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Re: Update. Notes. Requests for Terminology

Update. Notes. Requests for Terminology
January 08, 2018 07:48PM
Hi Readers.

Some notes to pass along. Some terminology requested to farther individual research.

I get back injections in a few days. Can't be soon enough. What word is on the other side of torment? Agony? Which comes first? If you've never had this level of pain, say a grateful prayer.

I'm truely sorry that "pain" is such a large part of subject matter on my forum. But, that's because it's such a large part of my life. I have a topic that I think "would be more fascinating" if it were on TV and you didn't know the guy. For some reason, because it's an older familiar story here, I'm not sure the details are viewed as unique as are warranted. Let's try though.

I've been in prolonged pain like I hope you never experience. And yet, I can work. Now how? How do I do that? Some of this info might be interesting to my collectors who come along fifty years from now. Here's the main observation I wanted to share: There's something quite unexpected in the way my mind functions when in pain. I know that you can distract the brain from intense pain, by adding (overlaying) a lesser sensation on top of the intense pain. We do this naturally. We bash our shin. The pain is intense. What do we do? We rub it. Now, the rubbing is quite a weak sensation, as opposed to the bashed shin .... but it's "new information", and it's being sent along the same pathways that carried the messages of STOP, CEASE, OMG!!!! Its my understanding that the minor stimuli can calm the major stimuli. True? We have quite a few Docs that read here.

OK .... here's what is going on with me beyond that. During intense fatigue, pain, stress ... my mind will produce flash video clips of myself doing other things. Ok - wait!!! .... Now I don't mean .... I just have a memory clip of my fishing with my Grandfather. I do NOT have that stuff. What I get is brand new stuff. Not memories. And it's "Creative Solutions" to some design snag, etc. It may be a complete new design altogether. And it's not vague, it's detailed. It's good stuff. And, it doesn't cancel whatever I was doing. If I'm following a story on a Podcast, I keep doing so. If I'm watching a TV show, I keep following the story line. The new problem solving mind video is translucent, and it's overlaid briefly atop my previous attention subject matter. It can become even more odd! I can be concentrating on something, then get a sudden stabbing pain .... followed immediately with this engineering solution "WHILE" I'm doubled over and calling out in pain!!! At that moment that I'm helpless, pretty darned preoccupied in agony .... this overlay of complex problem solving shows up. AND, it's ALSO linear. "The NEXT INSTALLMENT overlay", may well build upon the last one!!!!

Ok. Readers. Professionals. Drs. What are you hearing??? What is this called? It's a very interesting side note to being me. (Thank God there are some perks, 'cause being me is exhausting!" I don't much care for all of the opportunities this phenomenon has to show up in my life. But, I do find it interesting to watch. And, I can just stand back and watch it too. Is that FOUR times removed from the moment???

I would enjoy conversation. I've been sleeping in a lounge chair. I can only stand to lay down some of the time. Even in the chair it's quite a test to find a position that fades from severe pain into something tolerable until my meds kick in.

Those of you who would, I'd really appreciate prayer. This has been agony. Couple more days and a long travel yet. Why travel you ask? Here are just two samples: honest to God. We had to be "Juried" by the pain Doctors down here. To see if we were worthy of them seeing us. It's simply "assumed" that you are "Doctor Shopping", assumed that you are "most likely faking" in order to get access to medication - probably to sell. You have to "Prove yourself" to be within a reasonable doubt. We "passed" with one Doctor thru application. We finally got an initial appointment! We wait thru the mandatory cooling off period in the sterile room before he shows. I nod to Kelly and then a big sign on the wall (nod cause the tongue depressors are probably bugged), so I nod. Big sign says, THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS PAIN MANAGEMENT!!! WE FIX THE PROBLEM!!! NO PILLS!!!!!. Something very close to that. The door slams open, plaster shatters and screws drop from hinges. The Dr. Glares at us and assumes an air of "You want some of this???!!" He then started tearing thru my pain management history charts provided. Snorting in an amused manner. "Well .... someone's been making money off of YOU!!!" Annnnnnd .... we were done....... The "Fix the Problem" concept is the farm team from which all the "Pain Management Clinics" get 3/4 of their patients. Failed surgeries. Worn out surgeries needing to be done again. Some of the people I've known, who were bent double in permanent agony, with implanted morphine pumps. People who dropped their coffee cup and fell asleep in the middle of a sentence during a visit with them. No thanks. I don't need FIXED.

The next Dr. who allowed us to audition, began immediately quoting new Florida laws. Ones which screwed us right away. And our insurance had incompatible requirements. We finally got that straightened out ... and he helped us ... right before he retired.

And so; .... we travel. We have found several excellent Drs who have helped us tremendously. But, they don't make house calls. And, then we lost our insurance. And now we are trying to sort out an ACA POLICY that we got two days before enrollment ended. But they won't let us pay because their computer won't let us make a payment account. Readers .... I just want to work. Kelly and I have the most simple tastes. But the details of health management have been nightmarish. So: I really try my absolute best. The past couple of weeks have been horrible. So; when you drop by and there's not a new carved rifle here, you feel the same "bummer" as I do when I stop by hoping for any reaction to my last post and grouping of pictures. I Hope we both enjoy the forum this year! Ok. About that top part "mind meld" part ... any knowledge on the subject?

Hope there's something of interest here. Thanks so much for reading
God Bless

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 01/08/2018 08:34PM by barnespneumatic.
Re: Update. Notes. Requests for Terminology
January 09, 2018 01:16AM
Tried a T.E.N.S. unit? They can offer some relief with acute (not chronic) pain. Not sure exactly where your pain lies on the spectrum.

They operate on "the gate theory" of nerve transmission. The gate theory says a nerve can carry one impulse at a time. e.g. temperature, vibration,
pain, electrical stimulation etc. If you give the nerve mild to moderate electrical stimulation, the nerve cannot then carry a pain impulse. I had
done some experimentation for a large manufacture years ago that never really panned out. I was still amazed at the results some times however.

I was able to do some very extensive dental work with no novocaine. Just the T.E.N.S. The biggest problem I had with it was a lot of people were
afraid to turn it up to a slightly uncomfortable level to reach a therapeutic success.

Might be beneficial since opioids are really looked down on right now. We also have found that a combination of 2x200mg ibuprofen and one extra strength
Tylenol is often times more effective at pain relief than opiates.

Tough to live with for sure.
Re: Update. Notes. Requests for Terminology
January 09, 2018 04:06AM
Thank you Doctor, for your complete information.

I do have a T.E.N.S. unit. Used it for years. It stopped Charging the internal battery. We've even had it out again (trying to give it another chance)... doesn't seem to want to work. Guess my memory of it is that it just didn't turn down the pain enough to be effective relative to the degree of pain.

I do use Arthritis strength Tylenol and Ibuprofen. Before my various diagnosis, I used to take 5-200s several times a day. For over ten years. Various Drs have claimed that should have killed me but nobody had yet diagnosed fibromyalgia or the di. Bad discs. I felt like I'd been hit by s bus all the time from about 2000 onward.

I really appreciate your comments. The steroid injections. Least have helped me. I hope they never stop helping.

Praying for stamina to get there Wed.

Thanks much,
Re: Update. Notes. Requests for Terminology
January 09, 2018 09:38PM
I'm truly sorry about your pain . I too was at the point where 4 lumbar discs needed repair and when your back STOPS hurting and the pain signals travel down below the waist a person would do anything to get relief. I had 2 discs repaired thru the back with the procedure of the times and canceled the other 2 scheduled to be repaired thru the front . I did everything they told me to try from injections to therapy. I've made my own traction device and even hung upside down in the inversion table till my knees got pulled out of socket .

I believe that your brain is trying to distract you from the pain the way it throws different & difficult ideas at you . You are very intelligent and won't fall for any bogus crap entering your brain . It has to be complex to get you thinking . You've also told me how when a migraine hits you get great ideas . Have you ever had a headache take over the back pain ? I don't know what you'd call it but your own body is trying to mask the pain the way a TENS unit would get in the way of signals. There were times when I would get hot and sweaty and then throw up and the pain would be gone for a brief time enough to fall asleep .
Well once it becomes chronic ( in my mind ) I've always thought it to be like water torture. It's only a drip of water over and over and over and over and over . It's exhausting to say the least. Why should we hafta live in pain when there's a way to alleviate it . I remember before my surgery how the docs and nurses would ask if I was depressed or bouts of crying or if I felt suicidal !! Heck I'm in pain and just want it gone I would tell them . That was 20 years ago . NOW I understand why they'd ask . Some people say that pain clinics were designed for failed back surgery patients. You'd think in this day and age with all the smart doctors they would be able to fix it fairly easy . But..... I guess that's why I'm not a doctor.

Ps: Advil is my best friend.

Pss: I will say a prayer for you and your doctors doing the injections.on the phone

Re: Update. Notes. Requests for Terminology
January 10, 2018 12:34AM
Wow. Some great thoughts in there Kurt. Thank you.

Brain saying ... "look over here...". Giving me a chance to take a breath. And ..... it IS OFTEN in the VERY agony of pain. Now .... think of this tofollow that Kurt ....

"IF" the brain uses distraction as a tool of self preservation (I like that) .... and "IF" it uses complex issues I'm working on in my brain's back room/office/shop .... "THEN" it would indicate that my brain "KNOWS DARNED WELL" the answer to a problem I'm solving ... and it's HOLDING BACK key tidbits for flashes that it suspects it's going to need to help me fairly soon. That makes my brain more concerned for my wellbeing than I suspected. I like that too.

Thanks Kurt. Very much.
Re: Update. Notes. Requests for Terminology
January 10, 2018 06:32AM

What great way to put it. Your brain holding back the design or answers to problems to make your pain less. Hmmm So you say it must know the answer in advance. That is wonderful.

In the tiny pain department I have to get a root canal done tomorrow morning. It is infected and I have to have some kind of drain put it. I hope it is not plumbing.

I hate Dental work ...

Gary hope the shots come soon. So sad to see the run around you were put through to get it done.

Re: Update. Notes. Requests for Terminology
January 10, 2018 12:32PM
Hello Larry
Good luck at the dentist. I also hate dental work but as long as the drain tube doesn't come out thru your cheek I guess it's ok . Hehe

Here in the states they usually make you take a antibiotic for a couple of days prior surgery. I've had a couple of root canals and they really hurt once the bill comes!

Re: Update. Notes. Requests for Terminology
January 10, 2018 03:26PM
Never heard of a drain tube for a root canal. Typically if a tooth was very infected and still draining the canal would just be left open and no temporary filling would be in place.
If it's a surgical procedure its possible but very rare.
Re: Update. Notes. Requests for Terminology
January 10, 2018 09:50PM
Hi Bob,

Larry is literally on the other side of the world.

And, Larry... Bob's the best so he "knows."

Re: Update. Notes. Requests for Terminology
January 10, 2018 10:46PM

You are right but the translation sounded a bit like plumbing supplies were being used. But you are correct that is what should happen in two hours from now.
Re: Update. Notes. Requests for Terminology
January 11, 2018 12:53AM
Fast Healing Brother.

No complications

Re: Update. Notes. Requests for Terminology
January 11, 2018 11:58PM

Local Lady Dentist was very good and it went well. I have a Temp filling in the tooth and nothing draining. It has been 24 hours and I feel a bit sore but good.

Monday I should get the new crown and finish the job.

It was not a bit painful she is very good.

Very simple compared to what you are going through.

I hope I never have to play Scream Twister.

Re: Update. Notes. Requests for Terminology
January 12, 2018 01:47AM
Glad it went well for you Larry. That's great. Hope it heals quickly.

I'm going to try sleeping in a bed this evening. Called "Extreme Sleeping" .... or "Reclining" here at BPS. Not for the faint of heart. If I do fall asleep thru the pain (I wear earplugs so I hear less of my own screaming) .... if I fall asleep ..... I wake in the grip of an inner thigh Cramp the sparks from which canbe seen from Space. So; we'll see. Can't wait.

Ok. Lots of pudding for you. Work your way up to jello.

Be Well
Re: Update. Notes. Requests for Terminology
January 11, 2018 02:08AM
The human brain is complex, resourceful, amazing and poorly understood by us mere humans. I like the distraction theories and I think there is some truth to them. The stress hormones that are releases when you have intense pain can be a source for hallucinations and may be contributing to your new revelations.
We continue to pray for relief from this pain.

Ibuprofen should be kept under 2400mg a day to prevent kidney failure. And drink plenty of water while taking it or Aleve.
Tylenol should be kept under 2000 mg per day to prevent liver failure.
This is not medical advice and you should always discuss with you personal physician.

Re: Update. Notes. Requests for Terminology
January 11, 2018 01:47PM
Hello Scott,

So THAT's why I keep carving little pink elephants!!! Got a whole drawer full of the things .... I was gonna run a special soon! Haha. Well; the back room is wheeling out intricate locking mechanisms... that work. (Not that melting clock stuff. Haha.). And machining procedures that solve problems I've faced. And there was that one about "Cold Fusion" ..... but that was just silly ..... haha. Wink.

Yeah, I take far less ibuprofen then I did before my Docs found all the bad discs, and diagnosed Fibromyalgia. They did try to kill me first with Physical Therapy though. After playing "Scream/Twister" for months, they took a different route. And they were quite impressed with my titanium kidneys and neoprene liver. Both have checked out good.

Thanks very much Scott. Enjoyed your participation in our topic
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