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Re: Feels like Snow!!!

Feels like Snow!!!
October 28, 2017 11:07PM
We were cleaning up a bit down at the Shop grounds. It got colder and colder. Spit rain on and off. Breezy. Got so we could see our breath!

Kelly made a fire in the Chiminea. We foraged for food. Haha. Found some chicken noodle soup and corn chips with salsa! Yum.


Very nice time.

I'm doing well. Thanks. I've done mostly bench work. Made a pendant today. I'll show you when it's done tomorrow.

Thanks for caring.

Re: Feels like Snow!!!
October 28, 2017 11:25PM
Then .... we found some marshmallows!!! Purely for medicinal purposes!!!


And, the Marshmallow Master turned in another Perfectly Toasted Masterpiece!
Re: Feels like Snow!!!
October 29, 2017 01:36AM
Looks like a good cozy way to recover from your foot surgery. It's been kinda cold here too . I've not seen snow but heard north of me had some. I wish I was there toasting marshmallows with you'all .
Remember to stay offf that foot or it will take a lot longer to heal not to mention if you were to drop a log on it !knucklehead

Re: Feels like Snow!!!
October 29, 2017 04:34AM
Well, you know that folksy saying about things hitting fans?

I wanted to see the results of my inlay before closing up for the night. So I took a few minutes to rough grind it. In retrospect.... I should have left it for tomorrow. I dropped it into the waiting hopper of the vacuum system. (Note to self - install rat wire screen to catch dropped parts ....)

Well .... if you were sanding off the top crust on a great Mosaic Pendant .... and lost your grip on it .... ....... and the dust vacuum system snatched it away .... and then you heard this God awful thrashing/slamming/thud sound ....

Then you'd be tempted to make up anew folksy saying about when the "Art hits the Impeller." Bummer. It ain't nearly as pretty in four shattered pieces as it was a microsecond before .... Sure glad it wasn't a pocketknife side!!! Phewwwww.

Guess the big inlay unveiling today .... ah .... has been cancelled.

Well .... Chin Up.

Foot being well cared for. Nite. Thanks for reading.


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/29/2017 01:11PM by barnespneumatic.
Re: Feels like Snow!!!
October 29, 2017 09:11PM
There's another saying " That Sux " I'm sure it had to be a bummmer that close to finishing too. Well glad your foot is on the mend and I'm certain Miss Kelly is taking good care of you too . Every day goes by is one step back to a normal foot . I'm glad the pain is going away too .

Re: Feels like Snow!!!
October 30, 2017 12:12AM
Yeah. That was gonna be pretty too. I glued the pcs back together just to keep for a pattern. Looks like Humpty Dumpty after the King's Horses and all the King's men failed.

There is now a baffle of expanded cement lath in the throat of the grinder hopper. Barn door shut. Horse gone.

Re: Feels like Snow!!!
October 30, 2017 11:09AM
That makes me want to cry...why me

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