Hello Lon and Kurt
June 24, 2018 12:32AM
Just saw you were here.

Kelly’s had me doing chores and trimming today. We have our Grandson coming for the week. We just had two other Grandsons here all last week. Very happy when the kids are here.

Also got the lawn tractor mower fixed. Boy. You should see what this sand does to mower blades.

Ok. Thanks for stopping by

Re: Hello Lon and Kurt
June 24, 2018 02:14PM
It's been a busy weekend here too . I've been doing a lot of power washing and making piles for the dump . Stay focused my friend !

Re: Hello Lon and Kurt
June 24, 2018 03:06PM
Hi Kurt,

Boy, I do miss “dirt”. Here even what they call rich soil is just sand. You know the small wings on mower blades that create the suction to lift grass up ... well the sand just keeps a constant sand blasting action under the deck. It eats thru the root of the wings. Yep, errodes straight thru the steel there. I’ve had the wings fly off the blades completely. So I weld steel back in. Sometimes have to bridge a wide gap with a piece of steel or a puddle weld technique. Either that or replace a $45 set of blades several times a year. Probably cheaper but when you can weld, everything looks like a simple fix. Yeah right. Haha. And the actual blade “edge” blunts into a tire iron in twenty minutes.

Wasn’t on the brochure ....



Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/24/2018 03:09PM by barnespneumatic.
Re: Hello Lon and Kurt
June 25, 2018 01:22AM

I keep some very odd hours; I just returned from 12 hours at work.

I'm going through the forums now. I'm checking out a ducted fan thread on the RC forum.


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/25/2018 01:23AM by Bigbore.
Re: Hello Lon and Kurt
June 25, 2018 02:27AM
You seem like a “drone guy” to me. Ha. Would go with your Everglades rides - to increase your “off-trail” range. (Just don’t get the drone caught in brush - I wouldn’t want to go get it! Ha).

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