MAN! OH MAN!!! OH MAN!!!!! Southwest 97 Complete artist
July 31, 2017 01:10AM
I'm just thrilled with this knife. This knife, and the Toothpick before it, are the type of knives I want to add to my body of work.

This mechanism is as smooth as glass. It's just THE perfectly engineered design.


I'll be doing more "Scenes" in my carvings.


I hope you enjoy looking around the knife.


There is an entire Story there. And the Canvas is none too shabby.

Had I built this knife in 1985, I'd have sold it in a heartbeat for $2,500-$3,000

Ahhh .... I miss the late Eighties.... ha. (Have to make that the late eighties since Kelly and I met around 87). Smile

Re: MAN! OH MAN!!! OH MAN!!!!! Southwest 97 Complete artist
July 31, 2017 02:42AM
Like a said before , " Masterpiece " I like the scenery and the story . There's always a silver lining behind a Damascus cloud !
Well done take a bow

Re: MAN! OH MAN!!! OH MAN!!!!! Southwest 97 Complete artist
August 01, 2017 02:09AM
What is the badge from ? I like it and if it had a pin on it I would wear it AND be the sheriff.
BTW what it's the time stamp with the arrow for in the corner of the badge ?

Re: MAN! OH MAN!!! OH MAN!!!!! Southwest 97 Complete artist
August 01, 2017 03:08AM
Re: MAN! OH MAN!!! OH MAN!!!!! Southwest 97 Complete artist
August 01, 2017 02:24PM
Hi Kurt,

Ah!!!! The badge is from the Golden Days of Yesteryear....

Back when Mankind captured pictures on film .... I'd be faced with squinting at strips of negatives - trying to figure out which negative went with which picture. Then, as now; I'd take many pictures of the same, or nearly the same setting. One would be juuuuust a little more crisp in focus or the light had shifted just a touch. To try to find "the negative" which corresponded to "that picture" was difficult. I'd end up buying 50 reprints of a given negative only to find that it wasn't "the negative" in best focus - etc.

And so I devised a method of visually marking to negatives of each frames which wasn't distracting but which was foolproof to the eye scanning negatives. I'd advance the pointer for each frame AND I'd have my Logo in the frame too. Neat!

Thanks for noticing.

Re: MAN! OH MAN!!! OH MAN!!!!! Southwest 97 Complete artist
August 01, 2017 03:39AM
Love it! The scene in the engraving it simply amazing!

Hope you can make more of them as you mentioned.


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