Would have loved to show ....
April 15, 2012 07:10PM
you pics from the outing yesterday.

Instead, I've been beating my head on my laptop trying to load the pics from the camera. Don't ask ...

Did you know that you evidently cannot use a card reader now? Hey - if it's simple and funny ... don't tell me. I have several card readers - including a nice 72 - in -1 high speed readers. Nope. You can load the driver for them ... but you can't get them to be recognized in the drives or have the card prompt to load pics.

I'm burnt out. Ever since this thing fried a couple of months ago ... it's been like breaking rocks to do anything ...

Here's one pic for now. I think I might be able to drag it across the line .... ah ...... NOW you have to go to "Libraries" .... to find Pictures. It was far too easy to go to P-I-C-T-U-R-E-S to find pictures. why me

Range Woodsman SS, Orion 323.JPG

The Woodsman SS 308 with the new slug sure opens up a soda can at 75-80 yards with the new slug.

More later after I lay down with a cold rag on my head .... you know ... 16 years ago ... I had a 500 dollar iMac and a dial up modem. It NEVER refreshed (like this did in the middle of a post the other day for two minutes). It's programs never nagged me. It just sat there and I used it - did anything I wanted to do. Scanned pics. Built websites. Processed pics. eMail was a snap. Now ... EVERYTHING is a nagging pain in the buttstock which ..... but I digress. It is Sunday, after all. grinning smiley
Re: Would have loved to show ....
April 15, 2012 11:27PM
I Feel your Pain. i still try and use some PC stuff from time to time...I'll Stick with my iMac.
Hope you get it all worked out while you still have some hair left.!

Re: Would have loved to show ....
April 16, 2012 01:09AM
Hi Rick.
Yeah. I don't know if it's a Mac/PC thing, or just the 16 years if "improvements". What are programers gonna do with 16 years when you already have everything you could ever need or use. Why ... "improve" everything until it's all so complex it's nearly unusable (unless you are a programer). That seems the deal to my humble experience. A couple years old is ancient. Old programs no longer work. All the icons change. It's all in a different place. Looks different, works different. You spend time banging your head on the desk instead if using the tool.
It's my pet rant. Once I get something set up to use, I want to be able to maintain it that way. Only option today seems to be total transformations.

Re: Would have loved to show ....
April 16, 2012 10:54PM
I Totally agree..It's all just Change for change's sake and Nothing to do with usefulness or consistency across updates. The end user is Not considered in the equation at all.
It's all NEW,Flashy,More Useless do dads and less & less about actual usability. BUT I Digress.......
Re: Would have loved to show ....
April 19, 2012 10:59AM
brain ver 1.2 upgade available soon.
im waiting for the un bugged version ,,, more memory needed i think , or at least a cup of coffee.
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