Pics from Snow Day Shoot
November 02, 2011 12:12AM
More pics from Saturday when Jerry and I went shooting.


The War Wagon has gotten pretty plush. A pc. at a time. We had heat and fresh coffee. Light, power, cabinets full of "stuff", shooting bench, wind break, awning for rain and snow. thumbs up


Targets were a bit of a challange. You had to shoot the snow off of them as you shot groups, etc.


A pic from my iPhone, of Jerry with his Droid ... showing the range on his screen. whistling


From the other end. Lovely Day.


We sat clay birds out on small snow mounds, from about 65-130 yards. Fun plinking. The 62 would just make them "disappear!" The Woodsman's 32 insert would neatly take the center out and leave an outer ring standing. ;?)


After we "took Frostie out" ... bad dude ... we were left with this symetrical halo telling on us! Ah ... what happened here? whistling


After I shot one group, Jerry was laughing at the rooster tail of mud being created as the slug continued on it's way up the hill. He kneels here beside the trench created by one group.


Jerry and Woodsman with the 32 Insert in place.

smileys with beer

Re: Pics from Snow Day Shoot
November 02, 2011 12:41AM
nice. some guy's have all the fun. when are you gonna take the "war wagon" on tour?
Re: Pics from Snow Day Shoot
November 02, 2011 01:11AM
Ah ... I did! Remember the 2010 Mississippi Cajun Cup Tour!

I found I had to let all the "Roadies" go though. They weren't much help .... in fact ... we must have gotten seperated on the road ... they never showed up in Miss. hahah.

Check Ticket Master for our next Tour! on the phone

Re: Pics from Snow Day Shoot
November 02, 2011 01:13AM
Look closely on the range pic ... and you will find the backs of the clay birds set, at random, all over the field.


Re: Pics from Snow Day Shoot
November 02, 2011 01:46AM
Hi Gary,

Nice pictures. It looks so peaceful and so white and so cold and so white and so cold and…

I’m glad that you had the courage to go out and shoot on a not so friendly weather. That’s the spirit!

Re: Pics from Snow Day Shoot
November 02, 2011 02:33AM
Thanks Julio.

That's right. We're not Chicken! surprised. Haha

We're trying to keep up with you bud. But we couldn't afford all those new buckets. Hehe. We had to shoot at snowmen.

Thanks for your comment. Snowman

Re: Pics from Snow Day Shoot
November 02, 2011 04:51AM
Awesome shooting and pics you too. That "trench" pic is awesome. I get a kick out of seeing trenches left in the ground after a target massacre. Those trenches have helped me quite a few time to know where my gun is shooting when i can't see POI out of the scope. Just walk down range center of target and VOILA...."yep, i'm shooting to the right and high"

Nice you 2
Re: Pics from Snow Day Shoot
November 03, 2011 07:09AM
Looks like you had fun despite the weather! A lesson to us all to get out ther despite it...
Re: Pics from Snow Day Shoot
November 04, 2011 03:13PM
Great set of pictures. Looks like you guys were just plain having fun, even with the snow. It's sets like this, and allot of Julio's etc... that really make me want to get out and shoot.
Anonymous User
Re: Pics from Snow Day Shoot
January 13, 2012 01:46AM
That Woodsman look,s very nice Jerry.
Re: Pics from Snow Day Shoot
January 31, 2015 04:58PM
Remember this BPS man?
Re: Pics from Snow Day Shoot
January 31, 2015 09:48PM
Excellent memory Jerry. I miss the Saturday shoots. The War Wagon sits idle. Waiting for some collector to purchase it for his collection. Ah ... 53 Corvette, 641/2 Mustang, 66 Shelby Cobra, BPN War Wagon ...

Those were the days when Men were Men, Jerry. They filled their guns with AIR. They took they Outside. Back then, we had digital cameras. It was the Age Of Giants!

Who knew then, that the world was balanced on "my" shoulders? I was "Atlas???" And, in moving; there was a rip in the fabric of human airgun forum history. Who knew? Can't be. Surely others shoot airguns from trailers, in Winter weather? Snowman

What do men do today? Surely someone will step forward.


But I digress. winking smiley

Yeah, I remember. Great Fun. smileys with beer


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/01/2015 02:07AM by barnespneumatic.
Re: Pics from Snow Day Shoot
February 01, 2015 03:54PM
Amazing to see the "trench". That is a great visualization of the power the guns dish out. For some reason Civil War maxiball popped into my mind.

Re: Pics from Snow Day Shoot
February 02, 2015 09:18PM

Good memories. I remember the 2010 shoot in MS. It was a great time. We should do something like that again someday.

Re: Pics from Snow Day Shoot
February 03, 2015 12:18AM
Thank you Karl!

I agree. Great memories.

Always my desire. Honestly - while it comes up often, it's not my intention to endlessly bemoan lack of participation. Practical reality though, does suggest that I can't organize and process an entire group of activities. I've always wished a few more folks were able to step forward and host weekends, seminars, teaching sessions, hunts, you know ... Pretty much anything such as exists in other hobby/activities. It just hasn't jelled.

I have the designs, accuracy, power, public speaking, demonstrating, reactive targets, trailers, and a few more things covered. Need a go getter/producer type that just materializes in most groups.

I'd like to point out that I think it will be a bust, one day; to realize ... Gee ... The old Coot was right here - available to speak to personally - and now here we are picking through old forum posts to remember his work. Man, the plans I had envisioned for the Standing Stone Airgun Festivals were Epic. Just couldn't get more then 200 to come over three days. You get 50,000 for a Chili Cook Off in a small town. It's all in the Production/Producer. You don't usually see the Performers building the Arena and parking the cars. I did - still didn't take off.

Some good memories in there though. And I still have literal tons of reactive steel targets.

Re: Pics from Snow Day Shoot
February 04, 2015 01:31AM
Gary, I hear you. I don't know the answer, but maybe someone else does.

Re: Pics from Snow Day Shoot
February 04, 2015 02:16AM
Ah shucks Karl ... I went out this morning and had fliers printed for a big shoot at your place! Well, I'll save them - we can change the dates for next year ... nowthatIthink.

Re: Pics from Snow Day Shoot
February 04, 2015 08:55PM
Gary, not sure if my neighbors would approve the lead flying by their homes...but maybe we can convince them they are very small drones! Take care and pass along my good wishes to your lovely wife.

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