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Re: Update - a few comments.

Update - a few comments.
November 05, 2016 01:09AM
I'll just hit the high spots. You all know the words to the song by now.

I have never been in such prolonged pain in my entire life.

I have always been lucky in that the back injections brought me relief. Not this time. The Steriod anti inflammatory drug is mixed with a anesthetic kicker. I believe I understand that that is to cover the actual disturbance of the tissue where they stick a 5 1/2" needle. That anesthetic provides a numbing effect and gives you a false sence of recovery right away. That wears off after a couple of days IIRC.

This time, after a couple of days, I was right back where I was before the injection. And I've gone down since then. I'm used to working in pain. Even significant pain. But this has gotten to the threshold where it's become quite difficult.

I have a unique quality control system. There is a "Calm" sence when I know I've completed a part well. I never fudge it. It's correct or it's junk. I move to a lesser critical shop operation/project if my concentration is not up to par. It becomes quite clear when I've moved down into a subject matter that doesn't suit readers. They simply ignore me. That is a shame, because I am the same person, with the same skills, when I am in agony. And, a bit of company would be nice. And, the expenses are the same wether I've made Bisons or BPS Coins.

A thought: Why do we watch the work of some people? Because they are THE only person alive who has ever / can produce a given object. Very rarely. Usually, these is an entire asteroid belt of small reasons that collectively generate "Interest". If the Person of Interest produces objects of interest - can you usually afford or acquire the most primo example of said work. Maybe not - if only for the availability of objects. No, I do not believe that I'm cleverly sneaking up on readers. My blatant point is one I've made before: anything I make is my work. If anyone follows my work out of some collection of interest asteroids - then an oddly shaped rock - whirling out there on the edge of the prime belt of furniture, signs, knives, airguns, and jewelry ... is going to be an interesting oddity. And, you can still get some for under acouple of hundred bucks.

Think about it. Or - better .... now that you have read this - try NOT to think about it. Hah!

Kelly was able to get me an appointment next Monday. I'll get another series of injections. Hopefully an aggregate effect will take place and yield some relief.

Thanks for reading.
Re: Update - a few comments.
November 05, 2016 11:31PM
Hi Gary,

I do always admire your work and most of all how you can keep producing high quality pieces of art while you are dealing with the pain at the same time. I want to wish you success on your next Monday set of injections.


Re: Update - a few comments.
November 06, 2016 01:01AM
Hello Julio,

Thank you. You are a Wonderful Friend, Julio. You have been a prime part of Barnes history, and you have allowed me to work.

It is very much appreciated, and my Family knows it.

Re: Update - a few comments.
November 07, 2016 10:40AM
I pray your appointment today goes well and that you are able to find some lasting relief from the pain.

Re: Update - a few comments.
November 07, 2016 11:50AM
Thank you Scott,

My Son is taking me. I wouldn't be able to safely make the drive. I'll take your prayer and Julio's with me. I heard from Kurt and Larry privately. Jeff and Sal always pray for me. Lon and Pedro as well. Forgive if I overlooked someone. I very much appreciate your thoughts and prayers. This has all been a huge challenge. i try to make the best use of every day.

Re: Update - a few comments.
November 07, 2016 11:07PM

Tuesday Morning here in Asia and that means 7:15 pm Western Florida panhandle time.

Just here to let you know I am sending good vibes and prayers your way that all went well.

Re: Update - a few comments.
November 08, 2016 12:38AM
Thank you Larry,

Just got home recently. My Son drove me. The proceedure went well. We shall see how it takes.

We've made some alterations to my treatment. Perhaps one will help.

Thank You Larry. I
Very much appreciate it.
Re: Update - a few comments.
November 11, 2016 01:26PM
Amen Gary and I'll keep doing it!
Re: Update - a few comments.
November 17, 2016 10:19PM
Best wishes for your treatment, even if I am a few more time zones away. Not as many as Larry, though. laughing again
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