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Happy Easter, and conversation ....

Happy Easter, and conversation ....
April 08, 2012 04:49PM
Happy Easter to all our readers.

Kelly and I are very grateful for a Risen Savior and God's Blessings.

We've been away on business. Things to take care of.

As you know, I was tasked, by the courts, to untangle the mess left by my parent's estates. My father passed first, and left my Mother with the mess. At the time, she was progressing thru the steps of Altzheimers. (Undiagnosed at the time). Some of her poor decisions were able to be partially corrected (with five years of letigation). Some left permanent scars that cannot be corrected. It's been my task to fix it.

As you also know, if you've read ... my insurance coompany of 32 years ... left me in a real mess when they decided to offload all their older homes. My health issues ( of the last five years especially) had made certain maintenance issues beyond my scope. Inability to secure contractor from the area was another amazing, and frustrating component to the equation.

Since the maintenance program for my chronic pain issues has produced a season where I've felt improved ... I've accomplished some of the required tasks. I've finally been able to secure another insurer (still subject to future inspection). An, I've finally secured an electrical contractor to do some work for us. I took the test, many years ago, to be able to wire my home. However; I needed the upgrade from 100 to 200 amp service. That required a liscensed contractor with permits, and inspections. This fellow accomplished much of the work while we vacated the house. Planning and timing. And, he had the work inspected and approved as well. It just lacks for the power company to come change out the meter socket and hook up the permanent new lines.

All of this stuff takes time. If you don't work for yourself, at home ... then you've missed many of these wonderful moments. Buy your boss a new coffee mug and shake his hand for arranging all of these details so that your office is lit, warm/cool, insured, inspected, approved, etc., etc., so that you may concentrate on your work.

We're home. The lights are on. I'm quite anxious to get into the shop. I have loose ends I must attend to while starting up the shop work again. I'll process the all at once, as I always do.

Thanks for your patience.

Warning ... weak stomach alert follows ......

Oh ... once again, I've decided I'd rather walk then fly. The 500 pound gentleman across the isle had purchased his two seats, and used them. I only mention that fact as he sat, enraptured look on his face, eyes closed ... as he downed pastry. Followed by a box lunch. He then proceeded to barf into various bags for the remainder of the flight. It was delightful.

On the way home ... a late teen boy, who has ignored the nearly endless TV ads for the product ... Proactive .... picked scab, examined the results, and flicked the results onto the carpet.

Gosh ... our fellow man is an amazing creature. Makes me marvel, once again, at the very meaning of Easter. To make such a sacrafice for such as we are.

Re: Happy Easter, and conversation ....
April 08, 2012 09:47PM
Happy Easter....and I'm sorry you had such a woeful flying experience ;-)

good luck with the various travails ahead!!!
Re: Happy Easter, and conversation ....
April 08, 2012 10:46PM
Hi Bill,

Anxious to continue on with shop projects. I need to get into some engraving shortly. Looking forward to it.

Re: Happy Easter, and conversation ....
April 08, 2012 11:32PM
Happy Easter to you and your family GB.

May GOD bless.

Re: Happy Easter, and conversation ....
April 09, 2012 01:56AM
Hi Faz,

Bless yours too! Thanks.

I still have to look thru your compressor post. Sounds like you are a happy camper. Very glad it works well. That's a serious need filled.

I have to get back to shooting. I fear I've forgotten how.

Thanks for posting.

Re: Happy Easter, and conversation ....
April 09, 2012 02:14AM
Sometimes our fellow travellers on this earth are best appreciated in the abstract. The phrase "familarity breeds contempt" is rarely so true as it is aboard an airliner. eye rolling smiley

Now that just trying to get on an airplane combines the least pleasant aspects of a simultaneous proctological exam and tax audit, we all step aboard the aluminum torture chambers in a grim frame of mind. The ever-shrinking seat spacing and punitive baggage policies of the greedy airlines have ensured that even the theoretical "normal sized" adult is crammed into a space that would be inadequate for a legless midget. Add in the "we charge extra for everything you used to take for granted" mentality and the fact that airliners rarely fly with an empty seat these days and you've got the perfect trifecta of disgruntlement, discomfort, and dismay. Is it any wonder that even the flight crews and the pilots are freaking out on the job these days? Perhaps it's a clandestine method of encouraging us all to work towards being as "carbon neutral" as possible. confused

Here's hoping that everyone else has enjoyed a blissfully airline-free day this Easter Sunday.
Re: Happy Easter, and conversation ....
April 10, 2012 02:25AM
Belated Happy Easter to you and yours. Sorry you had to 'Enjoy' flying somewhere. I do NOT miss it.! Hope getting back into the groove goes smooth for you.
Re: Happy Easter, and conversation ....
April 10, 2012 02:40PM
Thanks Rick,

I've been putting things away. Sweeping, cleaning. Sorting projects. Trying to recognize objects in the shop .... "ahhh ... ahhh ... what was that ... ahhhh ..... nowthatIthink .... MILLING MACHINE!!!! grinning smiley

Will take a few starts to get it right. I'll decide ... nah .... THIS is the wrong thing to be working on. And, shortly, I'll get some things to show.

No desire to fly anywhere for SOME time to come. Hate it. But .... using up days of driving is a bummer too. Trick is to just "BE" in the correct place .... so you don't have to move around much. hahah.

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