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Re: OK, I gotta know . . .

OK, I gotta know . . .
May 16, 2009 07:12PM
. . . who here is thinking about getting a Marauder (or already has one)?

Everything I've read about them so far seems very positive, and the price point can't be beat. Folks are saying they're on par with $1,500+ European PCPs (yeah, I know there are a good number of folks in the anti-Euro crowd, but still . . .). I'm going to wait until they're back in stock and order one for myself. Still debating .177 versus .22 (I don't hunt, but would appreciate the .22's extra energy for knocking reactive targets around here).


-- Jim
Re: OK, I gotta know . . .
May 17, 2009 08:48AM
Mmmmmm, I'm always cautious when it comes to a MKI model. Always pressure on the manufacturer to get the product out on the shelf, and that often leads to little niggles that the MKII usually addresses...
Re: OK, I gotta know . . .
May 17, 2009 08:53AM
Must say I'm tempted Jim, but I'd have to be sure it was better than the Falcon, and that's a big ask the way it's been performing for me.. I'll just watch and see how yours goes! Make sure it's .22 for a fair comparisonlaughing again
All the best
Re: OK, I gotta know . . .
May 17, 2009 12:42PM
Yeah, but at $499 USD, Neil . . . Crosman has really priced this baby to sell. I've been thinking about getting a Theoben or FX for awhile that was quiet enough to shoot around here without freaking out the neighbors, but was a little put off by the price tag and / or extra mods potentially required to get a quiet, smooth-shooting, easy-to-fill rifle. (Not taking away anything from any of those or other rifles . . . they're proven shooters.) From what I have read, the Marauder is nearly silent, has a great trigger, and is very accurate . . . out of the box. Throw in a 10-shot magazine and 2000psi-fill capability and it is very appealing. idea

-- Jim
Re: OK, I gotta know . . .
May 17, 2009 03:38PM
I find that 2,000 psi fill .... "interesting". 10-13 years ago, when I was making many of my rifles for a 2,000 psi fill, all I heard was "what's WRONG with it that it CAN'T fill to 3,000 psi". Evidently it's OK now. winking smiley

Re: OK, I gotta know . . .
May 17, 2009 04:42PM
Now Gary,

You know it's hard being ahead of the curve. I think you've been vindicated on quite a few things over the years.

Wait till those other guys take the stock off their rifles and see what a P.O.S. their trigger is.rolling happy smiley
Re: OK, I gotta know . . .
May 17, 2009 04:48PM
Hey, all I know is that it means I can run off of scuba, which keeps me going here until I break down and pony up for a compressor!

-- Jim
Re: OK, I gotta know . . .
May 17, 2009 04:45PM

They look great and I would if I didn't have an AA410H-I was shocked to see it survived the "clean out"- which is a rifle that is almost identical to the "Maudy".
I say go for it.
Re: OK, I gotta know . . .
May 18, 2009 09:41PM
I'dlove one.... but its all the stuff you have to get extra to fill it, turns a US$500 purchase into something much greater.

There is however a Discovery in my future....comes with the pump... (and I can always sell it if the "pcpc expreience" isnt what I thought it was gonna be)......if my tax return ever gets here......

then maybe later in the summer or maybe Christmas, the 'Rauder

but YES I want one.
Re: OK, I gotta know . . .
May 18, 2009 10:30PM
Everyone says it's a great gun at a decent price makes me want to get one, but I already have the AirArms S410 .22, and I don't want one in .177. I hope they make one in .25 in the future which I doubted they will. I might still going to get one in .22 just to own one.

I think it's a great gun for the price, and it made here in the US and by Crossman which made me proud of. It's about time Crossman makes the World's class pcp at a great price.
Re: OK, I gotta know . . .
June 17, 2009 10:40PM
ok ,, here goes , for the fear of ridicule ,,,,,,,,
whats wrong with springers , you want handy lower power near silent shooting , good trigger and follow through practice , something that reacts to propper hold , without going to big bore ,,,, buy a springer.
no air fill no bottles , no popping off to the dive shop. buy a springer
something you can strip and tune and work with ,,, springerhave you spotted the thread running through this post.
i own a whiscombe , a jw80 , not a run of the mill spring gun , but do a web search , its interesting stuff.
just a thought , if ive even made you think about spring guns for twenty seconds , which prob most people havnt done in years ,,, then
my work in this post is done.
right head down from the incoming flack.... lol
Re: OK, I gotta know . . .
June 18, 2009 03:54PM

no incoming flack..... at least from me

>>> Good Springers rock<<<<< And taht I think is the crux of it. Folks run to Big Box Store, spend US$75.00 and expect it to shoot just like their rimfire. They are shocked an distraught that it doesnt. Truth is, it probably does, they just dont understand HOW to shoot it. IMO thats where this "bias" comes from. So after the box-mart fiasco they areent willing to spend the money to get a good springer, then learn to shoot it. Shame too, cuz there are several out there that are pricewise comparable to a 10/22, and you can shoot in more places than your 10/22....

If you shoot a lot of rim fire, you'll feel more at home with the gas guns. they react in a more familiar way

Oh, FWIW, I have a Crosman Nitro coming.... details when it arrives
Re: OK, I gotta know . . .
June 18, 2009 05:59PM
Now Tom ... you know you can shoot your springers here. winking smiley

I can't afford a good springer. I have to make my own airguns. confused

Re: OK, I gotta know . . .
June 24, 2009 12:41AM
Springers are cool too! I've got a bunch of them in the case and shoot them from time to time (mostly when Timmy wants a contest). I'd be happy to read about some springer shooting. I think if you can shoot a springer well, you can probably shoot anything else well...
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