Working on Anodizing
January 06, 2022 09:52PM
Color Anodizing is a complex procedure. Anodized Aluminum has the color trapped WITHIN the Super Hard Oxide Layer produces by changing aluminum into aluminum oxide. At a certain point in the procedure, you can inject specific dye inside the molecular structure (when the pores are open). And then, when you close the pores (with time, heat, and chemicals), the dye is trapped like the ink within tattooed skin.

The state of the aluminum when you produce the Oxide surface transformation, will greatly determine how the finished product looks.

I’m working on a 97A (Automatic). The customer desire is for a matte reflective dark blue. This part has been sawn out, profile ground, and sanded thru 3-4 grits. Now it’s being Sand blasted. Then it will be Glass Beaded. And the Anodized transformation will begin. I use these words because the Anodizing is not a “layer” added. It’s the outer molecules being altered and turned INTO the Oxide which is called Anodization.

There are sooooo many opportunities to mess up. I hope to avoid them.

Thanks for reading.

BTW ... I’ve been clearing space, getting out tanks and chemicals, as well as brushing up on notes etc. Its not something I let set up all of the time. Takes room and it’s nasty. So the set up, review, mixing chemicals, and the parts ... all have to intersect.


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/06/2022 11:12PM by barnespneumatic.
Re: Working on Anodizing
January 08, 2022 12:30PM
The process sounds interesting and i know the results will be worth it. I am sure the finished project will " knock the socks "
off your customer! Thanks for taking us along the journey.

Re: Working on Anodizing
January 08, 2022 02:41PM
Thank you Bob,

I hope you and Jana had a great Christmas.

Anodizing is very complex. Especially to recall all the details, temperatures, timing, mixes, etc. Once I have all this out and correct again, I hope to do a couple of the other speculation pcs. which are on the bench.

Thank you for participating Bob
Re: Working on Anodizing
January 16, 2022 08:28PM
With all that work, I hope you're anodizing more than 1 set of scales.
I look forward to the results!

Re: Working on Anodizing
January 17, 2022 01:11PM
Hi Scott

Nice to see you. Yes, I will be Anodizing more. I have several more knives under build. Your logic is sound. It took some time to prepare, set up, and re-read the Anodizing Shop. I’ll have some interesting things soon. The blue knife has Co-priority with another project. I’m working pretty well in spite of.

Thanks for commenting.
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