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Re: Checking in .... typing

Checking in .... typing
September 20, 2016 01:41AM
Hi Guys,

Wanted to say hello. I'm still really dealing with an injury from last week. Not the blood and stitches type, but the really draining constant pain type.

I am really dye (past due) on my injections. I was nursing it along, but then pulled my back. Short story - that's lead to really revealing the burnt out injection schedule. It's been seriously painful.

I guess that has lead to not being as effecient. I have made a couple mistakes that have required backtracking. Remaking parts. That's very disappointing to grind thru one set of steps, painfully - then having to do it all again.

I just mention the story as that's the setting for last week, weekend, and today has been the same. Progress slow, but I'm working.

I will have a couple things to look at very soon. One ... I am going to need to put my own model 97 up for sale. Time has not been a friend. You think about it. I'm freshening it up.

Just a heads up. Think about it.

Re: Checking in .... typing
September 20, 2016 09:58AM
Sorry bout your pain . It's tough working thru those things even on an easy task let alone a thinking type machinest task ! It's like your brain gets fried and you can't even think .
I know there's been times I either get home or to work and while driving I feel like I went thu a time warp . It takes forever to get there and u can't remember driving at all ! I'm not really tired but just can't think .
It will pass and I know you don't like to hear it but you need to rest some .

Your friend

Re: Checking in .... typing
September 21, 2016 11:54AM
Hi Gary,
I know exactly how you feel. I feel like I'm stuck in a pain time warp. Working on the healing too, hang in there Brother!
Re: Checking in .... typing
September 22, 2016 03:10PM
on the phoneJeff
Sorry to hear about the pain train you been on . Hope you heal up quick ! I always enjoy your posts too .

Re: Checking in .... typing
September 23, 2016 02:00PM
Thanks Kurt!
Re: Checking in .... typing
September 22, 2016 03:18PM

Sorry to hear you're in such pain. I hope you feel better soon.

Re: Checking in .... typing
September 22, 2016 04:44PM
Between Jeff, Kurt, Pedro, and Myself .... we sound like an old group straggling home after battle. Pedro just took an arrow to the shoulder .... he's young, he will heal. But Kurt, Jeff, and I .... might be pushing our luck fighting dragons in our .... "Maturity."

We need some younger typers, for sure. Hah! We Need You!

Sorry. I keep making resolutions to soft pedal the pain .... but then .... "Where's the Beef?" I have to explain what the heck I've been doing. Been a lot of fussing and limping recently. How do you like this one ..... "You know that iconic sound effect everyone uses for a needle scratching across a record?" Well, if you lay a new mirror polished blade on a square of rubber strap .... And freehand engrave a Logo with a carbide bit in a turbine tool .... AND .,.,, if your grip slips ... and one end of the blade flips up like a fish on the beach .... it makes that soun.....,, like that ...,,cause the last part is edited out by the Bleep BLEEPITY bleep.....

Then, after you had ground and polished that blade to within 10 thousands of an inch of its life ...,, you have to go back and regrind that side to remove the "fffffahhzzzzzzzziiiipp!!! And then start polishing again.

Don't ask me how I know .....

Re: Checking in .... typing
September 23, 2016 02:02PM
Amen Gary, amen!
It ain't nuthin but a thang,
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