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Re: Compound Curves!

Compound Curves!
September 18, 2015 02:43AM

High velocity squirrel cage fan adapted for intake and exhaust

More later!

Re: Compound Curves!
September 18, 2015 02:53AM
You were absent today. Figured you musta been busy. PM your way.
Re: Compound Curves!
September 18, 2015 03:19AM
Yeah Steve. You recall my Steampunk Wormhole to exhaust a work area in the Studio. Well, it was sweet as pie, 'cept it didn't work. The prop fan was capable of moving a lot of air. It spun the turbine on the roof pretty good. But ... the back pressure in the pipe caused back drafts. Round fan in square case. The corners allow leakage. The quick adaptation of a much larger fan was, it anything; worse. Same round prop fan in a square case.

Enter one of my squirrel cage shop fans. Those will blow your skirt up from twenty yards away. But, they draw from the center of the wheel - along the axel axis. The exhaust scoop was also wrong for me. Enter Gary's Skunk Works Sheet Metal Fabrication Shop. I laid in some sweeping compound curves. Up, Around, and Over. It's fierce. I mounted it. It spins the roof turbine to a bluuuurrrrr. So; it will definitely evacuate fumes, but there's still not a noticeable vacuum draw. I may need fold down flaps to extend the hood area when in use.

Of course, I had hoped to see the walls visibly suck inward when I flipped the switch, but I'll cope. Building systems to work with requires patience. When it's for me, I just want to use it and get to work. However; its machinery. When it's right, it will work.

I'll check PM
Re: Compound Curves!
September 18, 2015 04:34AM

There is an Elipse inside the vertical stack so their's Laminar Flow from the fan's original output up, and around to now exit vertical. The new output is in the center of the nougat created by the whole mess.

Re: Compound Curves!
September 18, 2015 06:22AM

I told an old friend who works for the Gov that you were working with fans strong enough to change the weather, he said they knew all about it and had been watching you for some time and for me not to worry. He said to tell you that there is a old tennis ball in one of your gutters too.

What a great country.

Re: Compound Curves!
September 18, 2015 02:49PM
Yeah, I know they know. We will just let them "think" that that is a tennis ball, and not a lens cover. whistling

Thanks for the heads up Larry (or should I say code name "Raving Seagull ").
Re: Compound Curves!
September 18, 2015 05:07AM
Tim foil and duct tape ! I knew it . A little wd~40 and BAM !

Re: Compound Curves!
September 18, 2015 02:40PM
Hi Kurt,

In the end, it always comes down to that. I know that Voyager, is still working because of foil and tape. assimilate

At least this is a class job Kurt. Aluminum sheet metal and aluminum tape WITH pop rivets. Don't get no better then that! thumbs up


Re: Compound Curves!
September 18, 2015 11:14AM
Oh, and don't forget the chewing gum...
Re: Compound Curves!
September 30, 2015 03:56AM
That's how you know you're working with a pro, they go straight to aluminum tape. Duct tape...pshaw...amateur stuff. smileys with beer
Re: Compound Curves!
September 30, 2015 03:40PM
Thanks Sean,

You know .... I once had a car in Md., that I bought used. It had a rusted hole, decent size, in the inner wheel well. Winter coming. I scraped the loose scale. Might have sanded it bright. Laid in aluminum tape. Sprayed undercoating over that. Temporary fix. Yeah, right ....

The car proved to be reliable. I kept it a few years and traded it to a guy as part of a "deal". The tape never failed. Amazing.

After taping to hold shape and seal, I went back in with pop rivets in strategic places. It's solid as a commercial part. Probably better .... Which brings up ...

My favorite coffee cookies. Generic Oatmeal hockey pucks from Walmart. "Hello, my name is Gary". "HELLO GARYyyyy".

Well, they were packaged in 4 rows of 8 cookies, for $ .98. That way for years. Then, one day .... An entire ROW disappears!!! Package looks mostly the same. They probably stretched the spacing of the tray to make it nearly the same length. $.98. Somebody got a big raise for figuring how to screw the cookaholics. So; the Sheeple keep buying the cookies. Buying more packages now to make up the shortage. Today. Today I hit the cookie jar. My trained eye can turn diameters on a lathe to scary accurate diameters ... and those cookies are NOT up to spec. They're undersized ...........

Are you kidding????? Is there NO END to greed? Soon, we'll have virtual cookies!!! why me

Re: Compound Curves!
October 01, 2015 12:22AM
Ah, the mysterious disappearing product game.My favorite is breakfast cereal boxes, where the amount of content wildly fluctuates depending on where you buy them and when, though the box itself rarely if ever changes. In one grocery store the box holds 18 ounces, at the next one the same size box holds 12.5 ounces, the next one down the road may have 16, who knows why? There seems to be no relation to price versus box size, I think it's some ongoing experiment for the manufacturer to find "the sweet spot" where people will pay the most per ounce.

My least favorite version is the airlines "disappearing space game", where people pay wildly different prices for ever smaller seats. We're long since past the point where the feds should have re-regulated that game, it's well into the phase where the word "inhumane" butts up against "torture" and "greed". I'd personally like to round up the top hundred airline execs who's "brilliant" decisions determine seat width and spacing and sentence them to an eternal airline ride in economy class. We'd just stuff them all into an old 737 fuselage attached to a roller-coaster track and leave them there uintil they all expired from old age, blood clots or airline food.

And the digital cookie thing is already here. If you're like most people, it's likely that you've got hundreds of cookies in your computer already.

I'm pretty sure they're not oatmeal.laughing again
Re: Compound Curves!
October 01, 2015 02:26AM
Re: Compound Curves!
October 01, 2015 02:46PM
Well said Sal!

Re: Compound Curves!
October 03, 2015 02:16PM
Gary and all,

I got a shock last week, had a sudden coffee need but was not near a coffee shop. Unlike some American City's designer coffee at $5 a cup has not caught on where a Dollar can feed a local a nice meal and $5 can do a family for takeout.. There are Starbucks and and a few others in the Yuppy malls and resorts here. But I digress. Not having coffee near I hit up a small grocery store and went to the candy section. There I saw a rare sight here, a Reece's cup. They had 4 and I bought two packs and walked out.

When I opened the first pack I found ONE and only ONE yummy Reece's cup and the bottom black cardboard had been folded in the middle to keep the one cup in place. To fake us all out they had put several layers of cardboard to fill up the other side. I opened the other one I bought to find the exact same set up.

I must admit the Taste was fine and I could not tell if any changes had been made in the Manufacture of my favorite candy.

Gary this is 50%, did they think I would not notice? Also the one lonely cup in each pack seemed a bit smaller and possible thinner than Standard U.S.A. Reece's cup specs but my micrometer was in my tool bag at home.

A check of the package showed these to be packaged in Quezon City Philippines but failed to say where they were made. hmmmmmm

Just another small let down in life. I feel for all you too.

Re: Compound Curves!
October 03, 2015 02:45PM
Hi Larry,

Clearly you have unrealistic expectations. It's the only possible explanation.

I myself, suffer from the same malady. Time has a way of correcting unreasonable impulses.

We're in it together Bro.

Re: Compound Curves!
October 04, 2015 01:54AM

Thanks that helps to know I am not alone. There does not seem to be a 12 step program for unrealistic expectations because I checked. I did see a Hershey bar yesterday but was afraid to buy it.

Did you write the Cookie company that seems almost fraud like to me.

Re: Compound Curves!
October 04, 2015 03:15AM
I set out to do so Larry.

However; my stationary had been downsized to insufficient proportions to contain my thoughts. My ink pen went dry. Removing the cartridge, I found the barrel was only half as long as they've always been.

Decided to text. SMS is only for "Short Messages", and I had a longer message in mind. I only get the LTE I was sold about twice a year for 30 seconds max.

After this, I forgot what it was that I was attempting to do ....

Re: Compound Curves!
October 04, 2015 12:18PM
Re: Compound Curves!
October 04, 2015 12:50PM

You are starting to scare me. I bought grocerys Yesterday and I suddenly have the strange desire to go in and count everything I bought. lol I hope the feeling passes.

On a funny note I pre-pay my phone here it is fine for the small amount of calls I make. Suddenly my load was gone and I had about $8 left. I called and reported it. They sent me at text saying they had figured it out and sent me .35 cents credit. I had to go to an office and take a number but I got it all back. lol

It is everywhere.

Be safe and never count the cookies again.

Re: Compound Curves!
October 04, 2015 01:07PM
I think 'they' call it the incredible shrinking economy. Everything is fine, you still get your cookies...
What more could you possibly want?
Re: Compound Curves!
October 04, 2015 01:41PM
"THEY?" You mean "Them" are doing this? surprised

Re: Compound Curves!
October 05, 2015 12:11AM
Uh huh 'them' is duin hit!!!
bad dude
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