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Re: Ready to Ship ... thumbs up. MERRY CHRISTMAS! winking smiley

Ready to Ship ... thumbs up. MERRY CHRISTMAS! winking smiley
December 15, 2014 02:47AM

This is the LAST of the items I promised folks for Christmas.


Hope you like this Sean. It's a Honey.


100% handmade German Silver Pocket Case.


Front carries a component stamped Sunflower Motif. Everything is individually stamped into the Silver. Each new leaf, each new component, each cut, each hinge finger, each bend ... they all risk all the work that has been done before. Some of those later steps take courage to risk.


The back is hand hammered. There are quite a few tricks to it.

Hope you ordered what you wanted. Hope you took advantage of an incredible season where I put myself out there. I told you I needed cash to carry us while the house dragged on, finally sold, and we waited for settlement. Honest to God, I haven't worked for these wages in 30 years. I nearly worked myself to death, to just make what was required to cover BPS AND BPN. And, we did it.

Once again, I want to thank the guys that put themselves out there. Some bought several items. We worked together. I made terms which they could manage, and I met the schedules promised. I know a number of you put yourself in a bit of a fix, in order to buy more then you would have. You wanted the items, but you knew I needed the help. That means a lot to me. Thank you Sincerely. bowing -- Far East

Now - there are a couple of Elephants in the room. And I never shy away from those. Follow me now, please;

Elephant 1). If you could do this work and meet these schedules, why can't you do that for the rifles?
Elephant Answer 1). Because these items took two days. Maybe four days. 15-30 hours ... Not 380-590 hours. When I made prototype rifles and showed them, nobody was making rifles like mine. Who knew how long they'd take? When I made the prototypes, I was excited. Everything worked with dumb luck. When I'd go to reproduce them, everything took four times as long. Tools broke. New Welding jig would be crooked - have to do it again. 2,000 landed on me like an anvil. With every new setback reality - it made it harder to jockey ten projects taking 450 hours - while feeling like dirt. Anyway .... that's all History. But, reality is what I've dealt with each day. And, we are still here. And "here" is now in a warm climate, with fine shop space.

Elephant 2). What about the Outrider project? Weren't they supposed to be done right away?
Elephant Answer 2). Original plan and offer = 5 guns. $4,000 each. An influx of $20k to live on. Original Plan meets First Contact with Reality: the Good Folks who stepped up, were not guys that could just write out a $4,000 check. To be absolutely honest - one did. Now - this isn't any sort of criticism. I have thanked God for every check that hit the mailbox - no matter the size. I'm always gonna need money - next month ... so the payment scheduled worked. HOWEVER; Elephant time = honest answers. The money scheduled was not going to cover the needs, at the right times. And so - we needed to augment the plan. Also - nobody paid carrying fees - so it was understood what was happening. I had to keep the lights on - North and South - while I made Outriders. You may have been worried for your fellow readers who ordered Outriders - you need not have been concerned.

What has taken place has been quite remarkable. Whereas the world has been free to read the forum each day - and anybody reading could have taken part in any sale I offered .... AND .... Whereas there are several people in the world who could have written out a $400 - $1,000 check, all at once (especially for work so obviously underpriced by a Four Decade Professional Artist) .... ..... (and some did do just that) .... ... rather then that being the norm; the majority of the work offered for sale, was purchased by good folks who worked with me on terms. We spent most of the last six months, and found a way for them to pay parts here and there, as they could, when they could. And, it worked. We spanned the Gap.

These have been some of the most stressful months of my life. I've shown you what we were doing. Asked for some support, and a bit of encouraging conversation. Those who felt they wanted to help - did. Kelly and I will always be greatful. Thank You All.

And so - that chapter is nearly closed. The obligations are met. The items shipped, or ready to ship. If you took part, you got some amazing work for great prices. And, your family will have heirlooms, from this chapter of my life - forever. Trust me - nobody will throw this stuff away.

And now - Kelly and I have a combined family of Five Children. Thirteen grandchildren. We will finish their Christmas gifts. God Bless You and Yours. Merry Christmas.
Gary and Kelly.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 12/15/2014 02:43PM by barnespneumatic.
Re: Ready to Ship ... thumbs up
December 15, 2014 03:49AM
It's been a pleasure Gary, looking forward to years of use from the items we were able to pick up. Have a great "Christmas Break" winking smiley looking forward to another chapter. I pray for a more pleasant future, or at least as good as it can get for a starving artist.... grinning smiley
Re: Ready to Ship ... thumbs up
December 15, 2014 06:02AM
Thank you Sal,

You have been a huge help to Kelly and I. We will always be grateful.

You were as good as your word. Always had the check right there. AND ... your friendly communications were enjoyable.

Just FYI ... Yes ... Sal is on the ledger. I've owed him a custom rifle, forever.

Thank you, my friend,
Re: Ready to Ship ... thumbs up. MERRY CHRISTMAS! winking smiley
December 15, 2014 04:25PM
Gary glad you made it through the rough patch and im happy I could help you out in a minute way. I wish you, ms. Kelly and you extended family a Merry Christmas and peaceful holidays. grinning smiley
Re: Ready to Ship ... thumbs up. MERRY CHRISTMAS! winking smiley
December 15, 2014 05:10PM
Thank you Rugar,
You did indeed broker work that helped us very much. I know challenges arise from dealing across oceans. I appreciate your participation in the forum. Merry Christmas! God Bless!
Re: Ready to Ship ... thumbs up. MERRY CHRISTMAS! winking smiley
December 15, 2014 06:51PM
It's a beautiful piece of work, I know my wife will love it.

I guess the snowblower pin case is gonna have to wait. winking smiley
Re: Ready to Ship ... thumbs up. MERRY CHRISTMAS! winking smiley
December 15, 2014 09:09PM
Excellent Sean,

I'm real happy with the case.

Thanks for buying a few things. It's been a big help, and thank you for participating in the Forum. That also means alot to me.

God Bless. Merry Christmas.

Re: Ready to Ship ... thumbs up. MERRY CHRISTMAS! winking smiley
December 15, 2014 09:33PM
Hi Scott,

You got in early, and saved our bacon a few times. We are very grateful.

Turning an AirGun Forum, where about ten people talk - into a support system to purchase Pocket Knives, Pocket Cases, and the like ... is not something with a high probability rate. We counted on people recognizing quality and value. And absolutely the bare min. number stepped up, in order to bridge the gap. We are coming in for a landing on fumes, a tail wind, and a long decending glide ratio. Readers might suspect I embellish the story. When I do that for humor, I make it very clear. There's been no humor in this story. We have given it all. We'll walk away from the landing. But man - the tank's dry, prop's bent, radio out, tires are flat, goose thru the windshield. We don't care to fly BPN AIR again.

Now - I'm gonna stretch your ability to believe me. No matter - it's true. I just proof read the above. It's 4:30 Central. That's Meds time. My alarms are on my phone. My 4:30 is an incessant duck quacking. As I just read "Goose thru the windshield" .... My 4:30 alarm went off!!! Quack, QUACK, QUAck .... Hahaha.

Re: Ready to Ship ... thumbs up. MERRY CHRISTMAS! winking smiley
December 15, 2014 07:41PM

Another beautiful, functional piece of art.

I'm sorry I haven't been around much lately, but I'm glad I could help some during this time. Thank you for not giving up and working through it all. I know it will be a relief once the closing papers are signed in Maryland.

I pray you and Kelly have a wonderful Christmas.
Now get all of those presents done for your family!

Re: Ready to Ship ... thumbs up. MERRY CHRISTMAS! winking smiley
December 15, 2014 09:40PM
Sorry Guys - I'm on my phone. Because of the pics in this thread - the phone insists upon loading them all again - fresh - after each command stroke. So; I can no longer get the responses under the correct position.

Re: Ready to Ship ... thumbs up. MERRY CHRISTMAS! winking smiley
December 15, 2014 09:51PM
What an experience! I was sitting here on the patio of the Studio. I had a late lunch bowl meal. Good weather. I have my phone here at the table.

I have head down typing - and ............. An ENORMOUS HEAD from a white German Shepherd appears at FACE LEVEL with me seated!!!! It's mouth is open panting. Friendly look though. I just casually start talking to it as if we were in the middle of a conversation. I mean - its face and teeth are quite in focus, and it's breath is surprisingly without Oder. This thing is HUGE!!!

It snifs the empty bowl of my meal, I've pet it's neck - we part ways. It just trots off. I evidently do not qualify as a fresh meal. WOW.

I mean - it simply "Appeared" at the corner of my glasses ....

At least .... I THINK it did ......... Hummm. Phew.

Re: Ready to Ship ... thumbs up. MERRY CHRISTMAS! winking smiley
December 16, 2014 10:16PM
Does Shopsquatch have a sidekick?
eye popping smiley nowthatIthink

Re: Ready to Ship ... thumbs up. MERRY CHRISTMAS! winking smiley
December 16, 2014 10:40PM
Scott, you may be correct! The Scale would be correct. Shopsquach and his trusty Pooch - Fang. doggie

thumbs up

Re: Ready to Ship ... thumbs up. MERRY CHRISTMAS! winking smiley
December 15, 2014 07:53PM
Nice choice on flower Sean . The other cases are beautifully busy with a lot going on but the flower takes my eyes right to the center . Even without the pedals there's a ton of work ! Good job Gary , thanks for sharing .
Re: Ready to Ship ... thumbs up. MERRY CHRISTMAS! winking smiley
December 15, 2014 09:56PM
Thanks Kurt, Jerry .....

Glad you like it. Thank both of you for your purchases as well. Very, very helpful!

Yeah Jerry - you see .... Doesn't it like that Shopsquach has an old iPhone??? Man ... I have creatures all over!!!!
I may have to hide inside the magnifying glass!!! Haha.

Re: Ready to Ship ... thumbs up. MERRY CHRISTMAS! winking smiley
December 15, 2014 09:49PM
Shopsquatch is all over that! Nice!
Re: Ready to Ship ... thumbs up. MERRY CHRISTMAS! winking smiley
December 16, 2014 10:33PM
So you've got a neighborhood "dogzilla" to keep the gnomes in check...thumbs up
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