Some stories later. Coffee and Chair Now. winking smiley
May 27, 2015 02:18AM
Segments later.

I'm fine.

Hey .... Anybody attached to those numbers who read the post on shooting?

Re: Some stories later. Coffee and Chair Now. winking smiley
May 27, 2015 03:39AM
Took me a minute to figure out what you meant. 45 reads, 3 responses! New record? haha

I think it records every hit in the page.
Re: Some stories later. Coffee and Chair Now. winking smiley
May 27, 2015 04:30AM
When I commented, Pedro ..... it had 2 comments. The program records YOUR first post as 1. So; we had YOU posting ... a whole bunch of folks enjoying a good read .... and ME saying hello. I just honestly don't think it's too much to ask .... when someone goes to all the bother to gather Pics, process them, tell a story, and post the whole thing ... don't think it's too much to ask for every 20th reader to say "Hi". I don't give a Rat what the rest of the Internet does. We have had person after person, who have devoted tons of hours to posting really interesting Posts; .... and then .... they just got sick of doing it for nothing. Not even a "Hello". So; they just quit. Bye Bye. And, it's up to me to make the site interesting afterwards ... all by myself.

Every heard of a guy named "Jerry?". How about "Toufaz?" "Julio?", "Kent?". Etc. I know it's easy for readers to just "click" on over to the next, and the next, and the next site. And, behind them ... if the previous sites close down .... well ... there's always more. That's the Net. I don't care for that. It's a throw away world view. And myself and my friends are the throwaways. These people don't "Need" to entertain us, or help me, but they have. We've got people here with walls of Diplomas, and people running the test programs for the nation's most sophisticated weapon's systems .... They don't need to spend hours preparing pictures and materials, and then not even get the tip of a hat. And so ... they decided it wasn't worth the bother ... and quit. Sure - some of the readers miss their posts ... but, I'm the one to take it in the neck. Those were my guns they were showing. My ammo they were testing. Seeing the capabilities of My guns, in their hands, made other people see an interest in my work. I can't start my entire career from scratch - anew - each day. I need my work being seen, in the field, and I can't prepare every shred of entertainment and marketing .

What we've tried to build here is a decent place where you see things that don't exist elsewhere. If people get their fill of "creativity" from seeing someone swap out one scope for another ... then there are more websites then there are for people who make PCP airguns from billet and tubing and WOOD winking smiley. Beyond that ... check the number of sites where they build PCPs from billet .... then carve the stock ... and engrave the action .... and ... make the barrels ... design and make the ammo ..... proof the whole combos .... and (Kurt's favorite - make springs! - hahah).

I'm Hell Bent on not allowing this forum to fail, just because the society, as a whole, has become so generally rude; that they can't recognize when someone has gone out of their way for you. Nobody expects a big ole kiss. Maybe though ... every twenty or 40 could say "Hello".

I appreciate your post. HELLO Pedro.


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/27/2015 04:47AM by barnespneumatic.
Re: Some stories later. Coffee and Chair Now. winking smiley
May 27, 2015 05:16AM
I spent the bulk of the day taking care of medical needs.

I'm pretty certain the Manned Mars Mission will pale in comparison to collecting the Solar System of Professionals required to duplicate the medical support I had in Maryland.

On top of that .... when the Doc today asked for clarification as to what I .... "Do" .... , ....... I mentioned "making pocketknives". stunned Blank Stare. I countered with, "have you had occasion to every hear of Damascus Steel?" ...... What I had taken for a "blank stare", took on an even .... "Blank-ER" stare. Followed by a dismissive readjustment in his chair.

why me

"Makeup!!! ...... I cannot work like this ....." hahahah. Fire the entire Staff ..... I wish to go now ..... whistling

I'll have the 32 done for Steve in a couple of Days. Then, I'll get Kurt's 50 firing. Most of the parts are on the bench.

I'll pull another Ledger Gun ..... and we move on.

I will also begin showing you a few small items for Immediate Sale. I must keep the "entire" juggernaut rumbling forward. Reminded again today .... $1,500/mo. doesn't get me one pill, AND .... Florida's medical requirements evidently change weekly. Goodie. So; We will be having a sale on Five Dollar Bills ASAP ... THREE for ONLY twenty dollars, Plus $7.50 SH. Limit STRICTLY monitored. We can make out those five dollar bills to anyone, payable to BPS ......
Re: Some stories later. Coffee and Chair Now. winking smiley
May 27, 2015 08:08PM
Hello Gary, Still around and still reading your posts. Coupla times a day at least. Must be difficult at times but they are valuable... at least I think so....
Re: Some stories later. Coffee and Chair Now. winking smiley
May 27, 2015 10:32PM
Hi Steve,

Hey - you've picked up that that carved gun .... Is YOURS - right?

Good to hear from ya.

Re: Some stories later. Coffee and Chair Now. winking smiley
May 28, 2015 03:09PM
Oh Yeah
Re: Some stories later. Coffee and Chair Now. winking smiley
May 27, 2015 09:51PM
Hopefully the medical stuff is starting to solidify around a core group of Docs for you...takes awhile to find the right ones sometimes.

coffee and chair is good medicine too....
Re: Some stories later. Coffee and Chair Now. winking smiley
May 28, 2015 03:17PM
While i'm here i thought i'd post a photo of a rolling mill i lent to a friend about 20 years ago. just got it back. Nearly broke my back carrying the damn thing
DSC04057 (200x150).jpg
DSC04058 (200x150).jpg
Re: Some stories later. Coffee and Chair Now. winking smiley
May 28, 2015 03:32PM
20 years!

You need to get rid of that thing!!

Free up bench space for good stuff!!!

I'd send the thing to Florida, if I were you!!!!!!

Get it out of your life!!!!


Just saying .......

Re: Some stories later. Coffee and Chair Now. winking smiley
May 28, 2015 04:13PM
I'm dying to take a roadtrip but don't see it in the near future. I was thinking of a move down south..... maybe a few more years and i'll even throw in a few old wooded clock cases i have hanging from the wall. If your in the area stop in.... i'll even make you a cup of coffee and snack for your ride back. More coffee
Re: Some stories later. Coffee and Chair Now. winking smiley
May 28, 2015 06:43PM
You put my name on it. We'll settle up the particulars. (What kind of cookies, etc.). whistling

I could make a nice Kukoo klock stock ... From those cases. thumbs up

Re: Some stories later. Coffee and Chair Now. winking smiley
May 28, 2015 07:56PM
Ok your names on it. I usually have plenty of stella doros on hand which i like. My wife makes a great Rum cake too.
Re: Some stories later. Coffee and Chair Now. winking smiley
May 28, 2015 08:56PM
I'll be there shortly .... Hehe. wow
Re: Some stories later. Coffee and Chair Now. winking smiley
May 28, 2015 07:05PM
I guess you need a "like" button on your website that works just like Facebook, since hitting that thing as they scroll past is about the only interaction people seem up to these days.Even sadder

Either that, or most of the traffic is actually just robots that forward new postings to the " I might read it but I'll probably just let it pile up till it automatically disappears " que on peoples I-thingies. Who knows?
Re: Some stories later. Coffee and Chair Now. winking smiley
May 30, 2015 01:40PM
I want some cookies, some coffee and a clue about rolling mills!

I hope my demands are not excessive!
Re: Some stories later. Coffee and Chair Now. winking smiley
May 30, 2015 03:54PM
They will be met.

Cash under the usual Park Bench?
Anonymous User
Re: Some stories later. Coffee and Chair Now. winking smiley
May 31, 2015 09:39AM
We are still here Gary. That is part of the problem with the Internet. Everyone is in a hurry to do nothing and have lost touch with reality. Too busy playing video game's and their eye's are locked to the phone instead of having a conversation with the person next to them.
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