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Re: Site Seeing - Lower Fort Garry, Manitoba, Canada

Site Seeing - Lower Fort Garry, Manitoba, Canada
August 20, 2017 03:13AM
Took a drive with my wife and met my brothers family at Lower Fort Garry. I had been there in early school years but no memories of it.



There has been some rebuilding of walls which go 6 feet deep below ground. 300 British soldiers built the stone wall complete with rifle holes for defence. Originally British were fearing an attach by the Americans to gain more land but the fort never saw any action during its use. Was a trading post for a long while for Canada's oldest company " the Hudsons Bay Company" founded in 1670.

We sure have life easy compared to how hard people worked back then.

Thanks for visiting.


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/20/2017 03:14AM by pedrog.
Re: Site Seeing - Lower Fort Garry, Manitoba, Canada
August 20, 2017 01:27PM
You gotta watch us rascally Americans! Maybe we're just waiting til you let your guard down, then a tour bus of us will show up .... disperse throughout the gift shop, and take over the fort. Whollah!!! Canada is ours!!!!

you are right, Pedro. That was a lot of work building those walls. How tall are they? Interesting to note the different hand/techniques of the stone masons who have repaired then through the years.

Thanks for posting. Sounds like you are properly enjoying your vacation.

Re: Site Seeing - Lower Fort Garry, Manitoba, Canada
August 21, 2017 01:47AM
I think the tour guide mentioned the wall heights were between 7-9 feet. About 2 feet thick. I think the cap stone on top was added as my brother pointed out he didn't think it was original and the museum would have added them to keep out moisture and snow which leads to cracks in winter temperatures.

I don't think We need to worry about American's, many do not know where Canada is. Most think we all live in Toronto and know "Joe". knucklehead

Re: Site Seeing - Lower Fort Garry, Manitoba, Canada
August 20, 2017 02:06PM
Beautiful pictures Pedrog, thanks for sharing!
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