Funeral Travels
October 05, 2015 02:28AM
Saturday morning I received news that my cousins husband passed away. He had a heart attack and died at 47! I lived in the same town for 6 years, was at their wedding and we did much together with other family.

It has really touched me again as to how quickly a life can end. There was no heart disease, no warning signs or ill health. Thankfully he knew the Lord (John 3:16) and have full assurance as to where he is at this time.

I will be leaving Tuesday or Wednesday pending date of funeral. Find out early Monday. Thought I would share as I will need the prayer. In 41 years I haven't really had to deal with someone who I knew well died.

Thanks in advance.

Re: Funeral Travels
October 05, 2015 04:43AM
Hi Pedro,

We can't work for it. We can't deserve it. God the Father seriously wanted to redeem the souls of mankind. Only one thing was precious enough, to him; to pay the debt of mankind's sin. And, that was the life of his only Son. Christ Jesus, who conquered even that death, and rose again. And, we are told that just "accepting the gift" is all he asks in return. I'm glad your friend knew the gift. I know how hard it will be for his family to be without him. I pray they can find strength is knowing his faith took him home.

Strength for you Pedro. You will be of significant comfort to the family.

Gary and Kelly
Re: Funeral Travels
October 05, 2015 09:48AM
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family Pedro . My wifes uncle just died and he lived a full life . They called him uncle bunny because of his large 10 children family . We never understand why or how God chooses , we just have to accept the master plan he has for us all . We always have to be ready and like you said life is short . The lord never gives us more than we can handle and faith will carry you thru . What a friend we have !!!

God bless

Re: Funeral Travels
October 05, 2015 10:24AM
God bless you and your family Pedro, I will add you to my prayer list.
In His name,
Re: Funeral Travels
October 05, 2015 01:39PM

My condolences to you and your family.

Re: Funeral Travels
October 06, 2015 01:37PM
Thanks to each and everyone of you for your prayers and comments. Sitting at the airport now, flight leaves at 9:30am. Willy passed with now warning, not heart troubles that anyone was aware of. Still doesn't feel real and will only get harder once I see family and my cousin, his wife.

Thanks again!

Re: Funeral Travels
October 06, 2015 01:58PM
Hi Pedro,

We have your back, Brother.

Keep in mind, there will be many people who will need your strength. Just your company will mean a lot. The loss will only scar over, with time.

God's Safety and Blessings,

Re: Funeral Travels
October 06, 2015 02:14PM
My dad always said that funerals are not for the person who passed !

God bless

Re: Funeral Travels
October 06, 2015 04:36PM
Very sorry to hear Pedro, find strength in your family, together you will help each other through this difficult time.
Re: Funeral Travels
October 06, 2015 10:00PM
You and yours in my prayers as well...
Re: Funeral Travels - BACK Home
October 12, 2015 04:04PM
Thanks again for all the thoughts and prayers.
Travels went well. Hadn't been to the Southern Ontario area in almost 10 years. I forgot how "busy" the pace is there. Everything is go, go, go...

Made it to cousins by 4pm and got ready for the viewing. Went there for 6 pm. From 7 till 9 was a steady flow of people. Willy had such an impact on so many people on it was very noticeable by the turn out of people. We still do not know why he died suddenly and may take a few weeks to get the results of the autopsy. 47 is to young to die for no apparent reason.

Day of the funeral was rough. Their Pastor had an excellent message and was a great comfort to hear of their faith.

Spent the next two days catching up with family and was rather busy. Got to know my cousin's children a little and had so much fun with them. They have 3 adopted kids, 11, 7, 6. Busy kids and will be hard for her to raise them by herself.

Now back to life here in Manitoba. Awesome day yesterday, but cold and rain today. Winter approaches.

Thanks again!

Re: Funeral Travels - BACK Home
October 12, 2015 04:28PM
Grateful for your safe return.

Keep in touch with her. Most folks will forget about her as time goes by. She'll need support after the shock wears down some.

God Bless,
Re: Funeral Travels
October 12, 2015 06:30PM
Hi Pedro,
I'm glad it went well. Gary's words are way to true. Hang in there!
Re: Funeral Travels
October 13, 2015 09:08PM
Glad you're back safe at home. I'll second Garys advice to keep in touch with your cousin. Even just a phone call can help on a rough day.
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