Opinions - Geeks Wanted
July 29, 2015 07:23PM
Kelly and I have used iPhone 4 (both) forever. Loved the usage. They WERE working fine. Until Apple (May the Gigabyte of Fleas infest their armpits), began to make them useless. For Kelly, she got down to 3 pictures on her phone, and STILL cannot take a new pic. Her texts now arrive - eventually - via iCloud. Her phone wants to make an "Update" and says it needs 3.8 GIGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! To do it!!!!!! Her phone was built to have a total if 6.3 GIGS capacity.

Mine is now slower than Moses (and he is dead). It wants to make the same tiny update. 3.8 Gigs

Everybody I ask casually tells me "well, they want you to buy a new phone", to which I respectfully respond ... "Screw 'em!!!!" I bought this. It has worked. Does work. DID work. Now it has all sorts of intermittent issues.

How would you like it if you opened your closet, moved your suits, tripped the sliding panel, entered the code, rode the elevator down seventeen floors, used your card, looked into the scanner, stood back so the spray of poison darts passed, got in the golf cart, rode to the airgun locker, entered the code, moved out of the way of the swinging pendulum blade, chose an airgun .... And now the pellets no longer fit. The air quick full was mismatched. The bolt now locked in the up position. Half the time the hammer wouldn't fire, etc., etc. .......

Certainly doesnt make me desire to buy another Apple!!!!

Have had several tell me this was happening. Kelly spent some time with a phone store rep and her phone. He was baffled. I figured I'd ask for the wisdom of the forum. Come on now guys. Don't let me down. Surely you can talk about phones. What do you know. Do I have satisfying options or is this just one more place where we are just sheep waiting in line. Like healthcare.

Re: Opinions - Geeks Wanted
July 29, 2015 08:14PM
Huh ......
Well I know that when I would delete stuff off my I phone , it would come back ! Even if I delete and junk and trash ! And repeat , till I went to backup on iCloud and re delete . Maybe you could get them off the cloud / save or move to free up space in both phones . But ..... You probably tried already and believe me I'm probably the LAST person to give advice on tech stuff . I've been stuck in iPhone pergetory! Google it and check it out !! Did you wiggle the blue wire and change battery? Nebula fluid could be low.

Re: Opinions - Geeks Wanted
July 29, 2015 09:06PM
Thanks Kurt!

BLUE wire!!! I wiggled the RED wire!!! See, that's why I asked here.

Sincerely ... I know there is the super secret command button that is supposed to return the phone to its Original Condition. Anybody know if that sounds viable? If she'd SYNC it again, and then hit the button .... When she'd re-sync, would it rid the excess or just restore the mess to the way it is now?

Common guys ... You all have phones. Who untangles the knots for you? Honestly ... Yeah - it's Gary ... but we have had the biggest messes at the phone stores. I'd like to have as much info. as I can before I fight them again.


Thanks Kurt!
Hey - how often do I varnish this Oak case - and ... dies the crank poke your hip when welding? .....

Re: Opinions - Geeks Wanted
July 30, 2015 12:33AM
Gary, this web site offers good suggestions to see if you can get the iphone 4 to perform better.


Typing "iphone 4 performance tips" into google or another search tool brings up some other links that have some useful suggestions.

Re: Opinions - Geeks Wanted
July 30, 2015 02:34AM
Many Thanks Will. I appreciate it. We will research. Thank you.

Re: Opinions - Geeks Wanted
July 30, 2015 09:19AM
Hi Gary,
You know I am so backward that I don't even have a smart phone. Also, every Apple fan I know has always been in the "I can't wait to buy the new one" line, so I don't hear them complain. I bet every manufacturer wishes they had THAT market! Good luck with all of that!
Re: Opinions - Geeks Wanted
July 30, 2015 03:00PM
Hi Jeff,

The "Gaming", "Streaming", "FaceTime", and the hundred Aps to tell me where the nearest shop selling Jimmy Dean sausage .... I'm a disappointment ... Don't need it. But I want my phone, text, camera, photoshop, Internet, couple things like MapQuest. Wish they didnt just "improve" everything to a state of uselessness. Really? A 3.8 Gig Update????

Thanks Jeff,
Re: Opinions - Geeks Wanted
July 30, 2015 08:28PM
I'll ask my friend, he knows his mobile phones, will be back with an answer on the weekend. Tell me what you want to do with your phone (you want to update, reset back to factory, backup all the data or move all the data to a new Apple or other phone), I 'll get you some help smiling smiley
Re: Opinions - Geeks Wanted
July 30, 2015 08:31PM
Hi Rugar,

I'd like to know if it is true that Apple is making a point of NOT supporting the older phones any longer. Is this the cause for oddball intermittent problems that never existed before? Texts that disappear. Texts that indicate they went, then show up later with a red exclamation point indicating they did NOT send. Texts that are delivered two hours after being sent and indicating so. Now, with Kelly's phone, it indicates that it is full. Yet she has almost no Aps on it. Used it for browsing net just for a question. Now has only 3 pics on it. So; what is it full from. Hard to imagine that her strings of texts alone have filled it. AND - both phones want to load updates which are 3.8 Gigs!!! Her phone was issued with 6.3 Gigs total. An absurd update to an iPhone 4. 60% of its memory for an update ?? Mine is 13 and change Gigs. Mine was once replaced and I must have ended up with a bigger memory. Hers is actually a couple of years newer.

Point is - the phones do all we want. I do 98% of business with mine. Pics, processing, website, text, maps, research. I'm not a gamer. I don't want to carry a phone book sized phone. However; it seems (and we've been repeatedly told) that we are being forced out.

What do you think?


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/30/2015 08:42PM by barnespneumatic.
Re: Opinions - Geeks Wanted
July 31, 2015 03:35AM

One other piece of information. Our phones are on Verizon as a carrier. Just yesterday, I realized our Direct TV Satalite Logo now says "Direct TV, part of the ATand T Family or something like that. I know that some regions work well for certain carriers and not others. When I was in Texas a few years back - might as well have left my Verizon phone home ... AT&T only out there then.

Today on radio, I caught some mention of an AT&T merger. Question, if AT&T is now dominate around here, would it be re-routing our texts or delaying them, etc.? Wouldn't think Verizon packed up and left, but who knows what changes do.

Re: Opinions - Geeks Wanted
July 30, 2015 09:33PM
Are they texts or iMessage? That's the purgatory I was talking about . From what I learned , droids ( text messages) iPhones ( iMessages) don't like to play well . iMessages are free to each other and they are squeezing out droid texts or sending or not sending WHENEVER they( iPhone ) chose to. I turned off iMessages to my droid peeps and they started getting them regular.Before that they were very random in receiving and sending . I think texts are blue cloud and iMessage is green cloud . I use my phone also for a lot of immediate work related issues . People trying to contact me couldn't get in touch but I was able AND available.
That might be some of what your experiencing . I think I even got an iMessage from an email address !
Hope you get it sorted out .

Re: Opinions - Geeks Wanted
July 30, 2015 10:15PM
May be onto something there.

Odd thing is Kelly's text messages to her PHONE # no longer works. If I get anything, it comes in as an iCloud address. Odd. And, it's much slower.

Yes - you hear from another IPhone, the bubble is blue. Any other phone, the bubble is green. When I send to her iCloud address, it's blue.

Re: Opinions - Geeks Wanted
July 31, 2015 04:54PM
Yep Gary, I'm stuck here on earth with my feet firmly on shifting Georgia sand and have no access to any cloud what-so-ever, be it blue or green, that I know of. I really don't know it I am behind or ahead of the curve. I can call and text, and I can email. As to owning an app I'm stuck with a Suunto Compass (as far as I know)...
Good luck with it all!
Re: Opinions - Geeks Wanted
July 31, 2015 09:42PM
Its true Apple started to drop support for Iphones below model 4s. 4s being the last to be able to get the Ios 9 operating system update (coming this fall). As you also can read here every update to a new of Ios made your phone slower [www.extremetech.com], but that should change with Ios 9.

1. Option
Looks like it could be a weak mobile phone signal that is used for voice and text transfer. Instead it uses the data signal (4g, LTE, UMTS or even Edge or what ever it is called) for transmitting text to your and Kelly phone (that would explain the cloud address in the texts and the delay).

2. Option compatibility issues in the text software used on the Iphones (old to new version compatibility).

3. Option it needs to set up again or updated (making a full backup data on Itunes or to Icloud, then updating via Itunes, restoring the backuped data back to the phone) - and then it will maybe behave normaly.

Im gonna look into the fullness of Kelly phone tomorrow.
Re: Opinions - Geeks Wanted
July 31, 2015 10:13PM

I appreciate your efforts very much. Thank you,

I guess it is the way of the world. We shall upgrade. Do not spend any more time. We appreciate your information. It makes sense to us in regards to our own study.

Hey - can you believe my computer just warned me that disk space is running low!!!! It's a conspiracy!!!

Thanks very much,
Re: Opinions - Geeks Wanted
August 01, 2015 12:34PM
No way, guess you have to add either an internal or external drive to your upgrade list (PC or Mac?). In regards to your upgrade, I would have someone form the mobile phone company come out there and measure the signal strength, its really no use of upgrading the phones if the signal is low in strength. How do you get your internet (by cable tv provider or the phone company)?
Re: Opinions - Geeks Wanted
August 01, 2015 03:47PM
Hi Ruger,
We were both long overdue and eligible for new phones. We just went ahead and got them.
Now, we synced Kelly's on her computer, and then synced her new one. Worked fine. Went thru the initial start up. Good to go.
To Sync mine, first bit of fun was my computer telling me that it was dangerously out of memory. So I offloaded 21 Gigs of pictures to an auxiliary hard drive. I also made sure that all of the pics on my phone were backed up on the auxiliary drive. That, however; leaves all the pics still on my phone. Apple does not have a way to dump all pics at once. Not on a 4 anyway.
But, after my iTunes wanted an upgrade, it did appear to sync my old phone again. Now the real fun - when I plug in the new phone, iTunes didn't recognize it. Going thru the Computer's list of drives, the computer didn't recognize it either. Going to the control panel and printers, etc., the phone was listed there as attached ... But listed as "unspecified". No way to Change that that I saw.
Researching, I saw a comment regarding 2.0 and 3.0 USB ports. I wonder if my laptop is so old that it won't have the required ports. I then tried to Sync my phone on Kelly's laptop. But, it busted me saying my phone was synced on another computer. I don't know how (yet) to sync more then one phone per iTunes account. Maybe I need to download another copy ... If it will?
So; it's another total ful life devotion exercise to get it done.
Thanks for following

Re: Opinions - Geeks Wanted
August 01, 2015 05:53PM
Re: Opinions - Geeks Wanted
August 01, 2015 06:05PM
Re: Opinions - Geeks Wanted
August 02, 2015 09:18PM
That is a lot of good info Rugar. Thank you very much. About 40% is over my head, but much was helpful.

thumbs up

Re: Opinions - Geeks Wanted
August 01, 2015 10:22PM
Along with the good (new phones) comes the bad (synching problems). So the yin and yang of it is in perfect balance. Hmm, I bet that doesn't help much?!? Sorry, it's the best this NON techy can do. Hang in there and good luck!
Re: Opinions - Geeks Wanted
August 02, 2015 02:44AM
Hi Guys,
In true Gary fashion, it took five hours with an iPhone tech at the phone place. I showed up with my phone's - old and new. My laptop and power pack as my battery sucks. We had Kelly's laptop and power, and the Aux Drive. Half a mile of cords.
I'm blitzed. Bet the tech is too.
My laptop simply would not recognize my new phone. Tech has no idea why. It's loaded the drivers and iTunes is up to date.
Apple does not have a way (nobody believes it til they try) to select all pics and dump them. So; its choose manually, and dump. After multiple tries to sync my old phone, they all failed. Figured it was due to the vast vol of pics. Eventually, tech's young pregnant wife arrived for dinner break. I worked thru that dumping pics that I had backed to my external drives at home. Once I got rid of 8 to 9 Gigs of pics, the phone would sync with Kelly's laptop. (Sign out Kelly - sign in Gary) via iTunes.
Eventually we were able to sync the new phone to life. Piece of cake. spinning smiley sticking its tongue out
Life today is amazing. We spend the most time on things that didn't exist fifty years ago. I just long to get into the shop to work. It's my reward for coping with the stuff Star Trek never dreamed of. Ha
Re: Opinions - Geeks Wanted
August 02, 2015 08:33AM
I'm sure you are glad it is done. Let's hope it stays that way!
Re: Opinions - Geeks Wanted
August 02, 2015 09:03AM
Im just baffled it was all about the free space on the phone. Happy you got it finally got it to work Gary. Do the text messages arrive as they are supposed to now (not from the icloud)?
Re: Opinions - Geeks Wanted
August 02, 2015 01:54PM
No Rugar,
Something was copied from Kelly's phone to the new one. She has a text to me that has said "Sending" with a progress bar, for two days!!! I've gone in and errased the original text with no effect. I will text the new tech today. He was very friendly and gave me his #
Thks. At least I'm back on the grid.
Re: Opinions - Geeks Wanted
August 02, 2015 06:22PM
Keep us posted, im really interested in what is/was the cause of this mystery texts.nerd
Re: Opinions - Geeks Wanted
August 04, 2015 05:07PM

I am getting to the same point with iphone. Phone seems to be slower and slower. When I want to make a call at times, I have to turn it off/on before it will actually make the call. I have 5S, wife has 4. Both due for upgrades but prices are ridiculous in general. Many coworkers, family are going with the Android based phones. You can changed batteries and add memory easily. I have a Samsung tablet and like it. Wife wants to stay with iphone, but I am really leaning towards a Samsung. Will see.

To many gadgets. I still prefer a laptop where I can see all my files, easily transfer everything. But size is a factor. Saw a program over weekend, people are becoming digital hoarders (ie 30,000 pictures) Addicted to social media, disconnected with family, spouses, data junkies etc. Unplugging is not a bad thing!

iphone 6 Plus, seems nice, but pricey. Like the larger screen.

Any thoughts?

Re: Opinions - Geeks Wanted
August 04, 2015 11:59PM
Hi Pedro,

We held out thru 4 generations. But we both got the 6. We both like them very much. I got the 64 Gig so I can horde and grow into whatever comes next. Manage my Robot Shop Helper, etc. Ha. Maybe I'll play/finish my first video game! Who knows.... Doubt I'll last thru 4 more generations - but I'll try!

Camera is very fast. So far, nothing we don't like.

Re: Opinions - Geeks Wanted
August 05, 2015 03:10AM
Awesome! Thanks for sharing how you made out. I am delaying things a little longer. Wait for a few more expenses are complete.

Re: Opinions - Geeks Wanted
August 04, 2015 10:20PM
I've got a Windows phone and while I'm not forced into fail or update mega-gig downloads, it does sometimes reboot for no apparent reason or due to some random set of letters during texting.
Re: Opinions - Geeks Wanted
August 05, 2015 05:23AM
Jerry you found the secret reset codebowing
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