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Re: Hello....testing, testing...is this thing on?

Hello....testing, testing...is this thing on?
April 03, 2012 08:33PM
Mighty quiet on the forum lately. Was there a zombie apocolypse down south that I missed somehow?more confused
Re: Hello....testing, testing...is this thing on?
April 03, 2012 08:47PM
I guess you missed my video in the Video section and my post on new scope set-ups for the Woodsman in the Gear Shack or Neil's latest shot in the hunting section?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/03/2012 08:48PM by Jerry.
Re: Hello....testing, testing...is this thing on?
April 04, 2012 06:02AM
There's a video section? LOL!

Re: Hello....testing, testing...is this thing on?
April 04, 2012 12:59AM
LOL...YEAH! Even I'M here? Lol....what gives.

Jerry, going look at your video right now.
Re: Hello....testing, testing...is this thing on?
April 04, 2012 08:56PM
Had to take care of some business.

Yeah, sucks when Gary hasn't ponied up a new buffet of delights every day! Haha. Miss me yet?

I'll get the boilers up to steam shortly. Still alive and kicking.

Hey, meanwhile ... Jerry posted some mighty fine shooting there. I see some other stuff that deserves attention. Hang in there.

Re: Hello....testing, testing...is this thing on?
April 04, 2012 10:40PM
Let's not forget that Neil walked outside, dialed his scope to a yardage and killed a bird that needed it with one shot! Several good posts here with low response. Readers are advised to scroll through all the forums for content.

Of course, they are also welcome to add to the fun!
Re: Hello....testing, testing...is this thing on?
April 05, 2012 10:52PM
Oops, yeah, sometimes I tend to forget the other forums.

Sorry I missed your posts, guys.

So...up here it's definately starting to look like spring, officially. I can now actually see something besides snow out of the downstairs windows!excited
Re: Hello....testing, testing...is this thing on?
April 07, 2012 04:47AM
Ahh, Gary, you are still around. I was worried that you had moved to Florida and had a new occupation as a lifesaverHelp!
Waiting with bated breath for some more airgun goodies from yousmiling bouncing smiley
Re: Hello....testing, testing...is this thing on?
April 07, 2012 04:22PM
Hi Neil.

Still around. It's been a whirlwind of obligations and "complying" with obscure requirements. Driving square pegs into round holes.
I wouldn't recommend any of it for fun, recreation, or stress relief.

It's just been a different kind of earthquake where the ground stays firm, and everything else shakes.

I'm getting it. Haven't quit yet. winking smiley
Re: Hello....testing, testing...is this thing on?
April 09, 2012 01:55AM
Don't you just love when standing still constitutes falling behind? With all the "help" available free of charge (whether you want it or not) from the legions of beaurocrats out there, it's a wonder anything productive EVER gets done.

Hope you've had a good Easter. We've enjoyed a day of sunshine and great weather, some of the best yet this year. Nice when that works out.
Re: Hello....testing, testing...is this thing on?
April 09, 2012 02:00AM
Hi Rotor,

Yes it does take a huge effort and quite a few bucks to stand still. The gale force winds are usually in your face - and not at your back.

Pretty day here. I caught up on some much needed rest.

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