary is in the HOUSE!!!
March 03, 2012 03:28AM
Hi Lon,
Hope the world comes around to your side.
I won't presume to offer suggestions. I hope the arm issue is not as serious as it sounds.
Life does present plenty of opportunities for you to avoid doing something you'd enjoy.
winking smiley
Re: Gary is in the HOUSE!!!
March 03, 2012 07:14AM
Whoa Gary,

That place of your has more secret hatches than an honest-Abe genuine castle. It's like a prairie dog den, you keep popping up all over the place with no visible means of travel between all the points!

If you ever sell the place, you're gonna have to contract a mystery writer to come up with a convincing back story. grinning smiley
Re: Gary is in the HOUSE!!!
March 03, 2012 02:19PM
Hi Sean,
It's true. And, there is a realtor in this area who is real big into secret rooms and such. I have more "behind the scenes structural access" than the movie version Masonic Temple chamber. (well, I think anyway. I've only been here 32 years) haha
Re: Gary is in the HOUSE!!!
March 03, 2012 05:41PM
That's right Doc, haven't been in the shop all week. whistling more innocent
Re: Gary is in the HOUSE!!!
March 02, 2012 10:13PM
After all this time away I hope the elves let you back in! Remember, it's over around that tree...
Re: Gary is in the HOUSE!!!
March 02, 2012 10:58PM
Hi Jerry

Yeah, last time I was away this long, the little creeps had cut off all the work bench legs to Elf height. Very funny. Yuck, yuck .... eye rolling smiley

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/02/2012 11:21PM by barnespneumatic.
Re: Gary is in the HOUSE!!!
March 02, 2012 11:28PM
BTW ... my working on the roof sure has brought on the rain. Water table should thank me. hahah. Roof holding so far.

Much of the plastering is done. Involved digging out subcoats and webbed tape along seams that had been compromised.

I get injections again tuesday. I really hope he doesn't ask if I've been resting. At least, I've been sleeping well! winking smiley

Honestly, all this was necessary and I'd have gladly paid for much of it to be done ... but people simply would not even bid the jobs. If I can pull it off, it will be one of those things that you feel like you should get a trophy for ... but it was all just "expected" stuff.

At any rate ... what's that old saying .... ??? "What doesn't KILL YOU makes you .... a twisted, broken husk?"


Re: Gary is in the HOUSE!!!
March 04, 2012 08:26AM
That which does not kill you makes you...tired. not lookin' good
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