New Product - Opinion?
January 17, 2022 03:09PM
It’s not a Rifle. Not a Knife. Not a Chest on Chest dovetailed Cabinet. But, it’s all GLBARNES and I think it looks pretty nice peering out from under a shirt sleeve. What do you think?


I really hope readers will give things like this some consideration. Barnes Cuffs start around $60 for a nice hammered textured Cuff, and run up thru about $150 for a real nicely detailed version, maybe with an engraved copper onlay atop the center. Please consider that I’m approaching 50 years now, of making quality handcrafted objects. That’s a good while. A lot of projects. A man most likely won’t make the same identical thing for 50 years. Gosh, there are few who will make anything for 50 years. Society considers twenty years to be a “Career”. I know folks like to recall a name, and immediately get the flash image of a thumbnail on that man’s work. There are a lot of men in the world. So some like to index as many as possible with a simple, single, image. But I’ve had endless ideas every day for those nearly fifty years. And I like to make as many as time will allow.

I attended the funeral of another friend yesterday. There’s been a few lately. That’s unnerving. So I like to make something nice and I have to work in things that don’t take weeks to make. Weeks and months are precious and hard to devote to projects. If you’d care to analyze, you’d find that my prices haven’t jumped such as you’d might consider for the time we live, or for a 50 year Artist. That’s “Advantage Buyer” big time. Consider taking advantage of it. It’s completely normal for a fifty year artist to make a bit less product then at his peak. We must be real. That’s unless he has automated and laser burns simple objects now. I’ve kept true to scratch built hand crafted one at a time items.

Consider the value per unit now. And the opportunity to be a Barnes Collector when objects appear now.

Best to you and Thank you for your Collecting trends
Re: New Product - Opinion?
January 18, 2022 11:36AM
Snowman Gary
As you know I’ve gotten and given as presents some of your copper cuffs . I’m wondering if they sell at your turtle rescue store much . You can’t beat the price for hand made either .
I like the way you tapered the center like a watch band too . It give you a larger display in the sweet spot of your cuff .
I love the bird of prey you’ve done and if you send me one I’ll put it to good use .
Let me know if it’s for sale and I’ll get the funds to ya !
Thanks for sharing !

Re: New Product - Opinion?
January 18, 2022 02:40PM
Hi Kurt,

Glad you like it. I appreciate it.

That one is fitted to me. I’ll make you one. For the best fit, use a ribbon of paper. Put it around your wrist and overlap. Snip thru both pieces with scissors. Measure that and you have the true diameter of your wrist. When that is opened and shaped, that is the correct size for a Cuff, and allows for the proper slack. Just give me that measurement.

This Cuff would be $85 plus the Priority Mail Box $9.45 ... Total of $94.45

Ahhh ... ya see that? The post office went up again but Barnes hung in there. Hah.

Kurt, I appreciate it. I’ve always hoped to build a side stream of these unique things I’ve shown. Remember the Expedition Cases, the Slide top Boxes, the belt buckles, all the jewelry items. Thank you for being there each time.

Ok. The shop called and said it’s time .....

Re: New Product - Opinion?
January 18, 2022 06:58PM
Sounds great thanks
I’ll get that dimension soon . Also one other small thing ….
Since I’m right handed can you make the eagle face left ? why me

Oh wait I can just flip the cuff over !! Haha
I’m excited I don’t think I kept an aluminum one either . I’ll bet you don’t even know it’s there it’s so light weight.
Do you plan on anodizing any of those too ? Just wondering

Re: New Product - Opinion?
January 18, 2022 09:15PM
I have planned to Anodize. Haven’t figured a cost. It has to be worth it. It’s a lot of fiddle and time watching. As well as proper temperatures and maintaining the chemicals. So I’ll think that thru, but don’t wait for that Bud. I can work the Cuff like this in the slots, I have to dedicate my life when I Anodize.

I’ll prepare a strap and hammer texture and anneal it ...

Thanks Again,


Got another little surprise coming too. Stop back.
Re: New Product - Opinion?
January 19, 2022 12:45PM
That reminds me of a Bald Eagle ! My wife's favorite Raptor. I'll have to see how I can get her wrist dimension so it will be a surprise.
Awesome job with the engraving Gary ! How wide is the band across the head? I'll send you a PM with the wrist length when I can get it.

Thanks , Bob
Re: New Product - Opinion?
January 19, 2022 02:11PM
Thanks Bob!

If you want a surprise, take note if she wears a Cuff you could measure. Or ... I could make it sized for Kelly. That would most likely be correct.

I’m glad you like it. This one is 1 1/8” at widest point. I could get that 1/8” off there and narrow the wrist band sections if you wanted an optical slimming for a lady.

I’ll send you Kelly’s email addy for PayPal if you’d like.

Thank you very much. These things help me a lot while I’m working on larger/longer running projects.


I’ll make the hammered band portion for yours and Kurt’s Cuffs this evening. Then profile sand in another session tomorrow. Coin and Polish in third session. Bend to shape, clean, and sign to finish. Have them over a few days.
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