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Re: More in a bit!

More in a bit! ADDED EXCELLENT PICS!!! target plane
April 02, 2017 12:49AM

Many more pics added below ENJOY!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/02/2017 06:33PM by barnespneumatic.
Re: More in a bit!
April 02, 2017 02:15AM

Hi Guys,

If your knife is here ....., then your knife is still here. They are complete. Sharpened. Ready to go. Final details take longer than expected. Little things. Like the day this week when I opened the shop two hours early. I was so pleased. Reached to raise a shade in the grinding room. Somehow got over balanced. Stepped back where the low grinding stool tripped me. Reached for the water drip stalk on the diamond wheel grinder set up .... it broke off in my hand. I stumbled backwards into the 24" double wheel 2 Hp floor grinder. I tumbled between the wheels and over went the whole mess. The grinder and my 250 lbs. Slammed into the 2 hp dust vacuum system. That and all of us slammed into the 6' main grinder bench which houses two belt grinders. Moved that a foot. The whole jumble of scrapped bloody elbows, twisted backs, and disgusted Gary's all finally spun down to the last flop of dignity. I was down. Among the wreckage. Wondering if the search dogs would pick up my scent before I had to chew my leg off to get free.

It's been sort of like that.
Re: More in a bit!
April 02, 2017 02:22AM

File Art

Also .... Note in the pic of the four standing knives. Note all the different techniques used to make the knives. Not all the same. Art.

Re: More in a bit!
April 02, 2017 02:27AM
"I've fallen and i can't get up"
...... sorry Gary... couldn't resist.
Hope your okay
Re: More in a bit!
April 02, 2017 02:50AM
Thks Steve,

Bruised dignity. I must really tether myself in that room from now on!

Re: More in a bit!
April 02, 2017 02:29AM
Oh and nice work.... alittle pain for all that pleasure.
Re: More in a bit!
April 02, 2017 02:48AM
Love all the following pics.

Kurt - your knife bit me!

Hope you enjoy the pics. I appreciate your comments.

Re: More in a bit!
April 02, 2017 12:39PM
That sounds like a terrible wipe out . Your really lucky you had stuff to break your fall . My mother in law just fell and broke her femur bone and she's 88 yrs old . She's got a lot of rehab to go thru but she's good and healthy .

What a great line up of knifes you have fashioned. There is truly a wide array different techniques used to complete those . I am not sure HOW they could look any better in person . Your photos are amazing . The way you set them up and capture the best view possible . The knifes alway draw your eye to the perfect angle .
Sorry bout your injury on your finger and twisting up your back on the shop tumble . A little superglue will hook that skin rite back together. ( hehe)
Even more coffee

Re: More in a bit!
April 02, 2017 03:28PM
Thanks Kurt,

Well, your Mominlaw being young and healthy (compared to me) is a plus for her. Hope she does well. Tell her to stay away from window blinds. They are Vicious!

Didn't tell ..... wait for it .... The REST of the Story!

Got more or less gathered up. Set the Grinder back up. Looked it all over. Removed the belts (double ended motor). Checked the rotation of the big wheels. Good. Thank God. Hoping the motor shaft hadn't hit the floor. It turned free. Seemed straight. Couldn't see where it had hit the floor. I tried it. Nothing. DUM Dum DUUUUMMMM!!! Ah nutzzzz

Kelly came down when I told her the grinder was gonna take time to go thru. I was looking it over. Spinning it by hand. Checked the floor again. There! Ahhh Crap. The shaft did hit the floor. Almost at the end of the fall and close to on end. Double Crap.

I was thinking what I'd seen in there when I had the twin unit apart to replace bearings about a year ago. There's a centrifugal reset switch assemb...."....jar it a bit?" Huh? Kelly repeated, "Could you rock the legs off the floor and let it kinda hit the floor to shake it???"

I just do what I'm told. I was already looking at tearing apart a heavy motor AFTER I got it off the machine. And folks were waiting for me to make the mail .... ".... what, like this???" I rock it heavily, somewhat back and forth. Letting the legs hit down hard ..." I sat on the stool that had tried to kill me, and pulled the motor switch. "Click/Hummmmmmmmmmmmm". I just turned slowly and looked at her smile. Slowly shook my head smiling too.

Day before, I'd knew I had to start all this garden/yard equipment. The thorn vines which were strategically left out of THE BROCHURE have begun to strangle the Windows already. I had started the garden tractor some time back - but it likes to play this game where it's battery is dead half the times I try. I know ... Trickle charger. It's on the top 200 list. So I'd told Kelly, "..., do one of your prayers .... God listens to you ....,". And I choked it, pushed in the clutch, and hit the key. It was running before the key hit the end of its rotation. I just turned slowly, and smiled. She just raised her eyebrows and smiled. I know, I need to go find her before I do every step during every day!!!

Well, back to the motor. The shaft had gotten a big ole swat end ways. And I guess jarring it settled it back? I'll take it. I needed that grinder polisher wheel running!!!!

Day in the life of ....

Re: More in a bit!
April 02, 2017 03:36PM
Ahhh. Top pic with the wood knife vertical and the carved 97 held nearby. See the reflection of the 97s button and carving in the WOOD polish by the setting sun? That's the wood reflecting .... NOT the blade or 97 "projecting". Beautiful luster/finish on the wood.

I'm anxious to see what the new owner thinks of the ugly duckling wooden knife. footinmouth. Permit me to smile .....


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/02/2017 06:48PM by barnespneumatic.
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