Very Close Now ... 97 Full Mammo
April 01, 2021 10:49PM
These are a bunch of work, but they are all special. This one very soon now - for Alice

Have really put all into it.
Re: Very Close Now ... 97 Full Mammo
April 01, 2021 11:03PM

It looks beautiful. A true treasure.

Re: Very Close Now ... 97 Full Mammo
April 02, 2021 01:52PM
I’ve always been amazed at your ability to bring out the VERY BEST in any item and then offer your vision. That mammoth looks great the way you’ve chosen and polished it . The fit is truly outstanding and I speak from experience . As you know I carry mine in my pocket loose and I had an insert ( antler ) come unglued . After talking with you about self gluing it , I was amazed at how it snapped into the relief cut on the aluminum frame . I’m certain it’s machined to fit within .002 !
It’s a definite insight into how tight your tolerances are that most people wouldn’t even realize .

Re: Very Close Now ... 97 Full Mammo
April 02, 2021 08:14PM
Awesome Knife !! I am sure Alice will be ecstatic when she gets it.

Thanks for taking us through the build, Bob
Re: Very Close Now ... 97 Full Mammo
April 05, 2021 02:31PM
Thank you Keith, Kurt, Bob, and all of my Readers.

It’s truly like “coming home”, when I get to read a friendly comment from folks who have had a continued interest in my work. You know I developed my skills over several decades of very hard work and study. If I wasn’t working on product, I was testing product. That met closing up the shooting club’s range at dusk; and loading up tanks, tools, ammo boxes, range papers, and rifles cases ... in the dark. Then driving home most of an hour, and unloading everything. I did that year after year; until I got access to open fields and outfitted a box trailer with shooting benches, work benches, and set it up with a generator, lights, heat, rain gear, tools, and everything needed for productive range study and proofing of my guns. Then I’d repack all that (often in the dark still - hummmm), for the trips home. Haha. Experience and proofing doesn’t come free.

After all these preps, at the top of my game ... the opposition forces set in. After that it’s been “fight to work”. Find the path, through the opposing migraines and chronic pains, where I can still perform Barnes Quality work. Being aware of the handicap really drags down the satisfaction of working. When I finish a piece, I realize it took a minimum of three times what it should have taken, but it’s right. It’s well made. It’s Barnes.

So it’s nice when someone notices and says so. Thank you. I wish more finished pieces got to the “pictures and shipping phase”, but I do my absolute best. The opposition has scored some hard hits on my business. I appreciate the guys and ladies, who have stuck with me. Thank you. It means a lot.


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/07/2021 04:36PM by barnespneumatic.
Re: Very Close Now ... 97 Full Mammo
April 07, 2021 04:27PM

Just a few more yellow DOTS To turn Green

Almost there. Hey - these things almost build themselves! Haha.

Re: Very Close Now ... 97 Full Mammo
April 08, 2021 12:42AM

To show that all forging, machining, and heat treating are straight.

Now, when assembled, in order to allow room for oil, smooth floating from position to position, and taking into account side spring pressure, you might see an atom or three difference from this as it’s used, but it’s life; “you can torque it tight, or give it room to breathe.” Haha

Shouldn’t be long now.

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