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Re: Posting. New Arrivals

Posting. New Arrivals
June 24, 2012 04:54PM
We've had a number of new members join recently. I want you to feel free to comment and post if you wish. Jump on in.

The life of the forum is interaction between the members. Despite all my efforts, most readers consider this to be a "Gary Blog", where I post my progress, thoughts, and entertain. For the 38 years in business, and developing the skills I've displayed here; it's precious little reward to simply watch the numbers change on the "READ" counter. "Hey ... that post changed from 39 to 47 reads!" wow

I'd like to make your acquaintence. As you've seen recently ... Sean (Rotorhead) and I, should just be texting back and forth. winking smiley Always thoughtful and complete in his comment ... I'll bet HE would enjoy making your acquaintence too.

This is one of those times you've never read about before. You know ... the time when Girrandoni had about 50 guns approx. 80 to 95% complete ... and then had to pack up and move his entire operation 1,100 miles. Yes ... he had six bad discs in his back too. Lived on pain pills and cheap Walmart Oatmeal cookies. But ... you don't know that ... because he didn't chronicle his work. Now adays, people devote decades to ferret out tiny scraps of information like ... his shoe size (Rumor has it, it was 14-15 depending upon the manufacturer). But, as regards myself ... you don't have to wait two hundred years to know what the life of a full time airgunsmith/artist is; while he worked in a craft producing items you find of some interest.

I've worked nearly 40 years in a shop, by myself. The elves don't count, because they are drunk most of the time; and their topics of conversation range from boring to stupid. Therefore; I do enjoy sitting down with a cup of coffee, and meeting the folks here.

Thanks for reading,. Better yet ... thanks for joining in.

tongue sticking out smiley
Re: Posting. New Arrivals
June 24, 2012 06:31PM
What the...?!? You mean OTHER people can read this too ?!?winking smiley
Re: Posting. New Arrivals
June 24, 2012 09:05PM
Hold it, I'm not sure we gave anyone else posting rights...I better go check that!
Anonymous User
Re: Posting. New Arrivals
June 24, 2012 10:04PM
Must be a big change in your life to move after that long in the same place. I have watched your progress through alot of pain and it seem,s as if you have made a good improvement in this. I hope that your move will work out better for Kelly and yourself. Good luck with your new home, and you will like the change.DB
Re: Posting. New Arrivals
June 24, 2012 10:56PM
Hi Don,

Thanks very much.

This is a load for an old busted up guy. So far; I'm functional. I guess, if it were perfectly planned ... this would be the worst time of year. But - this is when things came together.

I did feel better down there, and have noticed that on vacations. Even when sweating and hating the heat. I'll adapt. This was simply a requirement (moving, I mean). And, wouldn't have mattered if it were just across the state ... it would have been at least 90% of the same effort - tearing down and loading the stuff. Just had to do it before I got too old or broken. I've had a window of mercy here - for a few months. Figure I better use it while it's here. Can't count on it in five years or so.

Thanks for the good thoughts. Have to meet you there sometimes. I forget - where are you in Fla. ? I saw you said you were betting pounded by the storm..

Anonymous User
Re: Posting. New Arrivals
June 25, 2012 12:23AM
Driving around Reddington shores and Clearwater beach during storm and watching the crazy surfer,s. Fighting the riptide is dangerous to say the least. Young and stupid........
Re: Posting. New Arrivals
June 25, 2012 01:50AM
My wife and I have averaged a move about every two, two-and-a-half years ever since we've been married. Part of it economics, part of it military, most of it all by ourselves or a DITY (military-speak for do-it-yourself) move until the last couple times. We've been married a bit over twenty years so you can do the math. It's never easy, especially once you've got pets or kids, or both. Worst is when you have to make do with a smaller place or move from a place with a garage to one without (or both, with our impending move). sad smiley

Moving down the block (done it) is as bad as moving a state away; it's just as much work with none of the rest. Given that the goal is to uproot your entire existence and plop it down in a completely different location, the time spent enroute from point A to point B is the only time you sort of get a rest until the whole project is finished.

Speaking of which, make REAL sure that you get enough rest before driving. If you think it sucks loading and unloading that trailer, just think how much MORE it would suck trying to sort through the wreckage if you were to doze off and flip it over the edge of a highway somewhere. I used to drive round-trip from Albuquerque, NM to Flagstafff, AZ every week for work, about 407 miles each way. Almost every trip I'd see a Rider or a U-Haul truck that had rolled over along that stretch of Interstate 40, scattering someones possessions all over the desert because the driver fell asleep. It's probably because that particular stretch of road is so long, flat, and boring, but the sections just before and after Winslow, Arizona were the epicenter for U-Haul rollovers. When it happens it looks like the truck had just exploded; the truck box comes apart like wet tissue paper and the contents end up mix-mastered along a couple hundred yards. Fortunately, if the driver / passengers are wearing their seat belts they usually end up with minor injuries even though the trucks always seem to land upside-down.

It happens often enough that the EMS crews have a nickname for it, they call it a "yard sale".Even sadder
Re: Posting. New Arrivals
June 25, 2012 02:08PM
Sean. Snap out of it Dude! You are not helping. chainsaw stunned

Note to self: Don't fall asleep. Got it.

Yeah ... I get off the road if I get sleepy. I realize there's only a trophy for stupid stuff on reality TV.

Re: Posting. New Arrivals
June 25, 2012 06:45PM
Actually, the worst part of "reality" TV is that the show IS the trophy. Why someone would voluntarily choose to have their life on camera without being highly compensated is a mystery to me. Personally, I consider it a form of mental illness if someone wants to be "famous" just for it's own sake.

Given a choice between rich and famous, I'd take the former every time. The latter is more of a curse than a blessing.
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