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Re: Positive Note

Positive Note
April 14, 2016 02:21AM
I had the best day, pain wise; that I've had in several months.

It's been pretty serious. And, it just grinds you down to a nub.

I always try to take note and tell Kelly when I have some positive and/or good news. It's important to me to do so. I thought you may also like to here that.

I felt decent from waking, and THAT just simply never happens.

Good is Great!

Thanks Much,
Re: Positive Note
April 14, 2016 02:58AM
Hi Gary,

Happy to hear you had a good day. Truly hope you get many more consecutive good days!


Re: Positive Note
April 14, 2016 09:33AM
I'm glad your on the mend . Those injections must be kicking in finally !
God IS good and also the doctors .( sometimes ) hourglass
It takes time

Re: Positive Note
April 14, 2016 11:31AM
Great news Gary! I hope that you continue feeling this way and even better."festive"
Re: Positive Note
April 14, 2016 07:18PM
Remember back when waking up was just the prelude to the "good part" of the day? No concern for what aches and pains you'll find waiting for you, just spring out of bed and get started. Nowadays when I wake it's a process categorizing what's going to be the biggest issue today... will it be the bum knee? Will it be the sore neck from sleeping on it "funny"? If yesterday was a heavy lifting day it'll probably be the upper back, that one always wants to make sure you remember.

I wish there was a way to capture that feeling of waking up without any pain or issues at all like when you are young, to savor it a bit later on when you get older and that's no longer the case. Just one of the things we took totally for granted back when, right?
Re: Positive Note
April 15, 2016 03:57AM
Hi Sean,

You know, I'm pretty sure I tore up part of my back in College. As that young man. One of my roommates was a nut for lifting weights. Out by the school pool was a weight room. Thing was .... no trainer. No supervision. Just another kid who's father was a lifelong weight lifter. But; I'm real sure we did most things wrong (read brutal) and I know I tore the thing under my left shoulder blade I'm still trying to flex away from tonight. Ha.

Youth would be amazing to bottle. Rub a bit on later, as needed. thumbs up

Been feeling much better just the past two days. I'll take it!!! Trying to use it well.

Just a real gift to have the endless pain dialed way back. You really do get used to it being there. But it's amazing when you realize it's gone for a while.

Re: Positive Note
April 15, 2016 05:07AM
A guy I work with was telling me he used to get injections for his back...... He was a bit wild with dirt bikes back in the day ha..He said it was bad for the first couple days but once the medication kicked in.... He felt no pain for a good amount of time! Glad to here things are looking up for you! I'm sure it's a great relief!

Re: Positive Note
April 15, 2016 03:44PM
Thank you Matt,

It's like what I can only imagine would be felt when "released from captivity". You can think again.

It's great that people don't "remember" the actual pain. If so, men would never return to risk; and women would never have a second child. However; you are aware of the huge difference in how you feel. And, with me; it's like the chains have fallen off my mind.

Thanks Matt.
Re: Positive Note
April 16, 2016 06:18PM
In a way it's a bit like a life-long hangover that you get from a momentary indiscretion when you're young. And yes, if they could put "20-year-old-knees" or "gymnast-flexible-back" into an ointment they could charge whatever they wanted for it. In a perfect world it'd be over-the-counter in the discount aisle, right next to the little bottles of "5-hour-toddler-energy".

Actually, the latter would probably be a controlled substance.laughing again
Re: Positive Note
April 16, 2016 06:31PM
I've always said that if they could "weaponize lower back pain", they'd end War on the planet.
Re: Positive Note
April 16, 2016 11:22PM
The way our demographics are going, we're well on our way. injured
Re: Positive Note
April 16, 2016 11:49PM
Amen to that .
The older we are the older we get !! I enjoyed my 53rd year on this planet last week . You know your old when sitting in the lazy boy eating cake is your plan for the whole weekend !
Man can live on coffee and cake . I earned it ! Haha

Re: Positive Note
April 17, 2016 12:00AM


You're a CHILD!!!!

Wow ... I was still climbing trees and pulling pig tails at 53 ..... Haha.


Happy Birthday Gramps!!!! Sorry I forgot - I'm old.
Re: Positive Note
April 19, 2016 12:22AM
I'm just a couple years behind ya Kurt, but it doesn't look like I'm catching up. smiling smiley

That's the best part about getting old, we're all in it together.
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