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Re: UPDATE: this morning's appt.

UPDATE: this morning's appt.
July 07, 2016 07:15PM
One of my Specialists. Regarding Chronic, Severe Neck pain.

Good news is that I don't "yet" have burning, tingling in my hands.

Condition, very painful left turn of head. (No NASCAR Driving). Very painful lift of head. (Obvious Fat Head Jokes were Correct). Causing headaches and grinding down last nerve.

Next Step: Cervical MRI - scheduling.

Then consultation. Possible neck replacement.

Re: UPDATE: this morning's appt.
July 08, 2016 10:03PM
What a bummer bout the neck problems. I do understand about the tingling and numbness also . At least you know what it is now its just a matter of how long can you put it off ! You'll know too . There are some good doctors out there with a lot of new advances . I pray you find one soon .

Re: UPDATE: this morning's appt.
July 08, 2016 10:38PM
Hi Kurt,


All the Docs are going a good job. I had to go to this Doc for a regularly scheduled appt. Then, because the pain is so severe, we proceeded to consider breaking up my lumbar treatment from my cervical treatment. Either of two Docs "could" do both - but the need is more immediate now on the neck. The MRI would be a pre-lim. for either Surgery Center.

It all depends upon the nature of the damage. Must see if my double cervical fusion from 2001 is holding, or if the mechanics of that have failed. Maybe I can get by with neck injections. I hope so.


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/08/2016 10:41PM by barnespneumatic.
Re: UPDATE: this morning's appt.
July 09, 2016 04:32PM
Hi Gary,
Err! Neither sounds pleasant. Hopefully the less invasive will work best. Feel better soon and heal fast.
God bless you,
Re: UPDATE: this morning's appt.
July 11, 2016 02:18PM
Gary :

My thoughts and prayers are with you. I hope that whatever the issue is, it's able to be handled quickly.

God bless,

Re: UPDATE: this morning's appt.
July 11, 2016 10:50PM
Thank you Jeff and Karl,

Hey - the hits just keep on coming! Don't they? Hah!!!

I'm working. Spirit is pretty good (until I run into aggravation). Work doesn't bother me. But aggravating stuff or stupidity .... those pour salt in the wounds.

Example. I have to maintain some degree of civilization here. And, ya can't just find a "little man" to come do everything for an hour here and an hour there. I find that NOBODY works for what I rent my hands for.

So; anyway. Just HAD to do some trimming this am.

1). Start trimmer. (always a joy - oh for the one I bought 35 years ago for $79!!!!!).
2). Rain begins - lightly - within minutes
3). After trimming a few minutes - it spits out the last of the trimmer string
4). WE go "in search of". Kelly wins.
5). I begin to examine this "newish" trimmer head. How's it come apart?
6). No. Not like any from the last 35 years. It's a "Fifth Degree Master Level" Puzzle Box.
7). How do you wrap cord??????? I stare and consider for sooooome time. And I have a somewhat creative mind. Hummm
8). No markings. No pictographs. Not even a lousy arrow for string wrap direction.
9). Obscure black letters on a black plastic object. I go to the Net on my phone. Ah - numbers are the type of plastic. Great.
10). Take a break to exercise vocabulary skills ... I call for fleas to infest the armpits of the design engineers .....
11). I begin typing random phrases into search engine. "Miserable Husquavarnah String Spool!!!"
12). Hey!!! Is THAT like this one????? We watch a utube movie. NOPE. Was nice lighting though. Music was good. Plot a bit thin ....
13). Try again. Guy that DOES have the right one has made a feature length movie with intermission!!!! Fiiiiiannnnlllly get the key info.
14). Load the string thing. Fumble it all back together.
15). The break in the rain is now turning to thunder. Yay
16). Trimmer will NOT restart.
17-23). Trimmer will STILL not start. Remove plug. Clean. Blow it out. Clean air filter. Wave Chicken over device. Cry a little ... Not much!
24). I'm mildly unhappy. It's raining now. Thundering pretty steadily. No - don't shake head .... NECK!!!!!
25). I check the On/Off toggle switch for the twenty-third time. OFF. ........ BUTTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!! It's SPRING LOADED TO RETURN TO default ONNNNNN!!!!!! Anytime you push it, it springs back to On. It's made that way! I usually just choke it off and don't even use the switch. But I did when I told Kelly we needed string ..... DON'T SHAKE HEAD!!!
26). Toggle switch NO LONGER springs back to ON by default. .........broken return......... "Fascinating".
27). Push to ON. Start trimmer
28). Steady rain now. Thunder. Lightening here and there. HA!!!! IS THAT ALL YA GOT?????!!!! I trim.
29). I trim as the Orchestra plays - "The Ride of the Valkeries!!" "TRIM LIKE THE WIND, OLD MAN!!! TRIM!!!!
30). I complete my targeted section with lightening bolts bursting trees to flame around me. The Air smells of Ozone. I AM - TRIMMERMAN!!!! chainsaw. Bwhaahhahhaa!!!

I squish into the laundry room, soaked to the bone. Happy as a Wet Cat. When I emerge from my shower (during which the house lights go on and off) ...... I emerge - and the storm has ended. Time to go to work. Cough.

Some of that was aggravating.

Note to readers: if you refrain from working when it's unGodly hot, or bug infested, or raining. Storming or otherwise Apocalyptingggg .... you will NEVER accomplish anything in Florida. God does not WANT people to live in Florida. Should be on the brochure. grinning smiley


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/11/2016 11:14PM by barnespneumatic.
Re: UPDATE: this morning's appt.
July 12, 2016 05:30AM

When you finally get one of those down, they stop making them, it's a marketing strategy. All of these company have been quietly purchased by the SEIU's Lawn Maintenance Division.

Re: UPDATE: this morning's appt.
July 12, 2016 12:31PM
That explains a lot, Lon .....
Re: UPDATE: this morning's appt.
July 12, 2016 12:56AM
As someone that has lived in the Midwest for 30+ years ......At least you don't have to shovel the rain off in winter. I worked in the south for 2 years and found out why work is slow in summer. Its a killer..heat AND humidity. Just remember the State Bird of Wisconsin (northern part of the state) is a 3 in mosquito.

Stay cool and take care, hoping for the best on your neck and all.
Gary L
Re: UPDATE: this morning's appt.
July 12, 2016 03:26AM
Hi Gary,

WHOOOH. A 3" Skeeter. I'll bet you have Paleontologists are looking for Fossil Misquito Tusks there too! Ha

Thanks for the well wish. I'll follow thru on whatever program they set up, based on the MRIs.

Re: UPDATE: this morning's appt.
July 12, 2016 01:04AM
You go getum Gary, ha!
Re: UPDATE: this morning's appt.
July 13, 2016 06:16AM

Glad you did not get hit... But I have a question.. Was that a live or dead chicken you waved over it.. Could have been the problem.

At least after the storm you modem still worked.. Win Win..

Re: UPDATE: this morning's appt.
July 13, 2016 12:58PM
Hi Larry,

It was live until the lightening incinerated it! Hahhhaaaaahhhhhhaaa. Oh .... Poor poor chicky.

We've been turning everything off and unplugging. Giant PIA here in the Land Before Time. Seems the Apocalypse hits every day recently.

thumbs up.

Re: UPDATE: this morning's appt.
July 14, 2016 01:25AM
My wife does most of the trimmer work around here, she has it out for the weeds and it makes her happy to give them a short haircut whenever she gets the chance. That said, we've gone back to a corded electric trimmer. electrified Yes, it's a PITA to drag the cord around, but compared to getting our el-cheapo brand 2-stroke trimmer to both start AND stay running it's the easier option.
Re: UPDATE: this morning's appt.
July 14, 2016 02:00PM
Hi Sean,

God Bless her. She's a keeper.

We went through an electric phase. For us, the cords won. Just too much fun.

We ended up with 2-3 of them. Oddly, the cords were a pain on all of them. Hummm. Go figure. One was really powerful. During the move, we loaded up all manner of great stuff we'd paid a fortune for. We moved three lifetimes worth of stuff, and we'd been talked into a participation in a local Spring tool and machinery Auction. You know the ones where professional leeches line up to rob those who trusted in the Auction House and in the fact that multiple buyers might bid items to reasonable prices. Not so. Those soulless debris happily stand and wink at the Auctioneer who knocks off a $200 item for a dollar bid. I should stop there. That was the nicest thing I had to say about it. Yes, I know you can take the day off and go bid your own stuff against the parasites and buy it back for the auction houses' percentage fee. There's nothing on earth that isn't rigged.

Except Barnes Pneumatic. And some waiting wonder. But I can tell you, if it were rigged, you wouldn't be reading this, and I wouldn't be working in horrible pain. And, honor gets you a footnote in history. The rigged stuff gets you all the rest. Here's to the honorable stupid people. Justice only comes in 87 caliber. thumbs up


Eye appt in 90 minutes
Neck MRI tomorrow.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/14/2016 02:02PM by barnespneumatic.
Re: UPDATE: this morning's appt.
July 20, 2016 09:52PM
Auctions and garage sales are the natural habitat of the particular kind of thief that thinks everything ever made can be bought for a dollar if you just show up at the right place and time.
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