Mid January at BPS
January 30, 2015 01:17AM
Things are going well.

We have done a good bit of work. There were things to attend to that are coming together.

The Outrider Series is going well. I've completed some more tools, jigs, patterns that will increase efficiency.

I could fire one 50 cal this evening - but I don't have a set up in the shops yet, for testing. The previous interior group of fail safe guards and shields are not in place yet.

Everything I'm doing here now, is completing the shop group, so that I can continue the Ledger projects which are wrapped and inventoried.

That's a lot of positive stuff there. Please allow me to get my feet under me as we have come out of this long tunnel. I will see what makes most sence to complete. Please understand, it's still one guy. All the parts are tagged and inventoried. That does not project an order or compute hours remaining, nor suggest a completion date. I hope you are able to enjoy following the work posted. I still must find quite a lot of time in the cracks, here and there; to set up the remaining shop space. Ill share that too.

Here's the last thought. I can come and share interesting work with you. It's going to be stuff that not a large number of people do. You will most likely appreciate the work which went into the completed items. What I can't do, is just blow you out of the water every day of the week. Finish projects at a dizzy pace. Ill tell you, I am beginning to feel a bit less chased. I'm doing good work, and enjoying it. It's still going to be just a little bit into the Superhuman Range. I won't jump right into the Hyperhuman Pace for several months yet, I suspect. winking smiley So; I hope you'll enjoy what can be a good internet site here, with good folks. Hope you'll accept the best I can do as a decent effort.

Ok. Time for the next shift.

Re: Mid January at BPS
January 30, 2015 01:38AM
Thanks Gary, always appreciate the updates!
Re: Mid January at BPS
January 30, 2015 04:06AM
On the positive side, you've definitely crossed "shovel path out to the shop" and "fix oil furnace blower again" off the list for good. smiling smiley
Re: Mid January at BPS
January 30, 2015 05:28AM
You bet Sean.

Strolling up from the Studio at 10 pm, Jan 29 .... in Tee shirt and Jeans .... Priceless.
Re: Mid January at BPS
January 30, 2015 06:03AM
T-shirt? It's in the 40s at 10:00p up there isn't it?

Re: Mid January at BPS
January 30, 2015 02:54PM
Well Lon .....

It's not always the same. Position of the Jet Stream and all. "Weather".

Recently, it's been warmer. We have enjoyed that.

take a bow

Re: Mid January at BPS
January 30, 2015 09:15PM
Depends on what you're used to as well. Once you're acclimated to the "northern climate", forty degrees and not pouring down rain IS tee-shirt weather.sunny

My wife, however, would probably disagree. Snowman
Re: Mid January at BPS
January 31, 2015 03:40PM
It's a balmy 28 in MD right now... I hope there is room left in FL when I can retire!
Re: Mid January at BPS
January 31, 2015 03:46PM
Just enough room. winking smiley

Hey - you don't have to retire first .... Lots of work here at BPS. nowthatIthink
Re: Mid January at BPS
January 31, 2015 03:53PM
I can totally do rough cuts on the band saw! Does that pay well?
Re: Mid January at BPS
January 31, 2015 04:03PM


You do realize the number of highly trained engineers who have begged me to allow them ....

Wait .... I have the number right here ....... somewhere ..... Ah, here it is .... No ... That's my phone number .... Well ... It IS a number ... Yessiree ...


How ya doin' Jerry? You have Md. Under control. Thought they'd have tossed a big party with me gone. Haha
Re: Mid January at BPS
January 31, 2015 05:05PM
Hi Gary. I hear the new owners of the former BPN need someone to give tours of the hollow shop around the tree. I think I'll audition...
Re: Mid January at BPS
January 31, 2015 09:22PM
No one is better qualified!

bowing -- Far East
Re: Mid January at BPS
February 01, 2015 03:49PM

I heard the new owners first order of business was to give the elves a huge raise. Check on that rumor while you're there would you?

Re: Mid January at BPS
February 01, 2015 07:25PM
Phfwat???? why me. Those little creeps! They signed non-disclosure agreements and started back up as soon as my tail lights went around the corner!

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