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Snapshot 2.13.15

Snapshot 2.13.15
February 14, 2015 04:22AM

I've been working on 25 caliber Barnes barrels.

I spent two days researching shop ledgers, shop mechanical drawings, notes, cleaning and measuring rifling buttons - reamers - and slugging bores. I then pulled a few barrels based upon the research.

I've accumulated a huge library of designs, intricate shop drawings, notes, proceedure and specification documents. Then range testing results. It's quite a task to follow individual threads through the total. Would be nice if it were all correlated and searchable. Perhaps.

Sal. I was not convinced that the barrel blank I had for you was suitable. I now have a greater inventory.

Re: Snapshot 2.13.15
February 14, 2015 05:34AM
That's what I'm talkin' about! Good ole days are back.

BTW, is there a light source out of view illuminating the bores?


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/14/2015 01:46PM by Bigbore.
Re: Snapshot 2.13.15
February 14, 2015 03:53PM
Hi Lon,

No additional light. Phone camera flash. Just worked well for this incident.


Re: Snapshot 2.13.15
February 16, 2015 03:03AM
Once you've gone through the brain-work to get it exactly right, no sense in making just one copy. thumbs up
Re: Snapshot 2.13.15
February 18, 2015 08:18PM
Thanks Gary,
There is never any doubt about the quality when it comes to a Barnes.

I'm sure all of those barrels will be put to good use, there are all kinds of ledger items that could use a .25 barrel. It may even end up on mine when we get there. smiling smiley
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