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Re: 46 Nitro Express - First Fire ... Hagan ... NEW PICS

46 Nitro Express - First Fire ... Hagan ... NEW PICS
August 18, 2010 01:46AM
The Hagan 46 Nitro Express had it's "First Fire" Celebration this evening. take a bow

The absolute first shot it ever took was over 490 foot pounds. The target FPE was 500 fpe. It's second shot taken, was 508 foot pounds of energy, by just adding 200 psi. It came in exactly where it was planned to shoot.

Hagan Nitro Express 007.JPG

Hagan Nitro Express 008.JPG

K-8 slug.jpg

The Barnes K-8 slug on the scale.

Hagan Nitro Express 010.JPG

The K-8 thru the Chrono.

Hagan Nitro Express 016.JPG

The Barnes Bishop on the scale.

Hagan Nitro Express 017.JPG

The Barnes Bishop thru the chrono.

Hagan Nitro Express 018.JPG

The page in the shop ledger recording tonight's tests.

And ... the faint of heart don't look ..... repaired thumb follows. Jim ... you've seen this sort of thing before ... don't look Dude! excited

The repaired nasty cut across the side of my thumb tonight. chainsaw Took some time to stop the bleeding. But - pressure and Super Glue ... and then an bit of external reinforcement of cotton string and super glue. I'm good to go ... and we got the gun tested tonight. Ya never quite know what the day is gonna bring. Best to know a few tricks to keep going. haha. Hey - Super Glue is used in the Hospital (Called Derma Bond and costs 100 times as much).

Hagan Nitro Express 005.JPG

Green bowing

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 08/18/2010 03:36PM by barnespneumatic.
Re: 46 Nitro Express - First Fire ... Hagan
August 18, 2010 01:59AM
Jeez . . . I thought we were done with those.

injured (That's you and Jerry carrying me out of the shop).

What . . . no pix or video of the smoke pouring out of the wound? hot smiley That ought to get 'em all talking!!

Oh yeah . . . nice rifle too. That teaser shot of the bottom of the K8 on the scale will drive everyone nuts. google eyes I'm *sure* it wasn't purposefully framed like that. laughing again

-- Jim

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/18/2010 02:01AM by admin.
Re: 46 Nitro Express - First Fire ... Hagan
August 18, 2010 11:25AM
Not only are you creative with the rifle designs, but you are just as creative with you "medical" care! injured
Cotton is not the best material to glue to a wound (risk of infection because the bacteria can grow in the fibers). I thought you had a first aid kit in the shop?

As for the gun, that is some serious energy!excited
Re: 46 Nitro Express - First Fire ... Hagan
August 18, 2010 02:02PM
Hello Scott,

Actually ... the super glue instantly saturates the fibers, turning it into a sort of fiberglass. Pertified - nothing is getting into that. Makes a hard shell cap over the wound that was sealed with superglue first. I can work in a dirty environment. I can scrub my hands with the usualy grit filled hand cleaner. No filthy bandaid every half an hour to change. Years of experience here. When the cap falls off in five days, the healed line WILL look like a plastic surgeon repaired it. Years of expereince ... haha .... spared no expense ... that IS my first aid kit. Green bowing

Re: 46 Nitro Express - First Fire ... Hagan
August 18, 2010 12:46PM
at last ,,,, something your not good at , plastic surgery ,,, pammy anderson wont be signin up i fear
as we say in these parts
a sore fingers a sore thing
but a sore thing isnt a sore finger ,lol
Re: 46 Nitro Express - First Fire ... Hagan
August 18, 2010 02:30PM
I once took care of a fellow who showed up in the ER with the meatgrinder still stuck on his hand...up to the elbow! Not a dermabond case.

A 45 ACP shooting 200 grain .452 bullets at 850 ft/sec ( john browning's original specs) generates 321 ft lbs at the muzzle. They fight wars with that thing.
The Nitro 46 packs a whollop! On air. Not bad for a bb gun.

Re: 46 Nitro Express - First Fire ... Hagan
August 18, 2010 03:00PM
Hello Hugh,

I definitely defer to the experts on all meat grinder cases. winking smiley

Glad you are pleased. It sure does pack a punch. I didn't shoot it more than 3 or 4 shots thru the muzzler. Without a stock, the action is quite a machine to hold onto. I better get to work on that handle for it. ;?)

Re: 46 Nitro Express - First Fire ... Hagan
August 19, 2010 05:33AM

One of my favorite calibers, good choice.thumbs up Don't really have a reason why, it just is.


Re: 46 Nitro Express - First Fire ... Hagan ... NEW PICS
August 18, 2010 03:42PM
Since Hugh (the owner of this pc. BTW)... mentioned A 45 ACP shooting 200 grain .452 bullets at 850 ft/sec ( john browning's original specs) generates 321 ft lbs at the muzzle. I recalled that I had the Barnes Raptor in 46 caliber. It comes in at about 227 grains.

I shot this test this morning for comparison. We're nearly 100 foot pounds beyond the orig. spec. for the 45 ACP here. More weight and faster.

Hagan Nitro Express 001.JPG

Hagan Nitro Express 002.JPG

Hagan Nitro Express 004.JPG

Re: 46 Nitro Express - First Fire ... Hagan ... NEW PICS
August 19, 2010 11:14AM
Another interesting data point, per my MD Hunters Safety class last night: if you want to hunt deer with a handgun in MD, it (the gun, not the deer rudolph ) must make a minimum of 700 foot pounds of energy. Our instructor told us the minimum handgun that can do this is a .357 magnum, which has three available loads that he knows of that will create that much energy.

Just a little more info for comparison. It would be interesting to see if MD will ever open up a big bore season, as they continue to expand the existing seasons and available hunting areas for just about all game. fudd

-- Jim
Re: 46 Nitro Express - First Fire ... Hagan ... NEW PICS
August 19, 2010 02:05PM

Thing is ... as soon as you ask, they'll want to tax it, and regulate it. winking smiley

Re: 46 Nitro Express - First Fire ... Hagan ... NEW PICS
August 19, 2010 04:09PM
Perhaps . . . but wouldn't that be better than no season at all? eye popping smiley

-- Jim
Re: 46 Nitro Express - First Fire ... Hagan ... NEW PICS
August 18, 2010 05:07PM
cool thumb foto !!!!

how did you hurt it?

as far as Dermabond goes, I should add that it is a pretty color, and stings less than regular cyanoacrylate...but it doesn't work as well- haha
Re: 46 Nitro Express - First Fire ... Hagan ... NEW PICS
August 18, 2010 06:16PM
Hello Doc,

I put that pic in for all of you doctors in the audience. Ah ... how did I hurt it? Being stupid. Isn't that the usual way? haha. I needed the barrel clamp completed to test Hugh's Nitro Express. There's a threaded machine screw thru the clamp. I usually thread the threaded side while it's still whole, and in the drill press. Then I cut it in half. Usually, the threaded portion has gone deep enough to be complete. This time, it required a few more threads to complete the threaded side.

I often use the taps in a cordless drill. For repeatative movements back and forth (like tapping) ... it works well. I just do some small stuff hand held, as it allows a bit of "give" and avoids some tool breakage. Well, as it would happen, it all went wrong ... the tap caught, the drill went too fast, and (like a viper) the half of the clamp spun around and struck me a couple of times before I could react. Oddly, it made a slice cut ... deep enough and long enough to probably need a couple of stitches.

Wasn't up for the five hour ordeal ... and I've had several decades of taking care of stuff like this ... "IF" there is no real damage to ligaments, etc. This was just a fleshy area. Pc. of cake. spinning smiley sticking its tongue out I have my thumb pad exposed for dexterity (rather than bandaged) ... and I can wash my hands the normal sixty times a day - scrubbing hard - and all's well. The hard cap is really about bullet proof. See ..... thumbs up

Hahah. I figured this would get far more play than the gun. But ... at least ... we have dialogue. haha. smileys with beer

Re: 46 Nitro Express - First Fire ... Hagan ... NEW PICS
August 18, 2010 06:14PM
Those are impressive figures. Hugh is a lucky man! Looking forward to seeing the completed item.....

Nice finger Garyinjured

Re: 46 Nitro Express - First Fire ... Hagan ... NEW PICS
August 18, 2010 06:18PM
Hello Neil,

Thanks. Yeah - I'm working on the stock. Will be good to get it to the field.

Right ... hey - the finger looks terrible when oversized like the pic. The skin looks like elephant skin or something. My hopes of becoming a hand model are fading. grinning smiley

Re: 46 Nitro Express - First Fire ... Hagan ... NEW PICS
August 18, 2010 09:04PM
ah, yes the old "helicopter clamp" fiasco!

it never happens when you are expecting it, only when there is "no way" for it to happen - hehe

that'll leave a nice chunk out, all right. Looks like a pretty good field dressing to me
Re: 46 Nitro Express - First Fire ... Hagan ... NEW PICS
August 18, 2010 09:43PM
Gee - thanks Doc! nowthatIthink
Re: 46 Nitro Express - First Fire ... Hagan ... NEW PICS
August 19, 2010 07:52AM
Thats great Garry, to attain the target fpe first off.Looking forward to more posts on the progress of this gun.Danny.
Re: 46 Nitro Express - First Fire ... Hagan ... NEW PICS
August 19, 2010 02:03PM
thumbs up

Thanks much.

Re: 46 Nitro Express - First Fire ... Hagan ... NEW PICS
August 19, 2010 08:29PM
its amazing when you put the numbers into real comparisons ,,, and people still turn their noses up and tut , when they say airguns ,,,, tut m oops ,,,lol
Re: 46 Nitro Express - First Fire ... Hagan ... NEW PICS
August 19, 2010 10:13PM
This Nitro Expess is going to be another really nice piece and it's making Magnum power to boot.

I very rarely get people turning up their noses at airguns anymore. Maybe that's because the folks I talk to about them usually first ask me about them when they see a slug on my desk or my computer desktop or a target I've shot. I usually get a "Holy cow!" when I tell them the damage was done with an airgun and then they want to see more. Sometimes I get the "why air?" question but they generally understand the whole otu of the ordinary and collector/hobbiest thing.
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