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Re: Development Project - First Look

Development Project - First Look
November 20, 2015 03:50AM

Who knows what you are looking at?

Let's start there. I'll tell you what I'm doing. What you are looking at is all my work. One of the development projects I told you I had to bring on line.



Check it from different angles. These are components in the works. None are finished.
Re: Development Project - First Look
November 20, 2015 05:25AM
I can't tell if it's an actual part or the testing of a new texture/process. The middle picture looks like metal. There is obviously a stamped knife with raised lettering on the piece.

Can I buy a vowel?


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/20/2015 05:26AM by Bigbore.
Re: Development Project - First Look
November 20, 2015 02:14PM
Hi Lon,

Ha. Funny. Yes, you can buy a vowel ....

"480 BC"

Re: Development Project - First Look
November 20, 2015 11:29AM
Looks like a copper bracelet for arthritis pain . Come and take it . It looks like the diestamp in the middle pic . Well it's got a feather engraved on it and maybe the middle picture is that german silver you use . I think silver is good for colds .
Just my guess ???bowing


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/20/2015 11:45AM by kurt wag.
Re: Development Project - First Look
November 20, 2015 01:41PM
I think Kurt got it with the come and take it, but it's over a sword rather than a feather. An ancient sword...
Re: Development Project - First Look
November 20, 2015 02:03PM
I'll go with Bracelet too but what the heck do i know! Oh and Gary sent a PM
Re: Development Project - First Look
November 20, 2015 03:32PM
Re: Development Project - First Look
November 20, 2015 10:00PM
Leonidas sword - like from 300

Molon Labe
Re: Development Project - First Look
November 20, 2015 11:39PM
DING DING DING!!!!! We have a WINNER!!!!!

Thanks Doc. All that schooling wasn't a total waste after all! Haha.

480 BC. The War between the Persia and Greece.

I'll be back in a few.

I'm glad you like the carving and approve of the Greek Font. thumbs up

Back shortly.
Re: Development Project - First Look
November 20, 2015 10:01PM
Nice Greek letters!

also beautiful carving
Re: Development Project - First Look
November 20, 2015 10:20PM
So when are you going to tell us?
Re: Development Project - First Look
November 20, 2015 11:33PM
Just got in for dinner Jeff. I will do that very soon. Thanks Brother!

Re: Development Project - First Look
November 20, 2015 11:44PM
You bet !

Believe it or not, I was actually a Classics major in college, and obviously pre-med as well.

Don't have much artistic talent though more innocent

Battle of Thermopylae - "the hot gates" - or Gates of Fire
Re: Development Project - First Look
November 20, 2015 11:45PM
Ok, Gary, we'll be here winking smiley.
Re: Development Project - First Look
November 21, 2015 12:07AM
Hmm. Ok, I think it is a bracelet too, with the aforesaid Greek message...but I'll wait patiently for the reveal.
Re: Development Project - First Look
November 21, 2015 12:58AM
Ok. Thanks for your patience!

I'll continue here. If it needs another fresh thread, we can do that too.


I made the tooling to strike the images you have seen above. It's a type of "coining" process. I can use this image for multiple products. The Sword Image is about 2 7/8" long.

That image can be struck onto different prepared base metals. Therefore; I can make a man's Cuff Bracelet. And make it in a style that you might wear with jeans and a cotton shirt, or one to compliment a suit. I will make tags, plates to stitch onto Jackets - or hang from chains. I will make pocket folding knives, with struck side plates (Barnes logo on the far side). I have a number of plans for products using the tooling.

Now: Here is a brief paragraph of background.


I took a screen shot of this text that I felt to be worded well.

The image is my own original,

.... however the slogan "molon labe" (which is the English method of writing the slogan) is most often translated "Come and Take It". You will find other images used with the slogan. Let me post this, and return. There's a glitch in my connection/wifi/cable ... Something is driving me bugs. ...,


Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 11/21/2015 01:12AM by barnespneumatic.
Re: Development Project - First Look
November 21, 2015 12:47AM
Hey Gary,
If it is a bracelet put me down for one. I really like the Molon Labe saying and I like the way you did it in the Greek figures. On second thought I might need more than one...
Re: Development Project - First Look
November 21, 2015 01:14AM
Thanks Jeff,

I have some prototypes toasting over the forge .....

thumbs up

Re: Development Project - First Look
November 21, 2015 01:46AM

As I indicated .... you will find many different approaches to the display of the classic slogan "molon labe". Mine is less abrupt then some. Yet, it is entirely appropriate. I'm celebrating the eternal story of the small, determined effort - against an overwhelming horde. From the "Last Stand" of the Spartans, to the lone man in his life boat, against the raging storm.

I chose to put my slogan in classic Greek letters, overlaying a classic Greek sword from approx. 480 BC. I did allow artistic license, by making my blade of Damascus Steel - (being a Certified ABS Master Bladesmith ... It had to be). thumbs up. You will see the slogan (open text in English) overlaying the typical AR silhouette. Personally, I chose a more subtle approach. No quarrel with the previous. My logic is this: if the slogan is in Greek, then it will take a kindred spirit to recognize it. That kindred spirit doesn't need to be grabbed by the lapels. He shares your sensibilities. So: the Greek lettering, and the Sword of Leonidas (Leader of the Spartan Band of approx. 300 Warriors) will speak subtly.

The Classic Battle (brought to the silver screen in the movie 300) told the story of the 300 Spartans who stood against estimates of 150,000 - 300,000 Persians. They defended a narrow pass. I won't try to tell the whole story. Many are far more qualified.

I'm showing you one of these projects which I told you I needed to develop. That story is pretty "Klassik" here now too. I sort of identify with long odds. Maybe that's why this appealed to start. I hope my story ends better, but the battle is familiar.

Hope you like the artwork. This image is made with a tool steel die. I hand carved the hardened tool steel. This is a one to one carving. No reduction tooling. No pantograph. No CNC. I carve the mirror negative image. The die displaces the base host metal so that the highest points of the die produce the deepest portions of the image. It takes quite a steady hand and a sharp eye for detail. As well, the mind has to see what will be when the mirror, negative image is reversed.

thumbs up

Re: Development Project - First Look
November 21, 2015 02:19PM
Good Morning Gary,
I like it. Thanks for the story and the explanation. There are a lot of us who face those long odds everyday. We have worked and fought for what we have and simply want to keep it. Want to live and enjoy it. Our airguns too. Sometimes it is something as simple as out health - just ask anyone who lives with heart disease or diabetis or asthama or depression or on and on and on. Thanks for the inspiration. I can't wait to see the final product! Have a great weekend.
Re: Development Project - First Look
November 21, 2015 01:42AM
Oooh, toasting on the forge... Are there graham crackers and marshmallows too???
Mm, semores, yummy!
Re: Development Project - First Look
November 21, 2015 06:41PM
I tried striking the image in Graham Crackers, Jeff. The results were .... disappointing. Tried Marshmallows, and they just bounced back. Hummmmm. Sticking with Copper! Hehe.
Re: Development Project - First Look
November 21, 2015 07:37PM
I'm seeing...crystal ball always a bit cloudy...copper letter opener, hammered finish, impressed with this logo. Another idea!

Also, someone you know will soon depart on an interesting voyage. Wait, that last one was from a fortune cookie, disregard please.
Re: Development Project - First Look
November 23, 2015 02:01AM
Hey Gary,
Oh shucks, I really want a marshmallow message... Semores too. I guess I'll just have to go away hungry. Er! Thanks for tryintg knucklehead.

Oh, and the number for John Calipari - at least in Kemtucky - is NUMBER ONE! Hahaha. Go Kats!
Re: Development Project - First Look
November 21, 2015 08:33PM
So, since the damascus on the blade is feather pattern, that makes the sword a "feather Falcata" - more or less, anyway laughing again

Think you are right - lots of possible "canvases" for this image ... I'd say "tie clip" but as far as I can tell, no one actually wears those anymore more innocent

I'm not really a jewelry guy, and much too "manly" for a "bracelet".... skeet

but maybe a "wrist support"......
Re: Development Project - First Look
November 22, 2015 01:09AM
Hey joebill,
Lol on the wrist support! BTW, I watched the University of Kentucky versus Wright State basketball game last night (Go Kats!) and noticed that UK coach John Calipari was wearing a tie bar. So there is at least one example - although I'll have to admit that when I noticed it I said to myself "nobody wears those anymore!" Hey, if coach can do it, I can too.

Oh, and I know that not many of us wear bolo ties either, but I still do. I have a nice little collection with a couple of antique Native American handmade coin silver ones. I would love to add a copper Molon Labe bolo tie to the collection! I guess we'll just have to wait and see what Gary comes up with!
Re: Development Project - First Look
November 22, 2015 02:06AM
Jeff ...

You have a number for John Calipari ...?

grinning smiley

Hey .... I planned to have examples. Guess what - you know that list you get before 157 people are coming to Thanksgiving? Yeah - and did you hear it's been moved to NEXT Thursday???? why me

So; do NOT tell Kelly that I'm finishing a bracel.... "WRIST BRACE" tomorrow morning. Before I get back to the list. Railings. Just because there's that shear drop beside the sidewalk .... Geeesh ... And, the couple of killer trees are now on the ground. Hey, who can't step over a couple of trees across the path, beside the hornets nest? Pha-Leazzz....

Fine. Tractor and chain. I got it.

But ... first .... I finish the brac... WRIST BRACE ... over my cup of coffee. If I have the energy to sip ...

Gar... GARR BRACE ..... Even more coffee

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/22/2015 02:16AM by barnespneumatic.
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