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Re: Coffee Break Stuff - Scott started it - haha.

Coffee Break Stuff - Scott started it - haha.
July 24, 2014 04:20AM
Scott said my various skills always intrigue him ... Something like that. Made me go into what I've been mulling over. All those different skills. Time, etc.

I decided not to muddy up the other post after typing this out. But it's good thoughts. Might interest some. Get some coffee coffee

Thank you Scott,

I appreciate you saying so. winking smiley

Can't tell you how frustrating it is when I know I have a hundred ideas for any one I get to start. I have ten skills I've developed for every one I use in a year's time. There's always the compromise of time and expense. I'm gonna take this as an opportunity to do an A/C Side Chat that has really weighed on my mind recently .....

Time/Input/Price/Willingness/and the March of Time ....

Lets use these Letter Openers as an example. I made these 23 years ago Scott. 23 years! OMG. These were the FIRST that I ever made. These were the LAST that I ever made. They are pretty darned nice too. But - if id have made them for the next 23 years, is it possible the newest ones might be even better? I'd suspect that would be a "yes".

And there are dozens of other things just like this. Did them once - never got back. Now - I do NOT have ADHD. I have PIAS ... That would be "pain in the buttstock syndrome". Those who suffer from PIAS find themselves carving out some old shed to pack their tools in, to work. They wear the hats of Maintenance, IT, Marketing, Customer Relations, Sales, Materials Handling and Shipping, etcccccc. So while they could be engraving - they are fixing a sinkhole under the house. 'Cause PIAS doesn't let you spend enough concentrated time engraving, to pay contractors with chrome wheeled trucks to fix sinkholes! grinning smiley

Now what's worrying me is ... I've actually learned and mastered a long list of skills ... And I'm still fixing sinkholes - and getting older. Now - 59 isn't so bad. But ten years and a day past 59 is 70!!!!!!!!! Now that sucks.

Here's another thing. Don't look into the buying power of the US Dollar. Consider just the cost increases of goods and services over the last ten years. I hope you all realize that my prices have NOT kept up. I'm always faced with this when pricing my work. I try to be very fair. Think about it though ... How'd you like to have to make everything on the table here, to pay your month's health insurance? And that's after putting in your 41 years of Reputation. It's as depressing as can be. People who have been patient waiting for work from my shop ... Consider .... I've held the price on your orders. But everything I do in life cost me two or three times what it did when the order was made. So; now I make up the difference - in order to complete the work.

Now this is what I've been working up to Scott. You asked me in another post if I've thought of making the Outrider Series for some bill money. Yes. And I will. However; think it over. The price is 1997 pricing. The money in 2014 buys about half as much in goods and services in many areas. So that means the pay isn't so great. Then - consider that I have the skills to be producing some really fine $50,000 rifles. But, having PIAS sure isn't gonna allow time for that. But all those folks that worry my 4+ decades of learning aren't being passed on - well they aren't being used either. So; it isn't entirely joyful contemplating the model. At this point, the quality of skills should be allowing my last chapter of work to be the finest. Not trying to crank out big numbers of field grade. That puts a knot in my throat from time to time.

Ok - gonna move this. It morphed into a coffee break status, and the other was a sales thread.

Thanks Scott! Hope I didn't put you to sleep.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 07/24/2014 06:22AM by barnespneumatic.
Re: Coffee Break Stuff - Scott started it - haha.
July 24, 2014 06:09AM
Thanks for the inside into the "one man band" we call Gary smiling smiley
Re: Coffee Break Stuff - Scott started it - haha.
July 25, 2014 02:17AM

I'm glad I could help stimulate the conversation. I understand everything you said. I don't want anyone to take this the wrong way, but I will say it anyway. But this actually helps to explain why the term "starving artist" exists. I'm not saying this specific about you, I really appreciate what you do and how you do it.bowing But if we don't have something "routine" that we can do, or produce (to produce income), I think that makes it hard to make money to do the fun things. I love my job, but there are some mundane things I have to do that I would rather ignore. If I try to ignore them, the business falls apart and I don't have an income anymore. blush Usually these are income producing items, but can certainly be the routine maintenance.

My impression is that in your case, instead a "bread and butter" product or service that keeps the basic bills covered, and because you value things being done "your way" (as in: correctly and with precision--like I do) you just do it yourself, and that takes time. I have been known to do this myself. I find there to be a difficult balance sometimes between what I do to make an income, and what I do myself to get it done right. I could get some of those things done more cheaply by someone else, but it will have to be redone on 2 years! Is our time and sanity more valuable than that? Yes!! That's why I built my own house. USA!  USA!

I want to reiterate, I truly appreciate your work and the quality of it. I'm not saying your doing anything wrong. I just think your doing things differently than most of the rest of the boring world. Good for you! smiling bouncing smiley

I hope I didn't sound critical. Because I am not. I would like to see more Barnes rifles out there, even these "boring" ones. The more people get to appreciate first-hand the mechanical quality of Barnes Pneumatics, the more my intricately carved and masterfully executed rifles will be worth! wink

Now, if we could just find a way to help you sell that stinking house in Maryland....why me


Re: Coffee Break Stuff - Scott started it - haha.
July 25, 2014 05:58AM
Hello Scott.

Thanks for responding. Well said. I appreciate it.

In my case ... I've worked in a shop, alone; for 41 years professionally. Another 10 as a youth - but still putting in long days as if the "cause" depended on my shop. I collected the tools and learned the skills. So; when need arises - the most natural instinct is to just fix it. I haven't been out in the public developing that list of contractors. You know what ... I never develop a "neat or tidy" need either. You know ... some "normal" need. Always a unique situation. Take today for a perfect example!


Here is the woods - looking toward the beginning of our road. You can note that it just gently slopes. It's not the side of a mountain. Not something a mountain goat would fall off of. Nearly flat here. BUT - what a water shed!!!!! It collects water to an amazing degree. AND - I cut the ditch (unfinished cosmetically) to collect some of the water off of the upper length of road - so that I don't have to deal with so much right at our house. The water collected, comes down this ditch. And, it carries sand from the journey. WELL - it was dumping the sand all thru the woods - making a sand Delta. So I lengthen and concentrated the ditch cut - weeks ago. After that - it deposited the sand on the shop road. Driveway. It kept spreading. Truckloads of it! This was no good.


So, I cleaned it up with the tractor. Used the sand/clay to raise a low area of the driveway. I scraped back the stones each side - deposited the material and compressed it, then covered with the stones again. In the process, I made it so the water could cross the driveway in a gentle groove - diagonal cut - packed and compressed stone. It drove well with tractor and car. Looked finished. Good job. I was happy.


Ok - then the first rain. So MUCH water came rushing down the groove - it cut out the crossing. It took the stone and clay with it. Severely erroded the lane making it impassable. My work ruined in one rain.


And so - I used the tractor and filled the errosion. I compressed the clay/sand base. I sculpted the compressed area - making a "self form" to accept a cast concrete armored channel. Then I laid in 11 bags of high tensile 5,000 psi concrete mix. Raked. Sprayed with a sprinkle saturating sort of pattern from a garden hose. I later dusted on two more bags as a topping to smooth and shape. I wet those through as well.


At the beginning where the woods ditch joins the driveway crossing - I dug the entrance to the crossing deep into the sand. That makes a tongue deep below the crossing and should prevent undercutting.

NOW. Who would I have gotten to fix this? When? And for how much? I could not use the road. It would worsen severely with each rain. I had my tractor here. Should I have paid someone to trailer in "his" tractor? It was work I didnt want to do. You bet. But I used my tractor bucket where I could. Kelly kept company and helped too.

I'd have had no idea who to call. And I'm sure a few of those letter openers would have disappeared for their efforts. Doubt my ideas would have been taken seriously - having just called in the experts and all.

So - we took advantage of a day it didnt rain after about 10am. The concrete is setting and hardening as I type. Tomorrow evening - more rain. Would the unknown Contractor have been able to fit between the raindrops?

This IS a perfect example. It's my crazy life. Stuff comes up - nothing normal. I have the tools and skills setting right here. Also - right now - i have no extra cash for the experts - who would have most likely stretched the job into a monumental scale.

Just these few thoughts so far Scott. 1:30 am. I'll figure the angles and survive. I appreciate the conversation. winking smiley


Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 07/25/2014 06:24AM by barnespneumatic.
Re: Coffee Break Stuff - Scott started it - haha.
July 25, 2014 11:06AM

There is no doubt that that looks like professional work. It is good that you have the skill sets to do the job. That looks like thousands of dollars worth of work. I pray that it works well. I am sure through this "trial and error" method you have come up with a better solution than an engineer would have designed on paper. Unfortunately that takes a lot of time. I understand the predicament.

I fortunately have a job where I'm in high demand. But I still can't find someone to come fix my siding where the last microburst tried to throw a piece of concrete through the wall. The insurance company is willing to pay good money to repair it, as well as my garage roof and chimney, but the job is too small for the big companies and to big
for the one man crew to want to take it on. Therefore, I still haven't gotten any bids back. The storm was in June!

So, we keep working... When we find a few extra minutes we use it to shoot a few targets. Sometimes it is powder burners, sometimes air rifles. I have to keep reminding myself to bring the camera. I wish I had the time to cast my own slugs. I have a stockpile of lead. But that is more time that's not available. I was supposed to be off work today, but a key employee has a sick child. I'm the boss, so I will fill in to get the job done. I won't make any extra money, but the job must be done. I'm not complaining, just sharing. Hopefully Saturday will be better.

I tend to leave the country so I can relax without being bothered by phone and email. I still work, but at my pace and for free. I'm glad I can make enough money during the "normal" work week to support those trips. My clients don't really like it when I'm unavailable, but I think we all have to take a break occasionally. Fortunately life has always waited for my return.

I hope you have a productive day today. Still praying that the Maryland house sells soon. I look forward to the progress on the Outrider series.

Re: Coffee Break Stuff - Scott started it - haha.
July 25, 2014 03:52PM
Hi Scott, and all our Readers. Thanks for sharing your coffee break.

This is a great thread! Covers many areas. Reveals the way things work in the real world. Scott - you want me to bid your house repair? I've been looking for a project ... whistling. Ooopps - someone just blew an O ring .... injured. Sorry.

First ... I'm always thrilled when people are more successful and better paid then I am. I've never had an impoverished fellow buy a custom anything from me. Boy - one thing did strike me though. You said that when you return from abroad, life has waited for you. THERE ... That's the key. Honestly - without exaggerating or sob story embellishment; I could write for hours as to the times life just didn't wait for me. Well - it waited 'til I got as far away as I was going - then blew up, burnt down, or worse. But, once again; I'm glad it's different for my customers, most of the time, cause most people don't call from the disaster shelter to buy either. BTW - I know you are correct about the job I did yesterday ... that it would have cost thousands. And, just for the record ... I don't make thousands per day. What???!!!!! stunned Surely I jest!! winking smiley

I know, for a fact; that there are a few readers who read with their temple throbbing. I'm sorry for that. I know that folks followed my move, and just shook their heads. "That's not the way "Procter and Gamble" makes coffee pots!! And, you are correct. Ya notice there are very few one man artisans who make a lifetime run of supporting a family. It requires "finding a way" to do what the world does with extra people and the budget for technology. I couldn't have my entire shop's machinery all palletized, shrink wrapped, and a fork lift standing by for the string of tractor trailers to load at 6am one morning. First thing - a tractor trailer could not get into the alley which housed my shop for 34 years. And, the shop was full. You can't go into a full shop, with a fork lift; and wrap pallets. So; I did it the only way possible for me.

The house bit me in the butt real good. Actually, the economy did. I am not the type to fudge over a bunch of hidden problems - aren't you glad if you are buying something from me? So I fixed everything I could. Didnt make the house new - but it's 200% better then it ever was for me. And now - I can't pay anyone to look at it. Can't land a plane in the kitchen. No acre of granite counters in the children's private bathrooms. Third floor is ... On the third floor!!!! Really???

So I am trying to hold it together til the darned thing sells. Now - we have this situation. Some are sitting steaming cause I'm not working on their gun - and THEN I can have a stroke or whatever - they don't care. Some see the stuff I'm selling as distractions - "get on with it" ... And don't see that the bills have to keep being paid. "Well - I sent in $100/mo years ago - what did you do with that? Open the sock with my name on it and pay your silly bills. And- of course - it doesn't work that way. Now - hopefully most readers are noticing that I'm working at 110% to complete new things to offer. I don't have my guitar case open on the sidewalk - yet. But ... if everybody just sits and watches while I make and offer stop gap product - then they won't be surprised when they see the pic of the stern of the SS BPS going over Victoria Falls. Actually - they WILL be surprised - and mad - and yell down at the rubble on the rocks ... "What are you going to do NOW!!!"

Last thing: isn't it nearly comical, that I've documented what it's taken me - all these years - to produce the items I have produced. They are done. They are in collections. Should be clear as to why they are rare. Once you have one at your house ... you want it to be as rare as hen's teeth! The story of the lone craftsman ... raised by wolves ... fighting off life's little playful tweaks .... to build quality items for the enrichment and enjoyment of the buyers. The story is burned into our subconscious minds. We want it to be true. But ... when I'm tumbling down a rock slide ... cause life pranked me with a little stick across the ankles ... then the whole thing is a pain. "Oh Good Grief! ... NOT the rock slide AGAIN!!" Then, once I get half way down the slide ... I usually pause to make an extra Tea Set or something .... so I can afford to fall the rest of the way down the slide. For the prices I ask - they are dirt cheap. Imagine your own JOY at being able to make one if those letter openers and sheath for $395. wow Why - it shouldn't take more then a few minutes. And ... barely three of them will cover part of your health insurance for the month ... IF you don't use it at all!

Well ... I'm sure several readers have passed out by now. not lookin' good exhaustion or depression. Come on guys ... you can tough it out. Just a another few words. winking smiley Hey .... it's RAINING!!!!! And the concrete is set up ..... oh goodie. See ... everything works out in a snap. heheh.

Thanks Scott. Enjoyable. Thank you for your Support. It's greatly appreciated. Thank the rest for reading. For your patience. I'm doing my best. Pathetic isn't it? But if you watched me for a day ... you'd be exhausted too. I should do that ... sell bracelets to get through security and back stage for a day. Be good for the therapists in your area! stunned


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/25/2014 06:25PM by barnespneumatic.
Re: Coffee Break Stuff - Scott started it - haha.
July 25, 2014 09:07PM

I enjoy helping support your work. I have been watching your site for many years. One thing I observed early on is that every once in a while something new and unexpected becomes available. Those who interact with the site usually get first dibs on unexpected items. I have been able to take advantage of some opportunities and have very much enjoyed them.

I still have my spot on the ledger and I know one day I will get something better than what I ordered. But I have also enjoyed the surprises along the way. And tell more people the stories about Gary Barnes and his fine creations. I can't wait to open some letters!

Re: Coffee Break Stuff - Scott started it - haha.
July 25, 2014 04:15PM
Gary you need a exoskeleton fast, might improve your work capacity smiling smiley
Re: Coffee Break Stuff - Scott started it - haha.
July 25, 2014 05:06PM
It would most likely malfunction, and trash compact me! laughing again
Re: Coffee Break Stuff - Scott started it - haha.
July 25, 2014 09:00PM
HAHAHAHAHAHA. I just fell off my chair!
Re: Coffee Break Stuff - Scott started it - haha.
July 25, 2014 11:22PM
That's good Sal! Hope it was a short chair on carpet! Smile. nowthatIthink

See that ... I'm entertaining Sal .... And you thought I was just making a sack of saw dust! winking smiley

Re: Coffee Break Stuff - Scott started it - haha.
July 25, 2014 11:33PM
Hi Gary,

Sorry you're still mired in water management. Obviously you're closing in on it but there always seems to be one more solution required.
Re: Coffee Break Stuff - Scott started it - haha.
July 26, 2014 01:00AM
Hi Jerry,

I'm learning the keys to managing things down here. It's a different planet.

When I get something that works, ill try to convert it to lower maintenance versions - like the concrete here.

Wasn't in the game plan. Unknown unknowns.

If I can sell BPN - I'll survive. Right now, it's like I'm the only one that has ever tried to sell a beautiful old home. Madness. But, as you might imagine - take the cost of a home out of your game plan, and see if it has any effect. whistling

Good to hear from ya.

Re: Coffee Break Stuff - Scott started it - haha.
July 26, 2014 12:09PM
How did the concrete do in the rain? I hope it functioned as designed.

Re: Coffee Break Stuff - Scott started it - haha.
July 27, 2014 04:31AM

It worked a treat Scott. Thanks for asking. winking smiley

Down out of the woods ...


And on down below ... Bye bye.

Wasn't a gully washer of a storm, but still moved sand around. At some point, the road will stop yielding sand. Hopefully, I'll be straightened out and can afford clay and maybe gravel to do it properly. Whomever it was who decided to build this road from sand, was a real engineer, Ill tell you. And, of course - I was the fool who bought it. I just wasn't analyzing enough of the details.

But - we are learning. Soon - fountains in the public square!!! nowthatIthink

Re: Coffee Break Stuff - Scott started it - haha.
July 26, 2014 06:53PM
Gary, when did you add a civil engineering degree to your skills portfolio? Nice fix, I hope it survives many future rain storms.

Re: Coffee Break Stuff - Scott started it - haha.
July 26, 2014 07:15PM
Hello Will,

I used to stay up late, and mix cement under the covers, with a flashlight. I made my OWN building blocks before I knew what letters went on them!


Good to hear from you.

Re: Coffee Break Stuff - Scott started it - haha.
July 26, 2014 11:20PM
The MD house WILL sell, it's just a matter of the right buyer and the right price.

I know it's sometimes impossible to keep the positive in mind when the negative is biting you in the rear every day demanding your full attention, but there's no point worrying about things you can't control. Just leads to more stress, and more sick days that you can't afford. We're pulling for you Gary, and here's hoping that the right buyer will come along sooner rather than later.
Re: Coffee Break Stuff - Scott started it - haha.
July 27, 2014 01:27AM
Thank you Sean. I sincerely appreciate it.

Anonymous User
Re: Coffee Break Stuff - Scott started it - haha.
July 27, 2014 05:46PM
That was more than a one cup!!! It is nice to see that you are beating the flood's. Stay dry and positive my friend.
Re: Coffee Break Stuff - Scott started it - haha.
July 29, 2014 12:58AM
Been watching the rain fill up the buckets I left outside and hoping the roof will at least start leaking in the SAME spot for a change. Rain, rain, and more rain, it's been a miserable excuse for a summer up here. Help!

I wish we could export about 80% of it to some of those dry spots we hear about on the news, we could use a break from it as much as they could use the rain.
Re: Coffee Break Stuff - Scott started it - haha.
July 29, 2014 04:10AM
Hi Sean,

Yeah - we could pitch in too. Way more then we need here.

It's the darned grey gloom that gets to me. Just depressing in its excess. Hey - what are you going to do? Then when the gloom lifts, it's too hot. Always decent around 4:30pm on though. Do it's liveable. And the Fall and Winter are delightful (weather wise). So far hasn't been a lot of "delightful" items to tic off. Haha.

K. Keep at it tomorrow.

Re: Coffee Break Stuff - Scott started it - haha.
July 29, 2014 09:30PM
Hang in there fellas! Everyone gets some share of good weather at some point. Right now it's 74 degrees here and not humid... so totally not normal for late July in MD. Hopefully that has inspired some tours of BPN.
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