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Can anybody tell me how to ...

Can anybody tell me how to ...
June 28, 2015 08:33PM
Delete the list of podcasts from iTunes?

It's a new version. The computer Insisted upon loading this about a month ago. We carefully went thru the boxes and pull downs. And now .....

There are 375 podcasts and 112 listed as unplayed. While Ive only ever listened to maybe 8. And it just keeps on loading, though ive tried every cease and desist option i could think of. No - there isn't any delete option that a relatively competent man with 20 years of computer experience can find. When I Google the problem, I find dozens of people asking the same question. Those who answer all cite odd solutions such as having found their Podcasts as an "album" in Music. Would appear iTunes is more interested in keeping an indulable history of every podcast you ever listened to. Would appear you just eventually have to throw out your computer. I can see why Apple is a 700 Billion $ Company. Cause you just want to hammer the products frequently.

Any help please? Trying very hard to just get some background company in the shop. Fine / if I had something set wrong and it thought I desired to download All Podcasts since the Garden of Eden ... Well, it's my bad. Now ... Can I errase some please.

Thank you, much
Re: Can anybody tell me how to ...
June 29, 2015 12:36AM
Not a clue...
What's a PodCast anyway, a new kind of space age fishing reel?!?

P.S. i went for a 'wifi radio' and love it (but my whole family are radio users - Mom and Dad were licensed ham operators). 55,000 stations and I play it through my home stereo. They are relatively inexpensive to, especially compared to Apple stuff... Check em out.
Re: Can anybody tell me how to ...
June 29, 2015 05:08AM
Thanks, I will.

Right now ... I'm just using too many systems that are patched together. The Studio is a Steel Building. Some Texts come in. None go out. Some phone calls come in. None out. I can occasionally find a window that will accept a send. No Net, or course.

The shop is about 80 yards from the modem in the house. I actally ran Cat5e cable from the modem to the Studio, and I couldn't get the computer to recognize it.

I realize everybody is yelling at the screen. It's sooooo easy. Just get some Magic Box and some Paper Clips from Radio Shak and in ten minutes an 8 year old could hook it up. Well ........ yeah.

Part of the issue is also the selection of junk available. I thought I could assemble my own play lists ... but iTunes just makes my head hurt. I know, couldn't be easier ... just like my Rifles and Knives, Furniture and Jewelry ... simple.

Sorry ... I live in the sticks. No time or reason to meet anyone to set up the missing links.

I just can't imagine when the stuff goes Rogue, and nothing I've learned in 20 years applys. There is no Tool Icon, no drop downs, no highlight and delete. It's just all black magic.

OK ... should have given quite a few a good laugh by now. But I'm not reading anyone tell me how to dump close to 500 podcasts that I never asked for.,

Re: Can anybody tell me how to ...
June 29, 2015 09:42AM
Sorry Gary
Your on your own as far as me helping . I can hardly get my phone to work ! No kidding .

Re: Can anybody tell me how to ...
June 29, 2015 02:37PM
Hi Kurt,
Well, take note that nobody else has told me the simple three step method.
Always makes me wonder just how many people actually "use" the things they buy or are they mostly just like VCRs blinking 12:00.
Thanks for responding. Good to know that you and I can build anything out of steel, but since we didnt grow up playing video games, we can't make nice with electronics. Hahaaaahh.
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