My ShoeBox gets an UPGRADE (video)
April 04, 2012 01:04AM
After hearing of a few people getting the Shoebox upgrade and being pleasantly surprised at how much quieter it was, I reviewed Tom Kaye's website ( and read up on the "UPGRADE" parts. Harder steel pistons and a belt drive system (quiet and low maintenance) sounds pretty good to me as BETTER is always a good thing especially when it comes to things such as high usage compressors. So I ordered the belt drive system and the hardened steel pistons.

After my parts came in, I logged onto my computer and started reviewing Tom's DIY videos on the Shoebox website. I had easily memorized the whole process and decided to go down in the garage with new parts in hand and do the installation. I also decided to video the process as, well, IT'S JUST WHAT I It's also just to show how easy the upgrade is and its something I really had fun doing. I love taking things apart and putting them back together especially if I'm making it

I can't stress enough (from all that I've learned of the shoebox unit) to watch Tom's DIY videos before any tear down (rebuild) or upgrade is done to your personal Shoebox. The MAIN reason being is that the unit (shoebox) must go back together PRECISELY as to not cause leaks or brand new parts to be ruined or accelerated wear on parts or, the unit to not compress properly if at all into your SCBA/SCUBA tanks. Upgrading/Rebuilding the Shoebox is not hard at all and it's fun, but, care must be given when tearing down and installing new parts.

The video:

My take:
I am very impressed with the upgrade parts AND the Shoebox. I 1st must thank Tom Kaye for making the Shoebox. It works, it's affordable, it's rebuildable, and it's compact and light. It also gives the owner the freedom of NOT having to rely on a dive shop which can be far away and expensive (in more ways than one) and possibly not fill your tank full which I have experienced quite a few times. The new belt drive system is waaaaayyyyyy more quiet than the chain drive and it's cleaner. You don't have to worry about lubing a chain anymore and getting lube all over the units interior. And the hardened pistons should provide a lot more life to the pistons which is a super PLUS. Since the upgrade, the one thing I noticed is that when your shop compressor is ON and running, you CAN NOT HEAR the Shoebox running until the shop compressor turns! Wasn't that way with the chain drive unit installed.

FYI: Just a little heads up. If you decide to do the upgrade, while you have unit apart, NOW would be the time to do a rebuild on the cylinders (white o-rings and piston sleeves) if you've had some previous run time (a lot) on the unit.

Thanx for watching and STAY TUNED!
Re: My ShoeBox gets an UPGRADE (video)
April 06, 2012 06:35AM
thanks for posting the update. I'll be interested to see how it works as it gets more hours on it.
Re: My ShoeBox gets an UPGRADE (video)
April 06, 2012 10:41PM
Nice job Ced!
Re: My ShoeBox gets an UPGRADE (video)
April 06, 2012 11:55PM
I'll have a bunch of neat vids to watch. I've been out of the Verizon heartland for a bit. Life takes the offramp back toward the normal very soon. I know, I know. Believe me, I wish I had "people" to handle all the stuff I've tended to over the last month.

Got all sort of detail to get into on the airguns. thumbs up

Re: My ShoeBox gets an UPGRADE (video)
April 07, 2012 01:41AM

One more UPDATE as i placed the MOTOR PULLEY on BACKWARDS in the VIDEO. I had it all confirmed by Tom Kaye.

Here is the correction:

not really worried about more hours. This thing has worked just great from the beginning and has been a time saver and money saver. What i've realized about the unit, and its IMPORTANT, is that the unit has to go back together a certain way. WHEN YOU PUT THIS THING BACK TOGETHER, IT HAS TO GO A CERTAIN WAY. Any misalignments creates problems but, it's all there on Tom's DIY videos to see. I've rebuilt it wrong and it was MY FAULT as i did not watch the videos thoroughly (not talking about the motor pulley above). A couple of others have admitted it too. People complain about 2 hour fill up times and i just laugh. WHAT ELSE DO YOU HAVE TO DO that you can't burn 2 hours on a day when you DON"T SHOOT and stay at Most call it Ok, go buy a 4500 psi BAUER compressor for 4000 bucks that still takes you 20-30 minutes. I would love a day. But for now, the ShoeBox is just great. And yes, Rotorhead, i understand were your coming from and i'm not complaining nor do i think your complaining. Thanx RH

Jerry and Gary, again, thanx for you guys support.
Re: My ShoeBox gets an UPGRADE (video)
April 09, 2012 05:34PM
Hello Cedrick,

Please don't take my comments as being critical. Compressing air to hi pressure is WORK, and anyone should expect some wear and tear on the equipment that does that work. I know that I would sure be worn out if I had to pump a bottle up to 4500 psi by hand! (if that's even possible)

I'm seriously considering getting one of those shoebox gizmos myself, and I'm quite glad that folks like yourself are working out the bugs and making the shoebox a better product. I had serious doubts at first, but it looks like the unit both works as advertised and is of a quality at least commensurate with it's price. Not only that, but it is well supported by it's designer, which is even more important. The fact that it's rebuildable and servicable by the user/owner is a big plus in my book. If it was something that you got off the shelf at ChineseFreight, I wouldn't buy it unless it was priced as a disposable item.
Re: My ShoeBox gets an UPGRADE (video)
April 09, 2012 07:56PM
Really good post, been enjoying your videos.
I am starting to really look at buying one, but may have to wait till next year.confused
Re: My ShoeBox gets an UPGRADE (video)
April 10, 2012 12:07AM
Thanx RH. I didn't take your comment wrong. Guess i've just had some negative PMs from other forums in the past about the shoebox. And they mostly complain about fill times.

But i have to admit that these things are easy to work on and that the principal behind the thing is GENIUS. It's simply yet SMART in what and how it does it. And like you guys said, the everyday average joe can fix it or upgrade it himself.
Re: My ShoeBox gets an UPGRADE (video)
April 10, 2012 03:00PM
Dude - THAT is one PROFESSIONAL video! WELL DONE. Doesn't get any better.

Couple of comments:

I hope that road rash on your elbow is old, and you keep it shiny side up from now on. ;?)

Those are THE finest Tee Allen Wrenches I've ever used. Harbor Freight - cheap - but the best steel temper of any I've ever had. Color coded - well sized. Good man,

And finally, DUDE ... what a missed product placement opportunity! Wear your BARNES PNEUMATIC Tee shirt in your videos. heheheh.

ShoeBox looks to be an excellent product.

Great job Cedric

Re: My ShoeBox gets an UPGRADE (video)
April 14, 2012 02:29AM
Excellent Video!!
I got a shoebox last summer. I have not done the belt drive upgrade. A little bit of fiddling at first but it has worked very well. I have filled my AirHog 4500 PSI tank from 2900 to 4500 about 10 times with the minor maintenance and replacement of the cylinder O rings as directed at about 26 hours run time. It will take my tank from 2900 to 4500 in about five hours. Cuts off as it should. I have air drying filter on the intake side, but not yet on the high pressure, output side, where it will do the most good. I am planning on it, though. No big problems and I am satisfied with it. It meets my shooting needs.

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