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Re: Sunday Afternoon/Evening - At the Bench

Sunday Afternoon/Evening - At the Bench
August 15, 2016 02:38PM
The topic of "Lanyard Beads" came up recently.

When I got home yesterday afternoon, I wanted to be in the shop. It was either finish three or four Bisons .... or sit and carve for a bit......

This Happened.




[attachment 7116 image.

(I'm quiet cause I have a headache and I have to go to the Eye Doc this am. I just want to go to the shop .....)

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/15/2016 05:04PM by barnespneumatic.
Re: Sunday Afternoon/Evening - At the Bench
August 15, 2016 09:37PM
That primative hunter was in there all the time just waiting to be free ! That's a great adornment to any piece .

Re: Sunday Afternoon/Evening - At the Bench
August 16, 2016 09:47AM
Very nice Gary,
I like it. The pictures are great.
Re: Sunday Afternoon/Evening - At the Bench
August 16, 2016 12:53PM

It's an enjoyable break. It's therapeutic value comes in the fact that you can finish an item before you have to walk away from it. The jewelry is the same, but I've found a couple of very odd constants regarding people and jewelry. (Another topic).


Hope some of you enjoy seeing this.


I see a copper flat disc bead above and below this type of bead. It's yet to be seen if the time convert$ to appreciation or if the carving time would be better $pent in a knife. Thing is - you have to HAVE a knife ready to carve when you want to sit down at the carving bench and a knife has quite a few moving parts - so you can't get much done per session.

Thanks guys. Thoughts and comments appreciated.

Re: Sunday Afternoon/Evening - At the Bench
August 16, 2016 01:02PM
Remember - on the screen, you are looking at things wasaaaaaaaaay oversized. So; you are seeing every tool stroke as if it were done with a pick and shovel.

I have an idea to try quickly, with that second one. I'm not being cute as to availability or price. I'll be back on that.

Re: Sunday Afternoon/Evening - At the Bench
August 17, 2016 06:38AM
You could use those for a lot of different applications . The copper above and below would be a great accent piece . I think Jeff had a great idea to use on a lanyard as a slide adjustment too . The first guy with his weathered face looks scraggly and mean with his knarley beard . The second one looks alittle more refined .

Re: Sunday Afternoon/Evening - At the Bench
August 17, 2016 03:38PM
That's an interesting pair. They must be brothers. The second one has quite a different expression from the first. I think he just saw his first Sabre Toothed Tiger. A lot of difference in the coloring too. I like em both!
Thanks for sharing,
Re: Sunday Afternoon/Evening - At the Bench
August 18, 2016 12:15AM
Hi Jeff,

Yes, I'll tone down the eyes. I'm aware. I am refining my technique with the new burrs that arrived this week. This practice is another part of good work going out the door. I have never gotten back to the thread. Have been buried in the details of the week. Repairmen, technicians. We had done lightening related electricity damage even down at the shop. In the house, we had the satellite box damaged, the aux. box in the grandkids room lost its power cord, and the bigger TV of the house lost one HDMI port. Techs came and fixed stuff. Made work arounds. Said I had tree branch interference on the dish. I cleared that. Then, that afternoon, we had another big lightening storm. We pulled the power strip out. When we plugged it in hours later - we had audio but the video would only show ten second segments, then show a blue screen saying "no signal" (even though there was no interruption I audio.

So; tech came back today. Replaced the main satellite box.

All weekend and this week, we've had no wifi. No net other then phones. And - in the shop no net or wifi. Burnt out wireless router. May have burnt out cat5e cable again (last time we had half the cable damaged. From the 100 foot joint onward.

Communication has been spotty. In addition, last week our home A/C died. Luckily we found a tech and he found a simple capacitor fix. Right before that, the dishwasher had quit. Previous owners had good taste. Bosche dishwasher. Haha. Worth more then the house. Fun until nobody has parts cause they don't see them around here. I've had dusk to dawn lights crap out (they used to last 20 years), and our mower had issues. I went around with that. There were others. Crazy.

In short, every thing I've tried to do in the am (before it gets TOOOOO HOOOOT), leads to something else that leads to something else. Yesterday, I sweat thru 4 tee shirts. I mean when I take them off, they weigh 5 pounds. After a shower, I force myself to work .... then comes the "what's my name" segment. Which eventually leads to a headache.

Whatever. Just filling you into the week's pattern. It will straighten out.

Thru it all, I've had one great idea after another. Crazy.

Later. Thanks for reading.
Re: Sunday Afternoon/Evening - At the Bench
August 18, 2016 01:19AM
Wow, that is a bunch. I'm sure it is difficult with the brain going a 100 miles a creative hour. Florida is such a paradise. I think I'll move there one day - NOT. Heck, I'm as close as I want to get already. Hang in there the best you can!!!
Re: Sunday Afternoon/Evening - At the Bench
August 18, 2016 02:12AM
Hi Jeff,

Yeah. The brochures are ..... incomplete.


Nah. I'm fortunate to have the great shops and space. thumbs up

Re: Sunday Afternoon/Evening - At the Bench
August 18, 2016 06:30AM
Man oh man that's some crazy luck . Those storms been hitting us up north too . No lightening though . Hope your water redirection project is holding up too . It's been 90 deg plus or minus most of August here with high humidity . It just sucks the life outta ya when have to work in it .
Let the snow fly ! After autumn of course , my favorite time of the year !

Re: Sunday Afternoon/Evening - At the Bench
August 18, 2016 12:54PM
Hi Kurt,

The water is flowing - down hill. It's a beautiful thing Kurt.

I used to really love Fall up there too. Just couldn't take the winter cold anymore. Too much of an old wuss. Bones ached like I was in a vise. Well, I solved THAT!!! Hah!!! You know how it is though - its hard to remember the problem "solved", when it's been replaced with new ones. Just keep moving forward thru the weeks. Ha.

My buildings are well insulated and all have metal roofs. Remember the grief I had with roof leaks and heating my old shop. I have those solved too! Hah!!!! See that, easy street is right around the corner!!!

Re: Sunday Afternoon/Evening - At the Bench
August 18, 2016 01:16PM
BTW - I intentionally designed the proportions of the carved faces different. It's not just pot luck. I haven't carved them in some time. And I got new tool bits too. On a "normal" face, the eyes are half way between the top of the head and the tip of the jaw. That's the most common mistake someone will make when drawing a face. They will put them high on the face. Out just wouldn't think it's correct that the eyes are half way down, but they are.

Now, to add drama .... You can elongate the face. Doing so by lengthening the nose height (and keeping it rather close to the face), and by accentuating the bone structure - makes a face more gaunt and looks like the common perception of an old knight or crusader.

The eyes are the most difficult. It's the depth, the eye lids, and if it's a frontal view - the symmetry. It all becomes difficult to do for an expected fee. The artist has to carve a hard material. The viewer only needs glance at it, for his brain to form an opinion. The viewer's brain has a lifetime of experience looking at faces. Therefore; you won't see many people attempting to present carvings of the human form. Especially for a utilitarian wage. thumbs up

Re: Sunday Afternoon/Evening - At the Bench
August 18, 2016 10:38AM
Hey Kurt,
I wish it was that cool here, and I'm not even in Florida. It's been running in the high 90's most of the end of July and about all of August. I have worked many a day in the last couple of weeks with the heat index between 105 and 110 degrees. You are correct - it sux! Fall down here isn't that great, but I am well within close enough driving distance to enjoy it anyway. Looking forward to it myself!
Re: Sunday Afternoon/Evening - At the Bench
August 20, 2016 03:18PM
Nice! I see them as handle material, stack some leather washers or discs of exotic woods above and below for contrast. Perhaps a hammer-finish copper or german silver letter opener blade? Mount faces upside down so they they can stare at you while sitting point-down in your desk pencil cup.

The horn texture and color reminds me of tree trunks, in that respect they look a bit like miniature chainsaw carvings. Wouldn't want one on the tree just outside my bedroom window though, those eyes....eye popping smiley
Re: Sunday Afternoon/Evening - At the Bench
August 20, 2016 05:29PM
Alright. All you professional art critics can stop with the EYES already. I should never show you bunch of peasants fine art in progress. I'm fiddling with tool bits and stains and finishes .... and eyelids and pupils and brows ....

You will notice these are not attached to anything or priced out ....

Geeshhhh ........

Give a guy a keyboard and he thinks he's ......
Re: Sunday Afternoon/Evening - At the Bench
August 20, 2016 10:31PM
Re: Sunday Afternoon/Evening - At the Bench
August 20, 2016 10:13PM
Re: Sunday Afternoon/Evening - At the Bench
August 21, 2016 02:14AM
K R E T U K.

You herd me ..... rudolph rudolph rudolph rudolph rudolph rudolph rudolph
Re: Sunday Afternoon/Evening - At the Bench
August 21, 2016 12:08PM
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