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Re: Few relevant thoughts

Few relevant thoughts
July 08, 2017 02:30PM
Thanks to Pedro and Kurt for commenting on my post of a couple of days past. I've been working to my best capacity.

Both of their comments were rich with content. A rich stew.

My take away from both was the reference to times changing and Kurt's combo that being a good Craftsman doesn't mean you are a good salesman. Those have both tumbled round in my head like a pr of sneakers in a dryer. A couple of shoelaces have surfaced.

1974. I opened Barnes Galactic Enterprises. And the world has never been the same. Jog forward 43 years .....

I think of you readers as friends. Friends that are aware .... aware of the things I've shared. I've shared them, not because I can't keep my mouth shut; but so you'd understand the efforts I'm making to meet my commitments. There are different kinds of salesmen. The first enormous consideration, as regards myself, is that I don't "retail". I don't sell things that just pass thru my hands. Or even things that pass thru my shop. As you know, I personally grind off every particle that yields every component. Where that becomes relevant is when I price something. I can't say ... "oh I'll just make it up on the next crate on the loading dock". I just pass this "lot" thru at a lower percentage. When I take $100 off, those are real hours. Not just the same hours at a lower percentage. It quickly becomes a "day's work". So; instead of saying "I'll just sell this crate for 40% mark up, I'm saying "I'll just find eight days in next week". Am I making sence to you? It's all relative to what you can absorb and what you have invested innsomething. Think of this; the part of anything that is the most inflexible factor, is "time". Everybody get seven days per week. So; if you have five crates of product that was just unloaded, you can "sell - retail" one of them at a sizable discount. Your time stays at 7/wk. in fact, if you have an immediate buyer, then you just order in six crates instead of the original five. You have an immediate turn over. Your buyer has taken possession and paid you, before your credit with your supplier is even due. Salesmanship. But, now; let's "sell time". Let's just order in eight days next week. So we can give one away to make a sweeter deal for a client. Ahhhhh .... that doesn't work. Problem is ... I'm selling time.

When you look at small items like I make, they look expensive. Surely there has to be a good "markup" in there that can be cut. But, there's no markup at all. They didn't get dumped on the loading dock. And cutting enough for people to appreciate, means giving away a day or more. It's not retail. Now; somebody is screaming .... no!!!!! It's just that you make $500/day instead of $600/day. You are offering the customer a reduced rate of your pay. Guess what, I don't make $600 per day. When I offer a $100 off, it hurts, a lot.

Back to the concept of readers as friends. I "show" my work to my friends. I tell them the things I'm dealing with, in order that they see why I'm working on this item rather than another item. I don't do the "two for one". The BOGO. The "free shipping". The $999.99 pricing. I have offered genuine Specials on quite a few occasions. That's had about a 10% success rate.

I feel if you, my friends, knowing my situation because I realize some of you are waiting on another product ..... knowing what I put into my work .... I don't figure I have to sell you. But what about the rest of the world. Sell them!!!! The rest of the world comes to read. When's the last time you saw a new name talking on the forum? And, I've asked everyone, for years; this question ..... Do you need a gift for a special occasion? A birthday? Which reminds me. You think I haven't had a bit of stress with loosing our health insurance and the rest ........ TODAY is Kelly's birthday. I forgot.

So; please give out the www.glbarnes.com site. If you can, consider that I Price my work, to the bone. I don't pad the prices for the huge President's Day Sale. I offer terms. Try to get terms on artwork. It's been a special marketing tool of mine for decades.

Thanks for reading. I really appreciate it.

Re: Few relevant thoughts
July 08, 2017 04:23PM
Very well said and I completely understand . I think with getting the world outside to know AND follow your works is not easy . Like Pedro said things hafta be fast & throw away now a days . We're always rushing and somebody is always holding us up .We are behind before we even get started . Anyhow back to the world outside and WHY people don't join in the rendezvous.... there's a lot of new names I see occasionally but maybe they as myself thought " oh that guys to famous or too good or too busy to talk to me " NOT the case at all !

I've always loved airguns and I drop your name all the time and most people know you and I tell the hey my friend Gary MADE this knife for me ! That's truly how I feel . No I didn't buy it from a web site cause it was for sale but my FRIEND Gary made it for me and oh ya I gave him some coin. Oh ya last November me and Gary were shooting airguns and .....

I can't tell you the last time I made a friend but you and yours and everyone here have treated me like a friend. Friends help friends and even though we're thousand miles apart , I'm here for you and will always help in anyway I can .
People who have joined this site and DONT converse are really missing out on true opportunities besides just camaraderie! self-hammer

Re: Few relevant thoughts
July 09, 2017 12:34PM
I get it Gary. It's why I'm still here. Sorry I can't do more and haven't felt like participating in much conversation lately.
Happy birthday to your (very) special wife!
Re: Few relevant thoughts
July 09, 2017 10:35PM
Happy Birthday Kelly!

Everytime I show someone a knife or an airgun, I always tell them they were made by my friend Gary. You are absolutely correct about this site being about friendship. The question seems to be, How to best to appeal to a larger market and sell to strangers?.

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