Apprentice - lesson from history
April 12, 2012 04:12PM
While traveling, I bought a magazine: GUNS of the Old West. Winter 2012. On page 32, they are into an article by Denis Prisbrey about the 1874 Sharps reproduction by Pedersoli. Guess this repro. is modeled after the work of Henry Slotterbek.

Mr. Slotterbek immigrated to the U.S. at the approx. age of 10 years. Settled with family in Philadelphia. The article says, "In 1855 his skills landed a job working in Henry Deringer's establishment, apprenticed under his older brother, Charles Slotterbek, who ran Deringer's shop and paid Henry on a per piece basis". I'll paraphrase now. Shortly thereafter; Henry graduated to working directly for Mr. Deringer himself, on the famous pocket pistols Mr. Deringer was known for. In 1859, Henry left to set up his own shop. Evidently Mr. Deringer had taught him well in approx. 4 years. Henry was so grateful, that he started making pistols which he marked "Deringer" (instead of his own name). Because they sold better I suspect. It required Mr. Deringer to sue Henry to get him to stop the fraud of using Deringer's name. After that, Henry marked guns Slotter & Co. .... INCLUDING guns ... marked .... are you ready .... ? .... "J. Deringer". You see ... Henry had hired a man named John Deringer (who was a tailor in Philly) so that he could legally use the Deringer name. Seems like a real Prince.

People ask me, all the time, why I seem secretive about my work, and why I don't hire an apprentice.

take a bow

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/17/2012 06:30PM by barnespneumatic.
Re: Apprentice
April 12, 2012 06:53PM
Hi Gary,

Interesting story. To bad the young Henry didn't make a name for himself rather than try to use someone elses. Sounded like he had the skills to do so.

I quess that rules out volunteering to come and sweep at your shop to? haha.

Thanks for the story....

Re: Apprentice
April 13, 2012 03:04AM
Hey, I thought you guys would have more fun with this one.

There's a kid in town who mows yards. Bobby Girandoni I think it is ... Haha. You think I should hire him to sweep up? More coffee
Re: Apprentice
April 13, 2012 03:20PM

"You think I should hire him to sweep up?"

I would test his loyalty by letting him do your roof work first. Get crackin'

Re: Apprentice
April 13, 2012 08:17PM
Maybe you could put his name on a ball res gun and retire...
Re: Apprentice
April 13, 2012 08:26PM
Or maybe he'd hire me to work in his yard business! thumbs up
Re: Apprentice
April 13, 2012 08:25PM
That's right. Then pain the ball on top of the flag pole. ;?)

Couple years of stuff like that before I let him see my shop broom. Gotta be careful, ya know. scared
Re: Apprentice - lesson from history
April 19, 2012 11:02AM
wax on ,,, wax off.
one day it will all click into place , then what.
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