Remember any of these?
December 20, 2008 06:24PM

The 45 Nebula. Around about 1997.


The first 56 caliber Expedition. I won the Mich. big bore shoot with this in 99. Still have the target in my office. take a bow


The horizontal fluted hammer wing of the 56 Expedition


And, a tin of Gary's special brand Wooly Mammoth 56 slugs. whistling
Re: Remember any of these?
December 20, 2008 06:38PM
LOL! That pellet tin is awesome. Oh, pretty guns too...spinning smiley sticking its tongue out
Re: Remember any of these?
January 21, 2009 05:21PM
i stand corrected , as per previous post , not a savana , it was that nebula ,,,
Re: Remember any of these?
January 21, 2009 05:26PM
Hey ... will you stand still! I've been chasing you thru the whole site! haha.

Yeah - that was a fun gun. Everybody liked it at the time.

Somebody finally bought that and painted it zebra stripe black and white. I have a pic somewhere. This was an early 45 caliber.

Anonymous User
Re: Remember any of these?
August 17, 2010 09:15PM
That wood was amazing, i can't understand why they would change it. Just my opinion.db.
Re: Remember any of these?
March 20, 2013 07:39PM
Hey Gary,
got any extra parts left over for one of those dandy .56 Expeditions?
I can only dream, eh?
Re: Remember any of these?
March 20, 2013 09:02PM
Hi Karl,

I've got parts for everything. I'm dreaming too. If I can't soon get back to work I'm gonna bust.

That was a neat gun ... one of one. I've done THAT too many times. I need some slightly longer production runs.

Thanks Karl, Glad your Yukon is still doing well!

Re: Remember any of these?
September 06, 2013 08:36PM
I remember all those. reminds me of when I first found Gary's "old" site and all the stuff he had posted. Good stuff. Wish now I had saved it all.
Re: Remember any of these?
July 26, 2018 02:08PM
My .32 cal Heritage pistol is still going strong all these years later!

It was great work then and it's still great work now!

Re: Remember any of these?
August 10, 2018 06:14PM
Thanks Charles!

Very nice to hear!!!

So glad. Thanks for reporting on it, and for enjoying it!

I need to make some more of those!

Re: Remember any of these?
August 13, 2018 06:00PM
You're most welcome Gary!

It's a superb design that's accurate, easy to charge, (only 2000psi working pressure for those readers not familiar with the specifics) Gives a very decent shot count of 5 shots off of a single charge, and puts up very respectable energy to boot! (~750 ft/sec with a 50 grain 32 cal roundball)

Who wouldn't be interested in having more of these around? ;-)

All the best right back at you Gary!

Hope you start getting some breaks with the health issues too!
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